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81. SAMIR Data Analysis Analysis of bhaskaraii satellite microwave radiometer data for land based studies,KSRao, BKMohan, PVNarasimharao, RLKarale, and KKNarula, http://www.csre.iitb.ac.in/ksrao/samir.html |
82. Bhaskaracharya bhaskaracharya ii(11141185). bhaskaracharya otherwise known as bhaskara isprobably the most well known mathematician of ancient Indian today. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/India/12thCenturyAD/Bhaskara.html | |
83. ISRO Success Stories bhaskaraI and ii, which were evolved from Aryabhata and carrying remote sensorsin the bhaskara-I was launched in 1979 followed by bhaskara-ii in 1981. http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl1809/18090180.htm | |
84. AllIndianSite.com - Dr.Kasturirangan - It's All About Great People Project Directorbhaskara-ii, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. 1976-80 ProjectDirector-bhaskara-I, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. 1975-76 http://profiles.allindiansite.com/kasturi.html | |
85. ISRO'S Milestones 1982, INSAT1A launched (April 10, 1982). Deactivated on September 6, 1982. 1981.bhaskara-ii launched (November 20, 1981). http://www.isro.org/mileston.htm | |
86. Bio-data Of DR.K.KASTURIRANGAN Project Directorbhaskara-ii, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. 1976-80.Project Director-bhaskara-I, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. 1975-76 http://www.isro.org/krangan/biodata_krangan.htm | |
87. Indian Space Program By Subhajit Ghosh bhaskaraI was the second Indian satellite bhaskara-ii the third which werelaunched from the same soviet cosmodrome mainly for observations on the earth. http://www.boloji.com/computing/012.htm | |
88. Indian National Science Academy Publication An important Astronomical work in the prebhaskara (ii) Period (1981) 280 pp.Rs.45/= US $.15/= Part ii English translation of the astronomical works of http://www.insaindia.org/Publication/historypubli.htm | |
89. Empirical Analysis Of Passive Microwave Observations From Bbaskara-II SAMIR And measurements at 19, 22 and 31 GHz over tropical oceans from the SatelliteMicrowave Radiometer (SAMIR) system onboard the bhaskaraii satellite. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175/1520-0450( |
90. Prof. S. Balasubramaniam S Webpage In bhaskaraii, SAMIR was modified to incorporate the 31 GHz radiometer in additionto the 19 22 GHz radiometers for the determination of liquid water http://discovery.bits-pilani.ac.in/discipline/eee/sb/workex.htm |
91. Prof. S. Balasubramaniam S Webpage SAMIR Payload on bhaskaraI ii satellite, OPN Calla, G.Raju, SS Rana,S.Balasubramanian, bhaskara-ii, OPN Calla, G.Raju, SS Rana, S.Balasubramanian, http://discovery.bits-pilani.ac.in/discipline/eee/sb/publications.htm |
92. K Kasturirangan Project Directorbhaskara-ii, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore; 1979-83 ProjectDirector-IRS-1A, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore; 1980-89 http://www.iisc.ernet.in/nias/kkpro.htm | |
93. TOPCOM, Memorial For Rae Michael Shortt By K.P.S Bhaskara Rao RaeMichael Shortt - A Mathematician in a Hurry. by KPS bhaskara Rao 1 RaeShortt and KPS bhaskara Rao, Borel Spaces ii, Dissertationes Mathematicae http://at.yorku.ca/t/o/p/c/84.htm | |
94. GIS@development June 2004: Remote Sensing In India Evolution And Growth shape of reality with the launch of bhaskaraI on June 7, 1979 and the launchof bhaskara-ii in 1981 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). http://www.gisdevelopment.net/magazine/gisdev/2004/june/remote.shtml | |
95. :: Algosobre :: ii Um fato curioso é que aFórmula de bhaskara não foi descoberta por ele mas pelo matemático hindu http://www.algosobre.com.br/ler.asp?conteudo=413&Titulo=Equações Algébr |
96. Curso De Licenciatura Em Matemática http://www.urcamp.tche.br/matematica/trabalhos/bhaskara.html | |
97. Lexikon Bhaskara bhaskara the teacher . KURZBESCHREIBUNG,indischer Mathematiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 1114 http://lexikon.freenet.de/Bhaskara | |
98. Gacetilla Matematica http://www.arrakis.es/~mcj/ | |
99. Matematici A-C http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/matematici_a_c.html | |
100. SAAG-Forum the author of the great astronomical treatise Sankaranarayaneeyam, BhaskaraII, the author of Lilavati, Bijaganita, Sidhantasiromani, etc, Madhava, http://saag.org/BB/view.asp?msgID=21713 |
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