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61. MSN Encarta - Bhaskara (1114-c. 1160) bhaskara (1114c. 1160), one of the most outstanding of Indian mathematicians.He was a product of the Ujjain school, one of the centres of the http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781532238/Bhaskara_(1114-c_1160).html | |
62. MSN Encarta - Bhaskara (c. 600) bhaskara (c. 600), early Indian mathematician. Further Reading. These sourcesprovide additional information about. bhaskara (c. 600) http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781528754/Bhaskara_(c_600).html | |
63. Perpetual Motion Pioneers (The Movers And Shakers.) Certain The bhaskara Wheel. GIF by HansPeter Gramatke. The first documented perpetualmotion machine was described by the Indian author bhaskara (c. 1159). http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/museum/people/people.htm | |
64. Efficient Micro-mobility Using Intra-domain Multicast-based Mechanisms (M&M) Ganesha bhaskara, University of Southern California 39 Ahmed Helmy , MuhammadJaseemuddin , Ganesha bhaskara, Efficient micromobility using http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=774759 |
65. Bhaskara Auditorium - FullHYD Venue Profiles bhaskara Auditorium doesn t have a profile at this time. Please bear with us forthe inconvenience. The list of events scheduled at this time, if any, http://www.fullhyderabad.com/scripts/profiles.php3?section=CulturalVenues&name=B |
66. Information Page - Bhaskara Sarma The Software Contractors Guild is an organization of Software Contractors andConsultants offering services world wide. http://www.scguild.com/Resume/5889I.html | |
67. ICMB | Details bhaskara, Venugopal. Email venu@mail.utexas.edu. Main Office MBB 2.448 Phone232-7803. Page last modified 5/11/2005 104945 AM CST http://www.icmb.utexas.edu/directory/details.asp?id=1452 |
68. Mathematics - Bhaskara's Proof Although this proof was known to the ancient Chinese, it is generally associatedwith a twelfth century Indian mathematician, bhaskara. http://www.aurora.edu/mathematics/bhaskara.htm | |
69. Bhanu Dr. Bhaskara S Profile Batchmates.com, A FREE Reunion Site First Name, Bhanu Dr. Last Name, bhaskara. Nick Name, DoB, 14 Aug 1958. City,Sungai Petani, State, Kedah. Country, Malaysia http://ismdhanbad.batchmates.com/member/persondetail.asp?buddycode=814617 |
70. CTSNet Member Homepage, Jain Pillai Jain bhaskara Pillai. Title, FRCS(CTh)UK. Institution, Freeman Hospital NHSTrust. E-mail. Mail, High Heaton Newcastle, NE7 7DN United Kingdom http://www.ctsnet.org/home/pjain | |
71. Physician Physician Name, Nagaraja Gupta bhaskara, MD. Address, 3647 Camino HermanosLancaster,California 93536. License Number, 143019. License Type, MD http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/0/85d585bd9908021a85256fd3006c454 |
72. Indian Space Program bhaskara 1 (First Indian low orbit Earth Observation Satellite) Launched on 7thJune 1979 bhaskara 2 - Launched on 20 November 1981 from Kapustin Yar. http://www.geocities.com/indian_space_story/bhaskara.html | |
73. Bhaskara-raya (1690-1785) Is The Unquestioned Authority For All Questions Pertai The Hindu religious world owes a lot to bhaskararaya for his writings on Many a miracle in the life of bhaskara-raya substantiate the fact of these http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/2952/gohitvip/52bhaskara.html | |
74. Bhaskara R. Jasti - Author Index - Begell House Inc. bhaskara R. Jasti. bjasti@pacific.edu TJL School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,University of the Pacific, Stockton, California, USA http://www.begellhouse.com/authors/199083f2035a0301.html | |
75. Modified Continuous Loop Technique For Microvascular Anastomosis,Kumar Pramod, B Kumar Pramod, bhaskara KG, Thomas PC Department of Plastic Surgery, KasturbaMedical College, Manipal 576 119, Karnataka, India. Correspondence Address http://www.ijps.org/article.asp?issn=0970-0358;year=2001;volume=34;issue=2;spage |
76. Read About Bhaskara At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Bhaskara And Learn Ab bhaskara. Everything you wanted to know about bhaskara but had no clue how tofind it.. Learn about bhaskara here! http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/Bhaskara | |
77. Identity Uncertainty And Citation Matching - Pasula, Marthi, Milch Hanna Pasula, bhaskara Marthi, Brian Milch, Stuart Russell, Ilya Shpitser. Models for Information Extraction bhaskara Marthi Computer (2003) (Correct) http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/pasula02identity.html |
78. First-Order Probabilistic Models For Information Extraction bhaskara Marthi Computer Science Div. University of California Berkeley, CA 0.4 Identity Uncertainty and Citation Matching Hanna Pasula bhaskara http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/619286.html |
79. Bhaskara Marthi bhaskara Marthi. I am a PhD student at UC Berkeley working with Stuart Russell.I am interested in complex firstorder probabilistic models, http://kdl.cs.umass.edu/srl2003/BhaskaraMarthi.html | |
80. Thoracic Complications Of Nasogastric Tube: Review Of Safe Practice -- Bhaskara PDF version of bhaskara Pillai et al. Articles by bhaskara Pillai, J.Articles by Brister, S. Related Collections. Esophagus other http://icvts.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/rapidpdfsidebar/icvts.2005.109488v1?&framese |
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