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41. Sadguru Sri Nannagaru Ramana bhaskara Audios Videos Articles Photos Scheduler Information.Ramana bhaskara (Telugu Spiritual Fortnight Magazine) http://www.srinannagaru.com/rb.htm | |
42. Sadguru Sri Nannagaru Home Ramana bhaskara Audios Videos Books Teachings Arunachala Diary Scheduler Photos Information Links. Ramana bhaskara http://www.srinannagaru.com/ramanabhaskara.html | |
43. Bhaskara-Brouncker Algorithm For Finding Square Roots bhaskaraBrouncker Algorithm. The bhaskara-Brouncker Algorithm gives successiveapproximations of vQ as ai/bi, where a0 = b0 = 1, and ai+1 = ai + biQ http://www.mathpath.org/Algor/algor.bhaskara.brouncker.htm | |
44. Graph Theory White Pages Siddani Bhaskara Rao www.graphtheory.com graph theory white pages Rao, Siddani bhaskara. http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/Rao.SB.html | |
45. Graph Theory White Pages Rao, S. Bhaskara www.graphtheory.com graph theory white pages Rao, S. bhaskara. http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/random.cgi?Rao, S. Bhask |
46. TSE - Bhaskara 1 bhaskara 1. General. Designation, 11392 / 79051A. Launch date, 7 Jun 1979.Country of origin India Mission Remote sensing. Perigee/Apogee, 394/399 km http://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/sat_bhaskara_1.html |
47. TSE - Bhaskara 2 bhaskara 2. General. Designation, 12968 / 81115A. Launch date, 20 Nov 1981.Country of origin India Mission Remote sensing. Perigee/Apogee, 541/557 km http://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/sat_bhaskara_2.html |
48. Bhaskara A selection of articles related to bhaskara. (See also bhaskara , Hinduism,Body Mind and Soul). For more dictionary entries, see » bhaskara Dictionary http://www.experiencefestival.com/bhaskara | |
49. Bhaskara: Hindu - Hinduism Dictionary On Bhaskara bhaskara n (Sanskrit) Philosopher (ca 950). His bhaskarabhashya, a commentaryon the Brahma Sutras, was the first elaborate criticism of Shankara s http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Bhaskara/id/58629 | |
50. TOPCOM, Memorial For Rae Michael Shortt By K.P.S Bhaskara Rao RaeMichael Shortt - A Mathematician in a Hurry. by KPS bhaskara Rao 1 RaeShortt and KPS bhaskara Rao, Borel Spaces II, Dissertationes Mathematicae http://at.yorku.ca/t/o/p/c/84.htm | |
51. Bhaskara - India And Earth Observation Systems GlobalSecurity.org is the leading source for reliable space news and spaceinformation, directed by John Pike. http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/world/india/bhaskara.htm | |
52. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Bhaskara@ HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition bhaskara@ HighBeam Research. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:Bhaskara |
53. DBLP: Ganesha Bhaskara Ganesha bhaskara. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 3, EE Fan Bai, Ganesha bhaskara, Ahmed Helmy Building the blocks of http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/b/Bhaskara:Ganesha.htm | |
54. DBLP: Bhaskara Reddy Moole 2003. 1, bhaskara Reddy Moole, Marco Valtorta Causal Explanation with BackgroundKnowledge. IICAI 2003 843856. Coauthor Index. 1, Marco Valtorta, 1 2 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/m/Moole:Bhaskara_Reddy | |
55. LKML: Bhaskara: Re: Mouse Still Losing Sync And Thus Jumping Around From, bhaskara . Subject, Re mouse still losing sync and thus jumping around. On Monday 13 June 2005 1659, bhaskara wrote On 200502-23 http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/6/13/278 | |
56. LKML: Bhaskara: Re: Mouse Still Losing Sync And Thus Jumping Around Date, Mon, 13 Jun 2005 145901 0700 (PDT). From, bhaskara . Subject, Remouse still losing sync and thus jumping around http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/6/13/243 | |
57. Bhaskara Reddy .Poluru http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~poluru/ |
58. WARFT Cutting Edge Research However, bhaskara managed to show that zero ÷ zero is actually infinity. The bhaskara group specializes in low power architecture design and in http://www.warftindia.org/research.asp?id=BHASKARA |
59. COMNAP - About COMNAP - Contact Details - T.V.P. Bhaskara Rao The following contact details are available for TVP bhaskara Rao TVP bhaskaraRao Program Manager Antarctic Study Centre Headland Sada VascoDa-Gama http://www.comnap.aq/comnap/comnap.nsf/P/Contact/MROD-6BE2PF?Open |
60. Bhaskara - Indopedia, The Indological Knowledgebase bhaskara. The Indological Knowledgebase. bhaskara (1114-1185),also called Retrieved from http//www.indopedia.org/bhaskara.html http://www.indopedia.org/Bhaskara.html | |
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