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61. íÁÔÅÍÁÔÉËÁ On-line. ÷ ÐÏÍÏÝØ ÓÔÕÄÅÎÔÕ. õÞÅÎÙÅ. â The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://mathem.h1.ru/bezu.html | |
62. Personal Names Browse For Nietz Collection Bézout, etienne, 17301783. Cours de mathématiques. 2 items Bézout,etienne, 1730-1783. cn 2 items Büchsenschütz, B. (Bernhard), 1828-1922 http://digital.library.pitt.edu/nietz/biblio/browse/persname_fileB.html | |
63. The Resultant And Bezout's Theorem Today the proposition is known as bezout s Theorem, named after Etiennebezout (17301783), who developed the theory of determinants and resultants. http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath544/kmath544.htm | |
64. Syllogismos - Bézout Translate this page BÉZOUT etienne (1739-1783). Tavola delle materie dellAlgebra. Sezione prima.Nella quale si espongono i principj del calcolo delle algebriche grandezze (p. http://www.syllogismos.it/libristorici/bézout.htm | |
65. Lycée Bezout http://www.ac-creteil.fr/lycees/77/ebezoutnemours/welcome.html | |
66. Lycée Etienne Bézout http://www.ac-creteil.fr/lycees/77/ebezoutnemours/AS2004-2005/suivi_doub.html | |
67. Dr. Ellen Cox Home Page Transylvania University, University of Cincinnati, DePaul University, LyceeEtienne bezout (Nemours, France), College Voltaire (Sarcelles, France), http://homepages.transy.edu/~philosophy/cox.html | |
68. JOINT BeNeLuxFra CONFERENCE In MATHEMATICS 11.0011.25 Liliane Alfonsi (Paris, France) Algebraic analysis and the useof indeterminate coefficients by etienne Bézout (1730-1783) http://cage.ugent.be/bnlf/ | |
69. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results etienne Bézout Born 31 March 1730 in Nemours, France Died 27 Sept 1783 inBassesLoges (near Fontainbleau), France Show birthplace location Previous http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1125&term1= |
70. International Journal For The History Of Mathematics Teaching International Journal for the History of Mathematics Teaching. Call for PapersFrom etienne Bézout, Cours de Mathématiques, 1770 http://www.tc.edu/centers/ijhmt/index.asp?Id=Call for Papers |
71. Matematici A-C Bézout, etienne (Nemours, Francia,31 marzo 1730 - Basses-Loges (Fontainbleau), Francia, 27 settembre 1783) http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/matematici_a_c.html | |
72. CompList Translate this page Bézout etienne, 2. Borda Jean Charles, 2. Bory Gabriel de, 2. Bossut Charles,3. Bourdelin Louis Claude, 4. Brisson Mathurin Jacques, 19 http://moro.imss.fi.it/lavoisier/Lavoisier_digitallibrary_catalogueGb.asp | |
73. Bezout http://perso.wanadoo.fr/vieillemarine/biblio/pages/Bezout.htm | |
74. Images: Août 2005 Bézout, Paris (14e). etienne Bézout (1730-1783),mathématicien (avec un accent aigu). Dsc01298. lien affiches arrachées . http://dupierris.blog.lemonde.fr/dupierris/2005/08/ | |
75. Kolekcja Elektroniczna Zbiorów W³asnych BGPW Bézout, etienne, Nauka matematyki do uzycia artylerii francuzkiej 1782.Historia nauki i techniki. Courtivron, Gaspard, Nauka o gatunkach i szukaniu http://www.bg.pw.edu.pl/elib/elib.html | |
76. Nauka Matematyki Do U¿ycia Artylerii Francuzkiej... Tom Czwarty Autor, Bézout, etienne (17301783). Wydawca, Warszawa Biblioteka GlównaPolitechniki Warszawskiej. Data wydania, 2005. Format, PDF, HTML http://www.bg.pw.edu.pl/elib/matematyka.html | |
77. Matematyka Oiciec etienne, Pierr byl urzednikiem majacym wladze sedziowska w miescie Nemours . W 1758 Bézout byl adiutantem mechaniki na Académie des Sciences http://banach.matfiz.polsl.gliwice.pl/serwis/Matematycy/Bezout_Etienne.html | |
78. Boletín De Biblioteca etienne. Cálculo infinitesimal. Noriega. México. 1999. 515.33 B57 Cataño;Gonzalo /et -al/, coord. Teoría e investigación en sociología jurídica. http://www.unaula.edu.co/biblioteca/boletines/hoja4.htm | |
79. Fellesbiblioteket MN Translate this page 1 75ns15130 - mini 2000-06-14 UMN Ore N157 Begrenset utlån Bézout, etienne,1730-1783 Théorie générale des équations algébriques / par M. Bézout. http://www.ub.uio.no/umn/felles/oreforf.html | |
80. Fellesbiblioteket MN Translate this page 1 75ns15016 - mini 2000-05-10 UMN Ore N106 Begrenset utlån Bézout, etienne,1730-1783 Théorie générale des équations algébriques / par M. Bézout. http://www.ub.uio.no/umn/felles/orekron.html | |
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