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Betti Enrico: more detail | |||||||||
21. References Translate this page L29 betti enrico, Opere matematiche, Hoepli, Milano, 1903, SML. L30 NA,Encyclopædia Britannica, Supplement to the 4th, 5th, 6th editions, vol. http://liberti.dhs.org/liberti/maths-history/mossotti/node23.html | |
22. FIDAL - Federazione Italiana Di Atletica Leggera MANIFESTAZIONE Translate this page 7, 2I, 59, betti enrico, 1985, PM, FI018 TOSCANA ATLETICA, 159.65, 698. 8, 2E,10, ALOISI Mattia, 1989, AM, FI018 TOSCANA ATLETICA, 159.99, 690 http://www.fidal.it/2005/tos/toscdsass2/Gara008.htm | |
23. FIDAL - Federazione Italiana Di Atletica Leggera CdS Assoluti Translate this page 5, 2, 10, MATTOLINI Simone - VIGNA Antonio - VIGNA Marco - betti enrico, SM,FI018 TOSCANA ATLETICA, 331.94, 4.0. 6, 4, 1, DINELLI Nico - GIANESSI Paolo http://www.fidal.it/2005/tn/tncdsassa1/Gara038.htm | |
24. ELEZIONI 2003 Elezioni Amministrative Provincia Di Massa-Carrara betti enrico (Bassa Lunigiana) 195; BaudinelliEnrico (Massa I) 205; Terzoni Daniele (Massa II) 124; Betti Marco (Massa http://www.lunigiana.net/news/elezioni/elezioni_articoli/030528_elezioni_pr_02.h |
25. Lunigiana.net News betti enrico, BassaLunigiana; Marzo Gilda, Carrara Nord I; Pennucci Giuseppe, Carrara II; http://www.lunigiana.net/news/elezioni/elezioni_articoli/030526_elezioni_pr_01.h |
26. Histoire De La Résistance Des Matériaux Translate this page betti enrico. 1823-1892. BIOT Jean-Baptiste. 1774-1862. BOUSSINESQ Joseph.1842-1929. BRESSE Jacques. 1822-1883. CAQUOT Albert. 1881-1976 http://iut.univ-lemans.fr/gmp/cours/rdmyd/histoire.htm |
27. CAMPIONATI DI SOCIETA betti enrico 85 Toscana Atletica Gensan4 26 52 526 5Ferroni Nicola 84 Pixar Atletica Livorno 4 33 60 450 6 Migliorini Matteo 85 http://www.fidalnet.it/ZZZZFNET2001/toscana/Uff/CDSAllieviToscana.htm | |
28. CAMPIONATI DI SOCIETA Translate this page 4, 34, betti enrico, 1985, FI018 TOSCANA ATLETICA GENSAN, 427.25, 518. 5, 30,MATINI Marco, 1985, FI001 ASSI BANCA TOSCANA FIRENZE, 430.96, 478 http://www.fidalnet.it/ZZZZFNET2001/toscana/Uff/CToscaniAllievi.htm | |
29. Banda Musicale Città Di Imola Translate this page Flauto Tarabusi Paola, Morara Marica, Villa Enrico, Petrantuono Ilaria, TabanelliLorena, Percussioni betti enrico, Di Motta Augusto, Gnudi Gabriele http://digilander.libero.it/bandaimola/lorganic.htm | |
30. FIDAL - Federazione Italiana Di Atletica Leggera CdS Allievi Translate this page 6, 61, betti enrico, 1985, FI018 TOSCANA ATLETICA, 206.1, 557 2, 4, 78,PALCHETTI Duccio - betti enrico - VARALLO Sandro - CONFORTI Lorenzo http://digilander.libero.it/atleticalivorno/CDSAll.htm | |
31. Studio Bibliografico Pera Translate this page Autore, betti enrico. Titolo, ALCUNE DETERMINAZIONI DELLE TEMPERATURE VARIABILIDI UN Il matematico Enrico Betti (Pistoia, 1823-1892) fu volontario a http://www.pera.it/catalog.asp?passo=4&successivo=1170 |
32. Lista_b Translate this page betti enrico GENNARO, JAMIL, PATRICK JUNIOR, 20969, 15/10/03. betti enrico GENNARO,VERA LUCIA, SILVESTRINI PATRICK, 20970, 15/10/03. betti enrico GENNARO http://www.italconsul.org.br/bilingue/listacit/lista_b.htm | |
33. Paths Of Physics . Translate this page 5, betti enrico (1823 - 1892). 6, Blaserna Pietro (1836 - 1918). 7, BrunettiRita (1890 - 1942). 8, Burgatti Pietro (1868 - 1938) http://fisicavolta.unipv.it/percorsi/anthology.asp |
34. Betti, Enrico (1823-1892) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography betti, enrico (18231892). Italian mathematician who noted the topologicallyinvariant betti numbers. Additional biographies MacTutor (St. Andrews) http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Betti.html | |
35. Betti betti, enrico Encyclopædia Britannicabetti, enrico mathematician who wrote a pioneering memoir on topology, the studyof surfaces and higherdimensional spaces, and wrote one of the first http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Betti.html | |
36. Betti, Ugo -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia betti, Ugo (18921953), Italian playwright, born in Camerino; wrote volume of betti, enrico mathematician who wrote a pioneering memoir on topology, http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?tocId=9317443 |
37. Betti, Enrico betti, enrico (18231892) betti was born near Pistoia, Tuscany, and studiedphysical and mathematical sciences at Pisa, where he was professor from 1856 http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/B/Betti/1.html | |
38. Betti, Enrico betti, enrico. (b. Oct. 21, 1823, Pistoia, Tuscany Italyd. Aug. 11, 1892,Pisa, Kingdom of Italy), mathematician who wrote a pioneering memoir on http://www.phy.bg.ac.yu/web_projects/giants/betti~1.htm | |
39. Encyclopaedia Britannica Entry betti, enrico. Born Oct. 21, 1823, Pistoia, Tuscany Italy Died Aug. 11, 1892,Pisa, Kingdom of Italy. Mathematician who wrote a pioneering memoir on http://www.aam314.vzz.net/EB/Betti.html | |
40. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Enrico Betti According to our current online database, enrico betti has 5 students and 388descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=26323 |
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