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21. Wilson Relations: Walton Family plasterer Dunbar, Mary 40 N berwick, Barbary 15 dressmaker N berwick, David12 N berwick, william 9 N berwick, neph James Walton 18 plasterer N berwick) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~swilson/wilson/walton.htm | |
22. Untitled Document Nathan Nason, builder, berwick. John Lord, Samuel Lord and william Haven, william Hanscom, builder, berwick. Ferguson Jewett and ID Parsons, owners. http://www.obhs.net/Ships.html | |
23. OBHS Federal Census for South berwick, York Co., ME 1860 william G. Chaney, age 23,laborer, value of personal estate $50 Listed with wife Elizabeth, age 22, http://www.obhs.net/goochcheney.html | |
24. William Scott (1913 - 1989) Artwork Images, Exhibitions, Reviews Joseph Mallord william Turner, berwick upon Tweed from Scott s Poetical Works;a series of 24 etchings, 1833 Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco http://wwar.com/masters/s/scott-william.html | |
25. Untitled Document The purpose of the contract, dated 16 Mar 1633/4, was to build mills in berwick.william was referred to as a housewright or master carpenter. http://www.chadbourne.org/Genealogy.html | |
26. Sir William De Miggeley, Knight. william de Miggeley was made a knight of the Shire* of York by Edward III 1333The Battle of Halidon Hill, berwick Edward III (22 yo) defeats the http://members.tripod.com/~midgley/knight.html | |
27. CCLC - Local History - Topics - Berwick Cemetery Tour Pioneer settlers and brothers, James and william came to berwick with their sister william s brother James Brisbane Wilson served on the berwick Shire http://www.cclc.vic.gov.au/history/topics/berwickcemetery.html | |
28. CCLC - Local History - Topics - Open Heritage Virtual Tour Robert Bain, who owned the berwick Inn, donated the land on a 500 year lease . Its early associations are with pastoralist william John Turner ( Big http://www.cclc.vic.gov.au/history/topics/openheritage.html | |
29. Britannia Biographies: Sir William Trussell Junior Following their pious detour, the journey to berwick took just eleven days.william was the stepson and chosen heir of King Edward II s favourite, http://www.britannia.com/bios/gents/wtrussellj.html | |
30. Hobart Seamen 1823 G berwick Briggs John Admiral Cockburn Broad william Admiral Cockburn Brown John John Mariner Young william berwick Young william Brutus Young James http://www.genseek.net/crews23.htm | |
31. Famous North Berwick Golfers - William Law Anderson His father Thomas Anderson was also born in North berwick and by 1885 was Eben Byers and william Fownes, Anderson died of arteriosclerosis at his home http://www.north-berwick.co.uk/famGolf_andersen.asp | |
32. Welcome To The North Berwick Golf Coast william W. Scott WWScott@amoprobus.demon.co.uk NBHS.Class1942 North berwick,East Lothian. Bill Wilson bill@bwilson56.freeserve.co.uk NBHS.Class 1952 http://www.north-berwick.co.uk/friends_50s.html | |
33. William Turnbull The following is information about william Roule, who was the first The battleagainst the English was led by a Douglas over a town called berwick. http://www.turnbullclan.com/main/william.htm | |
34. THE MARSHAL DUKE OF BERWICK (1670- 1734 ) The Duke of berwick, James FitzJames, Marshal of France, william of Orangewas a Dutch prince, married to James II s eldest daughter Mary. http://indigo.ie/~wildgees/duke1.htm | |
35. Wild Geese Heritage Museum And Library, Portumna, Co. Galway, Ireland Honora de Burgo was the daughter of william, 7th Earl of Clanricarde and Helen The Duke of berwick was a very kind and generous man, and once gave away http://indigo.ie/~wildgees/wildgees.htm | |
36. Shamrock Property Group - Berwick - Realestate.com.au LOT 79 JACK william berwick. Just started construction These exclusive design homes LOT 86 JACK william WAY berwick. Stone bench top, stainless steel http://www.realestate.com.au/realestate/agent/shamrock property group berwick/sh | |
37. Passengers On The "Lord Delaval" Sailed from berwick upon Tweed on September 13th 1852 for London and on Butement, william, 18, Farmer, Scottish. Batters, william, 25, Clerk, Scottish http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/Indexes/PassengerLists/LordDelaval.html | |
38. The Berwickshire Hogarths B2 william Hogarth, the artist, born November 1697, married 1729 Jane daughterof Sir James B1 John Hogarth, in berwick, born 1743 and died 1790 (? http://www.baronage.co.uk/bphtm-03/hogarth1.htm | |
39. Berkshire History: Biographies: Sir William Trussell Junior (d. 1363) Following their pious detour, the journey to berwick took just eleven days.william was the stepson and chosen heir of King Edward II s old favourite, http://www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/wtrussellj.html | |
40. Berkshire History: Biographies: William Norreys (1548-1579) He was, it appears, temporarily appointed in 1576, Marshal of berwick in successionto Sir william Drury, but soon returned to Ireland. http://www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/wnorreys_rycote.html | |
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