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Bernstein Felix: more detail | |||||
21. Correspondence Files - Papers Of Sir R.A. Fisher bernstein, felix bernstein, ME Best Articles Stories Beveridge, WIB Bewley, W.Bhat, NR Bhattacharya, AP Biological Measurements Committee http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/digitised/fisher/corres/list.html | |
22. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 52-8 Translate this page 52-561.00, 12/22/1938, bernstein, felix, Einstein, Albert 52-568.00,01/01/1901, bernstein, felix, GUIDELINES FOR GERMAN REFUGEE PROBLEM http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=52-8 |
23. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 49-4 Translate this page Get full record from archival database, 49-246.00, 03/25/1933, bernstein, felix,Einstein, Albert. Get full record from archival database, 49-247.00 http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=49-4 |
24. Bernstein Center For Computational Neuroscience Berlin - Felix Creutzig bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin Created by FelixCreutzig Last modified 05.04.2004 0540 PM http://www.cns-berlin.org/People/creutzig | |
25. Bernstein: Information From Answers.com Cantorbernstein-Schroeder theorem (named after felix bernstein); bernstein-Satopolynomial after Joseph bernstein and Mikio Sato http://www.answers.com/topic/bernstein-1 | |
26. List Of German Jews: Information From Answers.com felix bernstein, set theory; Richard Brauer, modular representation theory;Georg Cantor, set theory (Jewish father); Moritz Cantor, historian of http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-german-jews | |
27. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Felix Bernstein According to our current online database, felix bernstein has 7 students and 26descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=7346&fChrono=1 |
28. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Felix Bernstein If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=7346 |
29. Bernstein - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia bernsteinon-Essex, a kosher chinese restaurant in Manhattan; Cantor-bernstein-Schroedertheorem (named after felix bernstein); bernstein-Sato polynomial http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein | |
30. Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The theorem is also known as the Schroederbernstein theorem, but the trend hasbeen to add Cantor s Georg Cantor felix bernstein Ernst Schröder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder_theorem | |
31. NEW -- Charles Bernstein Tim Peterson on Susan Bee Charles bernstein image/text talk at the AnalagousSeries (2004 Portrtait of felix and Charles bernstein by Mimi Gross, 2003 http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/bernstein/new.html | |
32. EPC | Hannah Weiner | Astral Visions as families go his son felix appeared at 3 mos. as a lizard quite often and thing is to remember both charles bernstein and felix are silent teachers http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/weiner/a-visions.html | |
33. Books On Bernstein Musiker Portraits (chapter on Leonard bernstein) Schmidt, felix Hoffmann CampeVerlag, Hamburg, Germany, 1984. Leonard bernstein A Life Secrest, Meryle http://www.leonardbernstein.com/lifeswork/redbook/redbook19.asp | |
34. Bernstein Century Complete Sets!!! If You Are Interested In bernstein Century Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, etc. felix Mendelssohn. New YorkPhilharmonic Orchestra Pinchas Zukerman Sony Classics http://www.leonardbernstein.com/store/century.asp | |
35. Bernstein Center For Computational Neuroscience Berlin - Felix Creutzig bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. Sections. Home Groups Projects People Open Positions Publications of felix Creutzig http://www.bccn-berlin.de/People/creutzig/publication_overview | |
36. ArkivMusic Famous Overtures / Karajan, Kleiber, Bernstein, Et Al Leonard bernstein, felix Mendelssohn, Franz von Suppé, Mikhail Glinka, Midsummer Night s Dream Overture, in E major Op. 21 by felix Mendelssohn http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=43445 |
37. ArkivMusic Bernstein Century - Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, Etc Concerto for Violin in E minor, Op. 64 by felix Mendelssohn Op. 90 Italian by felix Mendelssohn. Conductor Leonard bernstein http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=2106 |
38. CIW Files Dr. / Berichte / bernstein, felix / bernstein, Marianne / bernstein, MauriceH./ Berrie, AM / Berrie, AM / Bertani, G. / Beschnitt, Agnes / Besley, http://library.cshl.edu/archives/archives/ciwfiles.htm | |
39. UB Basel: Handschriftliche Nachlaesse Translate this page bernstein, felix (1878-1956), Mathematiker Signatur NL 6 bernstein, felix.Biedermann, Alois Emanuel (1819-1885), Theologe http://www.ub.unibas.ch/spez/nachl.htm | |
40. Kent Interview was just myself and Miss Wright, who was an Assistant Professor, and felixbernstein, the famous felix bernstein of the Schroederbernstein theorem. http://www.math.binghamton.edu/dept/kentinterview.html | |
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