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Benedetti Giovanni: more detail | ||||||||
61. Econometrics (C1-C5,C8) 0507 Authors giovanni Maria Giorgi (Statistical Institute, University of Siena, with the Italian Statistical School A conversation with Carlo benedetti http://econwpa.wustl.edu/listings/em/0507.html | |
62. DBLP: Massimo Benedetti 1, Massimo Intorella, Massimo benedetti, giovanni Gasbarrone Italy s Pilot ISDNService. ICCC 1986 108113. Coauthor Index. 1, giovanni Gasbarrone, 1 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/b/Benedetti:Massimo.ht | |
63. DBLP: Giovanni Gasbarrone 1, Massimo Intorella, Massimo benedetti, giovanni Gasbarrone Italy s Pilot ISDNService. ICCC 1986 108113. Coauthor Index. 1, Stefan Arbanowski, 2 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/g/Gasbarrone:Giovanni. | |
64. Design Management Review: Design As First Aid: The Wallace Cameron Company In 1994, giovanni benedetti, chairman of benedetti International PIc, purchasedWallace Cameron (figure 1). benedetti International had made its mark in the http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4143/is_200407/ai_n9452198 | |
65. Suggested Authors: HIST 320, Renaissance Creativity 14501512), science; benedetti, giovanni Battista (1530-1590), science; Berengario daCarpi, Jacopo (ca. 1460-ca. 1530), science; Bernardino de Loredo http://www.isu.edu/~owenjack/rencr/authors.html | |
66. Jade-develop Mailing List Archive: Unsubscribe From giovanni Massimo benedetti (gibenedetti@tiscali.it) Date Tue Sep 10 2002 185746 MET DST. Messages sorted by date thread subject http://jade.cselt.it/jade-develop-archive-Mar2003/0291.html | |
67. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On January 6, 2000 benedetti, giovanni Battista (15301590). Very short biography. Bernoulli (family).Very short biographies Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new000106.html | |
68. The Prince's Trust - Key People In Scotland One of Scotland s leading businessmen, giovanni benedetti came to Scotland fromItaly at age 10 and worked in his uncle s cafe during his spare time now. http://www.princes-trust.org.uk/Main Site v2/about us/key people/key people in S | |
69. EconPapers: Encounter With The Italian Statistical School: A Conversation With C By giovanni Maria Giorgi; Encounter with the Italian Statistical School A School A conversation with Carlo benedetti. giovanni Maria Giorgi http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/wpawuwpem/0507009.htm | |
70. Schede Bibliografiche Dei Soci E Delle Socie - Marina Benedetti Translate this page Marina benedetti. Ricercatrice di storia del cristianesimo. a cura di Marinabenedetti, Grado giovanni Merlo, Andrea Piazza, Milano, Edizioni Biblioteca http://www.aissca.it/aissca/sanctorum/soci/benedetti.html | |
71. JCO -- Index By Author (September 15, 2004, Volume 22, Number 18) Clair Abstract Full Text Béatrice, Parmentier Full Text Becker,Ana Abstract Full Text benedetti, giovanni Full Text Benner, http://www.jco.org/content/vol22/issue18/aindex.shtml | |
72. Sundials, Antiquariaat Forum benedetti, giovanni Battista. De gnomonum umbrarumque solarium usu liber. Turin,Heirs of Niccolo Bevilacqua, 1574. Folio. Contemporary limp vellum. http://www.forum-hes.nl/forum/main_stocklist.phtml/subject/43/1/Sundials.html |
73. Scudetti Translate this page Enrico benedetti, Paolo Bernardi, Giulio Costantini, giovanni Da Deppo, AlbertoDa Rin, Ferdinando Da Rin, Gianfranco Da Rin, Sergio Fiorese, http://www.tuttohockey.com/italia/scudetti.htm | |
74. Nômades Translate this page giovanni benedetti. Nasceu no dia 18/10/1982 em Veranópolis. Quinze anos depois,já morando em gravataí - cidade natal dos Nômades - começou a tocar http://www.nomades.pop.com.br/giovanni.htm | |
75. Bibliografia Ferroviaria Italiana - Catalogo Autori - B Translate this page benedetti FRANCESCO 1911 Le maggiori difficoltà per ridurre le spese 1993 DaSan giovanni a Vallombrosa ferrovie locali tra industria e turismo nel http://www.trenidicarta.it/B.htm | |
76. Giovanni Gallurese: Atto III Translate this page SIan benedetti i buoni! benedetti! giovanni (mestamente) E mai una speranza chea questa terra ignava, si muti un dì la tragica sembianza di moribonda http://home.earthlink.net/~markdlew/lib/gallurese/gg3.htm | |
77. Hockey Club A\_\_EGHE Tegola Canadese 1933 - 2004 Translate this page Franco Alverà, Enrico benedetti, Paolo Bernardi, giovanni Costantini, Alberto DaRin, Gianfranco Da Rin, Bruno Frison, Bruno Ghedina, http://www.hcalleghe.com/albodoro.htm | |
78. Hockey Time Translate this page Formazione Campione dItalia Franco Alverà - Enrico benedetti - Paolo Bernardi -giovanni Costantini - Alberto Da Rin - Gianfranco Da Rin - Bruno Frison http://www.hockeytime.net/storia/index.php?dec=60 |
79. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page benedetti, Alessandro. benedetti, Alessandro. benedetti, giovanni Battista.benedetti, giovanni Battista. Benedicks, Carl Axel Fredrik http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/b.html | |
80. Il Mondo Di Gino Benedetti Fra Arte E Poesia - Contributi - Biografia Translate this page benedetti stringe amicizia con gli artisti Giansisto Gasparini, giovanni Cappelli,Alberto Nobile, Guglielmo Achille Cavellini (GAC), Enrico Ragni e Pierca http://www.ginobenedetti.multilab2000.it/02_contributi/02_biografia.htm | |
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