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         Ben Gerson Levi:     more detail
  1. The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and Commentary (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1985-07-15
  2. The Astronomical Tables of Levi Ben Gerson (Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences Series, Vol 45) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1974-06
  3. Philosophie religieuse de Lévi-Ben-Gerson (French Edition) by Isidore. Weil, 1868-01-01
  4. Astronomy of Levi Ben Gerson, 1288-1344
  5. Levi Ben Gerson's Prognostication for the Conjunction of 1345 (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society) by Bernard R. Goldstein, David Pingree, 1990-11
  6. Preliminary remarks on Levi ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy, (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings) by Bernard R Goldstein, 1969
  7. R. Levi Ben Gerson: A bibliographical essay by Menachem Marc Kellner, 1979
  8. Introduction to the History of Science. Volume 3, Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. Part I, The Time of Abu-l-Fida, Levi ben Gerson, and William of Occam (First half of the fourteenth century) by G. Sarton, 1962
  9. Sefer Maassei Choscheb. Die Praxis des Rechners. Ein hebraisch-arithmetisches Werk des Levi Ben Gerschom aus dem jahre 1321. by Gerson (ed.). Levi ben Gershom [GERSONIDES]; LANGE, 1909-01-01

21. MAA Student Paper Session I Spring 99
levi ben gerson is credited with inventing the Jacob Staff, I have constructeda Jacob Staff based upon levi ben gerson s method of construction.
Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section
MAA Student Chapters Conference
Student Paper Session I
8:50 a.m. - 9:10a.m.
Saturday April 10, 1999
Room: B31:
Speaker: Devika Chawla, Georgetown University
Title: The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol
Abstract: The talk will describe the key components of the SSL protocol. This protocol guarantees privacy by means of symmetric encryption of data, peer authentication using asymmetric cryptography, and connection reliability via message integrity checks. Speaker: Paul Dosart, James Madison University
Title: Modeling Suspension Bridge Oscillations Using a Picard Iteration Technique .
Abstract: A modified Picard iteration technique is used to solve equations involved with torsional oscillations in suspension bridges. Oscillations are modeled for different situations, and the different methods of solving these equations are discussed. The Picard iteration technique's accuracy is evaluated in comparison with other traditional methods.
Room B34
Speaker: Melanie Hancock, St. Mary's College

Translate this page levi ben gerson, auch gersonides oder Rabbi L. ben gerson (= RaLBaG), teils auchMeister Leo de Bagnols (= Magister Leo Hebraeus), jüdischer Philosoph,
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Band IV (1992) Spalten 1572-1576 Autor: Bernd Kettern Werke: Sefer Milhamot Adonai, Riva di Trento 1560; erste Ausagbe in Dtld.: Die Kämpfe Gottes. Religionsphilos. und kosmische Fragen, Leipzig 1866 (1923 ); dt. Übersetzung: B. Kellermann, 2 Bde., Berlin 1914-1916; engl. Ausgabe: Norbert Max Samuelson, The problem of God's knowledge in Gersonides. An explanatory translation of book three of the Milhamot Ha-Shem, Cinncinnati 1962 (Toronto 1977); frz. Ausgabe: Charles Touati, Les guerres du seigneur (livres III et IV), Paris 1968; Perush al ha-Torah (Pentateuch-Kommentar), Mantua 1476, Venedig 1547; Perush al-Hiob. Commentarius in Job, Ferrara 1477, engl. Ausgabe: The Commentary of L. ben Gerson on the Book of Job, hrsg. von A. L. Lassen, New York 1946; weitere Pentateuch-Kommentare: Riva di Trento 1560, Königsberg 1860, Tel Aviv 1950; Sefer Maaseh Choscheb, Die Praxis des Rechners. Ein hebr.-arithmet. Werk des L. ben Gerschom aus dem Jahre 1321 (hebr./dt.), hrsg. von G. Lange, Frankfurt 1909; J. Halbronn bereitet eine Ausgabe der mathemat. Texte vor. Lit.:

23. Gersonides
Rather, inasmuch as levi ben gerson is a member of the species humanity and the levi ben gerson s Contributions to Astronomy in Studies on gersonides.
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Perhaps no other medieval Jewish philosopher has been so maligned over the centuries as Gersonides (Levi ben Gerson, acronym Ralbag). Indeed, his major philosophical work, Sefer Milhamot Ha-Shem The War of the Lord , 1329), was called " Wars against the Lord " by one of his opponents. Despite the vilification of his position, Gersonides emerges as one of the most significant and comprehensive thinkers in the medieval Jewish tradition. He has been constantly quoted (even if only to be criticized), and, through the works of Hasdai Crecas and others, Gersonides' ideas have influenced such thinkers as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibiniz and Benedict de Spinoza. This article will survey his major contributions to medieval philosophy.

24. Jewish Astronomy In Sefarad (Spain)
13 BR Goldstein (1985) The Astronomy of levi ben gerson (12881344), 14 BR Goldstein (1969) Preliminary Remarks on levi ben gerson s
Astronomy in Sefarad
Yuval Ne'eman Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies Tel Aviv University , Israel

    1. Greeks and Hebrews: two intertwining intellectual progressions In very broad lines, Western culture is the outcome of two independent intellectual progressions: Greek philosophy and science, centered on a rational understanding of the world - and Hebrew ethics, worrying about the condition of man and his interaction with other men. On the Greek side, we note that at the beginning of the first Century AD, Eratosthenes (250 BC) had already computed the diameter of the earth with an error of less than 1/2 %, Hipparchus (150 BC) had evaluated the distance to the Moon with a 1/3 % precision, Hero (100 BC) had invented the steam engine [1]. On the Jewish side, Abraham (1800 BC) had put an end to human sacrifice, Moses (1300 BC) had codified the day of rest, to be applied even to slaves and house animals, Amos (800 BC) had preached social justice and Isaiah (700 BC) had already conceived the idea of universal peace - in a world where war remained the explicit ideal "manly" activity for another thousand years [2]. Note that in this ethical voyage of discovery, Jewish society had evolved "schools" as early as 1000 BC [3], the earliest foundations of what was later to become a learning-oriented culture. In parallel, we have, of course, the Athens Academy ( ~ 500 BC). With the destruction of the Second Temple (70 AD), the Jewish cult and rites centre on learning much more than before. Judaism, as remodeled for a countryless nation by Yokhanan Ben Zakkay (Ist Century AD) became a study-oriented religion. Note that 1000 years later, in medieval Europe, all male Jews were literate, at a time when in most of Europe, only churchmen could read.

25. Philosophy: Philosophers: G: Gersonides Spirit And Sky
levi ben gerson. levi ben gerson. Biographical article with links and bibliography,from the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
Home philosophy philosophers g : gersonides
Web Home Search Suggest a Site Submission Guidelines ... g : gersonides Links:
  • Bibliographia Gersonideana Bibliographia Gersonideana Annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources on this medieval Jewish thinker, compiled by Menachem Kellner.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113673
  • Gersonides Gersonides Article by Tamar Rudovsky from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Provides a bibliography, in addition to discussions of this philosopher's life, work and doctrine of astrological determinism.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113671
  • Levi ben Gershon Levi ben Gershon Article on this medieval philosopher and astronomer, from the Jewish Encyclopedia.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113670
  • Levi ben Gerson Levi ben Gerson Biographical article with links and bibliography, from the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113674
  • Wikipedia: Gersonides Wikipedia: Gersonides Article from this openly-edited encyclopedia.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113672
Home philosophy philosophers g : gersonides
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26. Ivars Peterson's MathLand
combinations can be found in the writings of levi ben gerson (12881344). derived in a manner strikingly similar to that used by levi ben gerson.
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Ivars Peterson's MathLand January 20, 1997
Fragments of the Past
The early history of mathematics is like a jigsaw puzzle missing many of its pieces. Historians and mathematicians have been painstakingly filling in the blanks, gradually constructing a richer, more complete story of how and where mathematical thought originated and spread. One period of considerable interest is that between the decline of Greek mathematics, coinciding with the collapse of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century, and the rise of European mathematics in the fifteenth century. Mathematics professor Morris Kline of New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences expressed a common view of that period in his 1972 book Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times . "The Arabs made no significant advance in mathematics," he wrote. "What they did was absorb Greek and Hindu mathematics, preserve it, and ultimately, ... transmit it to Europe." In other words, Islamic scholars did little more than put Greek mathematics into cold storage until Europe was ready to accept it.

27. Ivars Peterson's MathTrek -Square Of The Hypotenuse
Around 1320, levi ben gerson (12881344) proved that if powers of 2 and 3 areconsecutive, they must be 8 and 9 (see Medieval Harmony, January 25, 1999).
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Ivars Peterson's MathTrek December 4, 2000
Zeroing In on Catalan's Conjecture
Fermat's last theorem is just one of many examples of innocent-looking problems that can long stymie even the most astute mathematicians. It took about 350 years to prove Fermat's scribbled conjecture, for instance. Now, Preda Mihailescu of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich has proved a theorem that is likely to lead to a solution of Catalan's conjecture, another venerable problem involving relationships among whole numbers. He presents his result in a paper to be published in the Journal of Number Theory. "This is a very important contribution," says mathematician Andrew Granville of the University of Georgia in Athens. Mihailescu's work probably puts the resolution of Catalan's conjecture into the foreseeable future, he notes. Named for Belgian mathematician Eugéne Charles Catalan, the conjecture concerns powers of whole numbers. For example, the sequence of all squares and cubes of whole numbers begins with the integers 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, and 36. In this sequence, 8 (the cube of 2) and 9 (the square of 3) are not only powers but also consecutive whole numbers. In 1844, Catalan asserted that, among all powers of whole numbers, the only pair of consecutive numbers that arises is 8 and 9. His conjecture amounts to a search for whole-number solutions to the equation

28. Previous Volumes
levi ben gerson s Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes. 31.JL Mancha levi ben gerson s Star List for 1336. 59. Francisco MorenoCarvalho
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aleph 1 (2000)

Abstracts ARTICLES B.R. Goldstein
Levi ben Gerson's Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes J.L. Mancha
Levi ben Gerson's Star List for 1336 Francisco Moreno-Carvalho
A Newly-Discovered Letter by Galileo Galilei . Contacts Between Galileo and Jacob Rosales (Manoel Bocarro Francês), a Seventeenth-Century Jewish Scientist and Sebastianist Hans Lausch
"The Ignorant Hold Back Their Judgement and Await the Conclusions of the Knowing" — Moses Mendelssohn and Other Mathematicians David B Ruderman
Some Jewish Responses to Smallpox Prevention in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: A New Perspective on the Modernization of European Jewry David A. Hollinger

gersonIDES, or ben gerson (GERSHON), levi, known alsc as RALBAG (12881344),Jewish philosopher and commentator, was born at Bagnols in Languedoc,
GERSONIDES A careful analysis of the Milliamotli is given in Rabbi Isidore Weils Philosophie religieuse de Lvi-Ben-Gerson (Paris, 1868). See also Munk, Mlanges de phil. juive et arabe; and Joel, Religionsphilosophie d. L. Ben-Gerson (1862). The Milizamoth was published in 1560 at Riva di Trento, and has been published at Leipzig, 1866. (I. A.) GERSON FALLS OF GERSOPPA To properly cite this GERSONIDES article in your work, copy the complete reference below: "GERSONIDES." LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia.
Links to this article are encouraged. Please use the following format:
See: GERSONIDES at LoveToKnow.

30. Important Message From Doron Zeilberger
So levi ben gerson had an inkling of the algebraic revolution to come, but stilldid not go all the way, because we humans are creatures of habit,
ANALYSIS of ALGORITHMS, Bulletin Board Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index
Important message from Doron Zeilberger )., in particular RENE (

31. Aleph Table Of Contents No. 2
levi ben gerson s Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes / 15 levi ben gerson s Star List for 1336 / 31. Francisco MorenoCarvalho
Number 2
C ONTENTS Number 2
Abstracts / 9 Articles B.R. Goldstein
Levi ben Gerson's Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes / 15 J.L. Mancha
Levi ben Gerson's Star List for 1336 / 31 Francisco Moreno-Carvalho
Hans Lausch
"The Ignorant Hold Back Their Judgement and Await the Conclusions of the Knowing"Moses Mendelssohn and Other Mathematicians / 93 David B. Ruderman
Some Jewish Responses to Smallpox Prevention in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: A New Perspective on the Modernization of European Jewry / 111 David A. Hollinger
Why Are Jews Preeminent in Science and Scholarship? The Veblen Thesis Reconsidered / 145 Discussion Forum On Yehuda Liebes' recent Torat Ha-yesirah sel Sefer Yesirah Y. Tzvi Langermann
On the Beginnings of Hebrew Scientific Literature and on Studying History Through " Maqbilot " (Parallels) / 169 David Shulman
Sefer Yesirah and Sanskrit Linguistics / 191 Steve Wasserstrom
Further Thoughts on the Origins of Sefer Yesirah Brief Communications
A Newly-Discovered Partial Hebrew Version of Al-Khwarizmi's Algebra Ruth Glasner Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) / 235 Cyrill Aslanov Joseph Ibn Kaspi / 259 John North Y. Tzvi Langermann

32. Gersonides: Information From
levi ben Gershon ( levi son of gerson ), better known as gersonides or theRalbag (12881344), was a famous rabbi, philosopher, mathematician and Talmudic
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Gersonides Encyclopedia Gersonides gərsŏn Ä­dēz ) or Levi ben Gershon lē vÄ« bĕn g»r shən ) , 1288–1344, Jewish philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, called also Ralbag, from the initials of his Hebrew name, b. Languedoc. He wrote scientific works and commentaries on Averro«s and the Torah. His Milchamoth Adonai [the wars of the Lord] is an elaborate treatise modeled after the Moreh Nevukhim of Maimonides. It is mainly a systematic criticism of the syncretism of Maimonides. His scientific views remained influential into the 19th cent. Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Gersonides Levi ben Gershon ("Levi son of Gerson"), better known as Gersonides or the Ralbag ), was a famous rabbi , philosopher, mathematician and Talmudic commentator. He was born at

33. 1321: Information From
In the year 1321 Mathematics levi ben gerson b. Bagnois, France, 1288, d.1344 uses mathematical induction to establish formulas for the number of.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping In the year Mathematics Levi ben Gerson [b. Bagnois, France, 1288, d. 1344] uses mathematical induction to establish formulas for the number of permutations of n objects and combinations of n objects taken r at a time. See also 1575 Mathematics
@import url(; @import url(; Years:


13th century
14th century ... 15th century
Events Births

os:1321 This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Mentioned In is mentioned in the following topics: Dante Alighieri (Italian poet) Bochum (city of west-central Germany) Genkyo Saarbr¼cken (city of southwest Germany on the Saar River) List of state leaders in 1320 BC List of state leaders in 1321 BC Stefan Uros No. 1321 Flight RAF

34. Western Philosophy And Religion
characteristics of works of Moses Maimonides, Isaac Israeli, Judah Halevi,Abraham Ibn Daud, Hillel ben Samuel, levi ben gerson, many others.
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The Consolation of Philosophy
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Landmark of medieval Western thought written by a sixth-century Roman statesman and philosopher awaiting execution. How to achieve and maintain spiritual peace amid life's inevitable pain. Translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Green.
all books in Western Philosophy and Religion
Great Scenes from the Bible: 230 Magnificent 17th-Century Engravings

by Matthaeus Merian (the Elder)
Remarkably detailed illustrations depict Adam and Eve Driven Out of the Garden of Eden, The Flood, David Slaying Goliath, Christ in the Manger, The Raising of Lazarus, The Crucifixion, and many other scenes. A wonderful pictorial dimension to age-old stories. All plates from ...

35. A History Of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daud, Hillel ben Samuel, levi ben gerson, JosephAlbo, and many others, the author offers insightful analyses and commentary.
American History, American...... American Indians Anthropology, Folklore, My...... Antiques Architecture Art Bridge and Other Card Game...... Business and Economics Chess Children Clip Art and Design on CD-...... Coloring Books Cookbooks, Nutrition Crafts Detective, Ghost , Superna...... Dover Patriot Shop Ethnic Interest Features Gift Certificates Gift Ideas History, Political Science...... Holidays Humor Languages and Linguistics Literature Magic, Legerdemain Military History, Weapons ...... Music Nature Performing Arts, Drama, Fi...... Philosophy and Religion Photography Posters Psychology, Education Puzzles, Amusement, Recrea...... Science and Mathematics Shakespeare Shop Sociology, Anthropology, M...... Sports, Out-of-Door Activi...... Stationery, Gift Sets Stationery, Seasonal Books...... Summer Fun Shop Summer Reading Shop Teacher's Store Travel and Adventure Women's Studies
By Subject
Philosophy and Religion Western Philosophy and Religion
A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
Isaac Husik Our Price (Table of Contents) Availability: In Stock
Book ISBN: Page Count: Dimensions: 5 3/8 x 8 1/2 In this enlightening study, a noted scholar elucidates the distinguishing characteristics of the works of several Jewish thinkers of the Middle Ages. In addition to summaries of the main arguments and teachings of Moses Maimonides, Isaac Israeli, Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daud, Hillel ben Samuel, Levi ben Gerson, Joseph Albo, and many others, the author offers insightful analyses and commentary. Of particular value to beginners, this volume is also an ever-relevant resource for many issues of scholarly debate.

36. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page ben gerson, levi (1288 - 1344) Gherard von Cremona (1114 - 1187) levi, EugenioElia (1883 - 1917) levi ben gerson (1288 - 1344)
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

37. Islamic Philosophy: Transmission Into Western Europe
including Moses ibn Tibbon, Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera, levi ben gerson (see Republic) and of levi ben gerson s supercommentary on the Organon,
Islamic philosophy: transmission into Western Europe
  • Early translations: twelfth century Thirteenth-century translations The contribution of Jewish scholars The beginnings of Arabic scholarship
  • 1. Early translations: twelfth century
    Some seventy works were translated from Arabic by Gerard of Cremona , nicknamed 'the Master' ( dictus magister ), at the cathedral of Toledo. These included Aristotle's Posterior Analytics Physics On Generation and Corruption and Meteorology I-III (see Aristotle ), as well as four short tracts on natural science by Alexander of Aphrodisias . To these originally Greek works, Gerard added four philosophical letters of al-Kindi , a letter on proof by the Ikhwan al-Safa' and al-Farabi's Kitab ihsa' al-'ulum (On the Classification of the Sciences) (see al-Farabi Also at this time, the importance of the al-Shifa' (Healing) of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was brought to the notice of Archbishop John of Toledo by a Jewish scholar called 'Avendauth' (perhaps the same as Abraham Ibn Daud , the author of al-'Aqida al-rafi'a (The Exalted Faith) ). Portions of the text, including those on universals, physics (in part), the soul and metaphysics, were translated by Avendauth, Dominicus Gundissalinus (an archdeacon in the cathedral

    38. Geomat
    levi ben gerson. af Ivan Tafteberg Jakobsen. Jakobsstaven er opfundet af denjødiske lærde levi ben gerson, også kendt under navnet gersonides eller Leo de
    Vælg her ... Forsiden Undervisningsforløb Instrumenter Kildetekster Bibliotek og galleri Links Kontakt og bestilling Om Navigation Kildetekster : Levi ben Gerson (o.1340)
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    Levi ben Gerson af Ivan Tafteberg Jakobsen Levi ben Gerson Herrens Krige , hvoraf Astronomien
    Levi ben Gersons Astronomi,
    oversat fra Bernard R. Goldstein: The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344). A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and commentary. Springer-Verlag, New York Inc. 1985.
    Kapitel 7 (p.55 ff):
    [se figur 7.1]
    [6] Vi opdeler staven i store enheder , og vi markerer dem i den plane overflades bredde fra den ene ende til den anden. [7] Enhederne skal tage deres begyndelse i synscentrets sted, som er omkring 1/20 af et fingerspand uden for staven. [se figur 7.2]

    39. Den ældste Beskrivelse Af En Jakobsstav (o.1340) Download I
    Jakobsstaven er opfundet af den jødiske lærde levi ben gerson, levi ben gersonskrev på hebraisk et større religiøstfilosofisk værk med titlen Herrens
    (o.1340) Download i Wordformat Download i pdf-format (Ivan Tafteberg Jakobsen) Levi ben Gerson Herrens Krige , hvoraf Astronomien
    Levi ben Gersons Astronomi,
    oversat fra Bernard R. Goldstein: The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344). A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and commentary. Springer-Verlag, New York Inc. 1985.
    Kapitel 7 (p.55 ff):
    [se figur 7.1]
    [6] Vi opdeler staven i store enheder , og vi markerer dem i den plane overflades bredde fra den ene ende til den anden. [7] Enhederne skal tage deres begyndelse i synscentrets sted, som er omkring 1/20 af et fingerspand uden for staven. [se figur 7.2] [se figur 7.3] [se figur 7.3] [12] Alle disse diagonallinjer omfatter 1/12 af en enhed, hvilket er 5 minutter [se figur 7.4] [se figur 7.5] , for det er hvad vi vil kalde den.
    Noter: 1. Fingerspand (hebr. zeratot 2. Fingerbredde (hebr. 4. Ordet (hebr. ma'alot 6. Minut (hebr. daq 7. Sekund (hebr. sjenijim We then make many plates such that each one has a round hole in the middle of it; the staff should go through it with pressure, but we should be able to move the plate about it in any desired direction rundt + DC = AC

    40. Segeln/ Der Jakobsstab, Winkelmessinstrument Der Alten Seefahrer
    Translate this page Wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass levi ben gerson, möglicherweise Enkel des Mosesben Nachman (Nachmanides), seine astronomischen Kenntnisse auf Schriften
    Der Jakobsstab,
    Winkelmessinstrument der alten Seefahrer
    von Manfred Iffland
    Last update: Donnerstag, 15.3.2001, 06:05:33 Uhr
    Er beschreibt wie Vasco da Gama in Ostafrika einem Mauren seine Astrolabien zeigt.
    Astrolabium Quadrant Obwohl der Jakobstab bereits 1433 von Paolo Toscanelli (1397 - 1482) erfolgreich zur Ortsbestimmung eines Kometen verwendet worden war, konnte er sich in der Seefahrt, trotz der erheblichen Vereinfachung im Gebrauch durch Regiomontanus, erst ab dem 16. Jahrhundert durchsetzen.
    Sextant von Isaak Newton 1699
    Der Nachbau eines Jakobstabes von Wilhelm Dorenbusch, ist beim Arbeitskreis Norderney der Wilhelm-Dorenbusch-Sternwarte auf Norderney zu besichtigen.
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