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41. Documents For An Access Point Title, Sulbasutras of baudhayana, Apastamba, Katyakana and manava with text,English translation and commentry. Author(s), SN Sen;AK Bag http://libibm.iucaa.ernet.in/slim/wslxRSLT.php?A1=13495 |
42. VNN Vaishnava News Network - World The old Sanskrit text baudhayana Shulba Sutra of the 6th Century BCE mentionsthis ratio THE PYTHOGORAS THEOREM OR THE baudhayana THEOREM The socalled http://www.vnn.org/world/9803/16-1698/ | |
43. Crossdots Search br Wasson never ceases to the Ganges for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14172.14).The merchant is from the subject to many others drank his scrupulous http://www.kelownahomeshotline.info/soma/320.html | |
44. Crossdots Search The simplest enclosure for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14 172.14).The merchantis its juice and that I not focused on the influence is not refer to sell, http://www.kelownahomeshotline.info/soma/377.html | |
45. Esamskriti- Zero, PI, Geometry, Astronomy Pythagoras Theorem or baudhayanas Theorem? The so-called Pythagoras Theorem -the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of http://esamskriti.com/html/new_inside.asp?cat_name=qanda&sid=175&count1=3&cid=10 |
46. .:SAKSIVC: Vedic Literature: Mathematics: Mathematics In India Of The Vedic Age: The theorem and its converse were stated precisely by baudhayana in his Sulba baudhayana theorem (earlier to 2000 BCE) (called as pythogoras theorem) http://www.vedah.com/org/literature/maths/mathsInIndia.asp | |
47. }Ú×îñ Basic PageIn the baudhayana Dharmasutra the Vangas are mentioned in a list of peoples wholived (Aitareya Aranyaka (II,1.1); baudhayana Dharmasastra (1.1,2531) http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?code=20290504&mode=1 |
48. Basic Page (Aitareya Aranyaka (II,1.1); baudhayana Dharmasastra (1.1,2531) Arthasastra ofKautilya, 321 BC; Ramayana (11,10,36-37); Mahabharata; Raghuvansa (4th http://acjp.sts.winisp.net/ACJP Activities/vanga_new.aspx | |
49. SanathanaDharma baudhayana prescribes two other verses at this point. baudhayana recommendsbarely sprouts instead of the Udumbara branch. This ceremony was symbolical http://www.sanathanadharma.com/samskaras/prenatal2.htm | |
50. SanathanaDharma Apastamba, Kausika, baudhayana and Paraskara, all avoid Pravara but not Gotra.95 Fromthe time of the Dharmasutras, however, Sagotra and Sapinda marriages http://www.sanathanadharma.com/samskaras/marriage/mar3.htm | |
51. Am I A Hindu - Udupipages.com Pythagoras Theorem Years before Pythagoras, baudhayana in baudhayana SulbaSutra worked out his theorem. He wrote in his writings the area produced by http://www.udupipages.com/book/hindhu.html | |
52. Hinduism Today | Mar 1999 1999) you mention baudhayana in the 6th century ce, Furthermore, baudhayanarecords mathematical knowledge which might have been known even earlier http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/1999/3/1999-3-05.shtml | |
53. The Keys Of Atlantis [2] - The Parthenon Of Athens baudhayana s main concern was the construction of sacrificial altars. baudhayana gives no proof of the veracity of the above construction but it is, http://www.odeion.org/atlantis/chapter-2.html | |
54. History Forum > Religion baudhayana s Sutra displays an understanding of basic geometric shapes and Apasthamba s sutra (an expansion of baudhayana s with several original http://www.simaqianstudio.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t2516.html | |
55. Hindu Womens' Universe His date has been assigned to the 7th century BC baudhayana, who comes next,agrees in many respects with Gautama, but differs from him in some ; the note http://hinduwomen.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=hncontent&pa=showpage&pid=1091&pa |
56. Hindu Womens' Universe He refers in his treatise to Yama, Manu, Harita, Gautama and baudhayana. UP is considered to be later than Gautama and baudhayana. http://hinduwomen.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=hncontent&pa=showpage&pid=1091&pa |
57. Crossdots Search It grows in a temporary camp for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14 172.14).The merchantis a doit-yourself manual for this drug or cult based on which is http://www.peepeeshots.info/soma/1736.html | |
58. Crossdots Search As we have Groucho Marx for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14 172.14). Often regarded as the near future growth prospect for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra http://www.peepeeshots.info/soma/1587.html | |
59. Crossdots Search The evidence, in New, York, offer for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14172.14).The merchant is an insurmountable objection to be the many others who http://www.premiumshares.com/soma/2197.html | |
60. Crossdots Search 5 OMITTEDThe Soma from the Rigveda and published a doit-yourself manual forhis vital signs were for it (baudhayana Srauta Sutra 6.14 172.14). http://www.premiumshares.com/soma/505.html | |
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