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61. Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi Biography .ms abraham bar hiyya HaNasi. abraham bar hiyya Ha-Nasi (1070 - 1136) was a Spanish bar hiyya wrote several scientific works in the fields of astronomy, http://savasorda.biography.ms/ | |
62. The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias Of Science And Philo...-Springer Philosophie ( The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science abraham bar hiyya s Yesodei haTevunahu-Migdal ha-Emunah; M. Rubio. 7. Encyclopedic Aspects of abraham ibn Ezra s http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,1-40361-22-33724729-deta | |
63. About "História Da Matemática" Translate this page Biografías incluem abraham bar hiyya, abraham ben Erza, Alcuino de York, Ananiade Shirak, Aryabhata I, Bhaskara II, Leonardo de Pisa, Levi ben Gershon, http://mathforum.org/library/view/62519.html | |
64. Golden Age Of Jewish Culture In Spain: Information From Answers.com Jews in Spain abraham bar hiyya HaNasi Dunash ben Labrat golden age Jewish refugees Persecution of the Jews List of Jewish history topics http://www.answers.com/topic/golden-age-of-jewish-culture-in-spain | |
65. Table Of Contents abraham bar hiyya. IX. JOSEPH IBN ZADDIK. X. JUDAH HALEVI. XI. MOSES AND abrahamIBN EZRA. XII. abraham IBN DAUD. XIII. MOSES AND MAIMONIDES http://web.doverpublications.com/cgi-bin/toc.pl/0486422372 | |
66. Calendars - Credits, Feedback, Bibliography The oldest systematic and complete book on the present fixed Jewish calendar isthe work of abraham bar hiyya(born c. 1065), known as Savasorda of barcelona http://webexhibits.org/calendars/credits.html | |
67. EJewish.info - Yesod mora vesod ha-torah by abraham ibn Ezra, Iggeret Teman. In Higayonha-nefesh ha-azuva le-R. Avraham bar hiyya ha-Sefaradi. http://www.ejewish.info/resources/resourceCategoryDisplay.aspx?categoryid=265&rs |
68. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page abraham bar hiyya (641) abraham, Max (164*) Abu Kamil Shuja (1012) bar hiyya,abraham (641) barbier, Joseph Emile (67) bari, Nina (403*) http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
69. Sample Chapter For Satlow, M.L.: Jewish Marriage In Antiquity. Rav îisda said in the name of Mar Ukba bar hiyya, This is an evil wife with a 24), Josephus has abrahams slave say to Rebekkah, May your parents http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/chapters/s7075.html | |
70. 479 Be-Shalah following the words of Rav Joseph bar hiyya, in the Babylonian Talmud, This anthology was redacted by Rabbi abraham Reuben HaCohen Sofer, http://www.biu.ac.il/JH/Parasha/eng/beshalah/kos.html | |
71. Broder's Rare And Used Books Your Internet Bookstore Specializing In Rare And Us JUDAISM AS A PHILOSOPHY THE PHILOSOPHY OF abraham bar hiyya (1065 1143). abraham bar hiyya Theology/Religion Judaism Jews Jewish Judaica Jewish http://members.aol.com/booksss3/august07_2002.html | |
72. OD Board - Gentile Vs. Jewish Intellects abraham bar hiyya Ernst Ising Karl Gustav Jacobi John Kemeny Emanuel Lasker EdnaKramer Lassar Benoit Mandelbroit Herman Minkowski Emile Noether Max Noether http://www.originaldissent.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-1400.html | |
73. DIGI-Bar Hiyya Ha-Bargeloní. Autor 526.1. Pie de Imprenta R. abraham. NO. http://www.metabase.net/docs/digi/04212.html | |
74. The Moral Society - Chapter 5 of Jews settled and produced great medieval philosophers (eg, Maimonides andIbn Gabirol) and scientists (eg, abraham bar hiyya and abraham Zacuto). http://www.see.org/e-ms-5.htm | |
75. Proving Finite Time Based On Finite Knowledge Of God - Forum I am doing research on abraham bar hiyya (12th century). Is anyone aware of aproof that time is finite, because the knowledge of God cannot be infinite? http://pvspade.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000094.html | |
76. Hispánica Translate this page por el científico abraham bar hiyya que la había calculado para 1135. era de origen musulmán, no judío, aunque ya la utilizó abraham bar hiyya. http://poesiadelmomento.com/hispanica/22judioperson.html | |
77. 1 Ménestrel Histoire Des Sciences Et Des Techniques Moyen Age Middle Ages Histo abraham Ibn Ezra , abraham Savasorda (abraham bar hiyya) , Abulcasim , Al-Abhari,Albatanus , Albiruni , Albumasar , Alcabitius , Alcaeus , Alciphro http://www.ccr.jussieu.fr/urfist/menestrel/indexsci.htm | |
78. Cincinncati Campus Theses A-B, HUC-JIR Libraries abraham bar hiyya, HANASI, 12th cent. Miller, Mordecai 1974. abraham BEN MOSES,OF SINZHEIM Roth, Max 1970. abraham (BIBLICAL PATRIARCH) http://www.huc.edu/libraries/exhibits/theses/Cintheses_p1.htm | |
79. HistoryMole: The Calendar (0001-1972) 1125, abraham bar hiyya haNasi Jewish calendar. More, Has other topics associatedwith this event, Has external links generally assocated with this event http://www.historymole.com/cgi-bin/main/results.pl?type=theme&theme=Calendar |
80. ILAB-LILA On-line Catalogue bar hiyya Habargeloni, abraham trans. Jose M. Millas Va LA OBRA FORMA DE LATIERRA DE R. abraham bar hiyya HA-barGELONI Madrid Instituto Arias Montano http://www.ilabdatabase.com/php/catalogues.php3?catnr=1924&membernr=171&custnr=& |
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