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Banu Musa Brothers: more detail |
81. Muhammad: The Divine Call 1 musab bin Umair, of banu Abdud Dar. He was a handsome young man well belovedby the Saeed bin Zaid, brotherin-law of Umar, was of banu Adi and was http://www.alislam.org/library/books/muhammad_seal_of_the_prophets/chapter_02.ht | |
82. Imam Hasan Even Prophet musa was unable to comprehend the wisdom of those actions Imam knew of the animosity of the banu Umayya with the Prophet and his family. http://www.al-islam.org/kaaba14/5.htm | |
83. Imam Al-Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s.) Jafar remained firmly loyal to his brother musa, peace be on him, This cemeteryhad been used for banu Hashim and the nobles of the people for a long http://www.al-islam.org/masoom/bios/7thimam.html | |
84. Variety.com - Reviews - Istanbul Tales musa, the Kurd Selim Akgul Recai, Saliha s Brother - Erdem Akakce Also inthe mix love at first sight between a female transsexual, banu (Yelda http://www.variety.com/article/VE1117926910 | |
85. SalamIran - Religion - Amir-ul-Mo'menin Abi Talib, peace be on him, and his brothers were among the leading members of the His Shia who were all the banu Hashim, Salman, Ammar, Abu Dharr, http://www.salamiran.org/Religion/Imam1/ | |
86. Mumineen.org - Serving Dawoodi Bohras Worldwide : Awliya Kiram Archive Yasir, Ammar s father, and his two brothers Harith and Malik looked for banu Ummayyah stood by the house, too. They hoped that Uthman would be elected. http://archive.mumineen.org/awliya/panjatan/e_ammar.html | |
87. SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 15: The Book Of Oaths (Kitab Al-Aiman) It was then that a person from banu Tamim visited him. This hadith has beennarrated on the authority of Abu musa alAsh ari with a slight variation of http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/muslim/015.smt.html | |
88. The Revival - Voice Of The Muslim Youth In these verses we learn that musa (peace be upon him) was guided by Allah to One of them was the tribe of banu Khuzaah. When banu Bakr, an ally of the http://www.therevival.co.uk/politics/case_for_muslim_participation.htm | |
89. A Case For Muslim Political Participation - III&E However, there was a secret believer in musa(S) among Pharaohs people, One of them was the tribe of banu Khuzaah. When banu Bakr, an ally of the http://www.iiie.net/1/content/view/80/44/ | |
90. Arabian Nights: 16 Appendix Adventures of Khudadad and his brothers, iii. Adventures of Prince Ahmad and theFairy Peribanu, iii. Al- Abbás, Tale of King Ins bin Kays and his daughter http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Sn_6/16appendixB.htm | |
91. The Life Of Imam Ali (a.s) > The Commander Of The Faithful At A Quick Glance Abi Talib, peace be on him, and his brothers were among the leading members He had especially gathered the banu Abd alMuttalib there in order to make http://www.imamalinet.net/en/ec/eca/eca.htm | |
92. Institute For The Secularisation Of Islamic Society Two of these Babis were brothers of Fatima, widow of the Bab; another one washer current Sufaiyah was a beautiful woman of the banu Qurayzah tribe. http://www.secularislam.org/visitors/28.htm | |
93. THE FIRST SESSION The name of Imam Jafar asSadiq is missing between Imam musa al-Kazim and Amir Abul Faras al-Hamadani says banu Harab (Omayyids) did not succeed in http://www.ansar.org/english/beshawer1.htm | |
94. IslamiCity Forum: The Last Caliph Thou said to musa, We will strengthen thy arm with thy brother. We encounteredthe tribe of banu Zubaydah of Yemen and we fought desperately. http://www.islamicity.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1258&PN=1 |
95. Deen Islam -Who Are Muhibi-Rasul Organised by the brothers and Sisters of the Islamic Cultural and the 10thof Muharram, the day on which Sayiddina musa saved his people from the http://www.deenislam.co.uk/Muhibi_Rasul_Itinerary.html | |
96. The Transmission Of Knowledge He gained favour at court through the Bukhtyishu family and through the BanuMusa, three wealthy brothers who were patrons of learning and wrote on http://explorers.whyte.com/trans.htm | |
97. Imam Ali (A.S) The Holy Prophet has said of Ali O Ali, you are my brother in this world The son of Abu Talib was in his own right the chief of banu Hashim and the http://www.hadith.net/english/ahl-al-bayt/emam-1.htm | |
98. ISMAIL BIN JAFAR SADIK (148-158/765-775) Conversely, Abbas asSaffah was succeeded by his brother, Mansur. He also boostedto legitimize the line of banu Abbas on religious ground, and determined http://www.ismaili.net/histoire/history04/history401.html | |
99. IbnYasin As for the branch of the banu Turjut stemming from Muhammad b. Ibrahim, theuterine brother of Yusuf ibn Tashfin, had two sons, Abu Abdullah and Abu http://bewley.virtualave.net/ibnyasin.html | |
100. Colloquium No. 6 - Fung Kam Wing - é¦æ¸¯ç§æ大å¸åæ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://library.ust.hk/info/colloq/jun2002/fung-talk.html | |
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