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Banu Musa Brothers: more detail |
61. Bukhari2 I am Dimam ibn Tha laba, of the brothers of banu Sa d ibn Bakr. He asked, Themusa of the banu Isra il? musa said that he was and added, May I follow http://bewley.virtualave.net/bukhari2.html | |
62. Tawba4 (They said Do not go out in the heat ) A man from the banu Salma said this as brothers; and it is also said that they were the companions of Abu musa http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/tawba4.html | |
63. Encyclopedia Article: Biography Of Baha'u'llah of traitorous and rebellious tribesmen (the banu Qurayza) by early Muslims . Baha u llah also taught the faith to his brothers, including Mirza musa http://bahai-library.com/encyclopedia/bahabio.html | |
64. Bahá'u'lláh of traitorous and rebellious tribesmen (the banu Qurayza) by early Muslims . Bahá u lláh also taught the faith to his brothers, including Mirza musa http://bahai-library.com/?file=cole_encyclopedia_bahaullah |
65. Bahai Baha U Llah of traitorous and rebellious tribesmen (the banu Qurayza) by early Muslims. Baha u llah also taught the faith to his brothers, including Mirza musa and http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bahabio.htm | |
66. Musa -- Encyclopædia Britannica musa mother and wife of Phraates V ( e qv /e ), king of Parthia. banu musabrothers University of St.Andrews, Scotland http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9054391 |
67. The Battle Of Banu Al-Mustaliq musa Ibn Uqbah, however, said, It was in the 4th year of Hijra. Sa d Ibn Mu ad.the brother of banu Abd AlAshhal, got up and said, http://anwary-islam.com/battle/ghazwah_mustaliq.html | |
68. Ghazwah Khaibar upon him) made the brother of banu Adi form the Ansar as the ruler of Khaibar. Abu Burda also narrated that Abu musa said, The Prophet (peace and http://anwary-islam.com/battle/ghazwah_khaibar.html | |
69. Wiet. Baghdad Three brothers, the sons of musa ibn Shakir, sought to distinguish The Banumusa were themselves scholars who made advances in mathematics and astronomy http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/med/wiet.html | |
70. Journey Of Al-Mahdi The three brothers continued searching for alMahdi for a whole year. He brought them to his favour, such as banu Malik, banu Murid, banu Hujayna, http://www.ismaili.net/histoire/history05/history503.html | |
71. Detain Injustice The tribe of banu Bakr joined Quraish, while their ancient rivals, Khuzaaah, Let Injustice be detained, not our Muslim brothers and fathers! http://www.lutonmuslims.co.uk/fatherdetain.htm | |
72. SunniPath Library - Hadith - The Sahih Collection Of Al-Bukhari - Book Of Settin It is related that Abu Hurayra said, I still love the banu Tamim. It isnarrated from Abu musa that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and http://www.sunnipath.com/Resources/PrintMedia/Hadith/H0002P0052.aspx | |
73. SunniPath Library - Hadith - The Sahih Collection Of Al-Bukhari - Book Of Shares Sufyan said, Sa d ibn Khawla was a man from the banu Amir ibn Lu ayy. Ibn Mas ud was asked and was told of what Abu musa said. http://www.sunnipath.com/Resources/PrintMedia/Hadith/H0002P0088.aspx | |
74. The Prophet's II musa was born in the house of Imran, in the clan of Lavi (one of the twelve Zakariya was a prophet amongst banu Israil. He worked as a carpenter and http://www.help-for-the-convert.net/the_prophet's_ii.htm | |
75. My Lines - Person Page 143 Chief of the banu Kasi Family.2 Also called musa ibn Fortun banu Kasi. wali deZaragoza Musá I ibn Fortún banu Qasi was born in 740?.1 He was the son of http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cousin/html/p143.htm | |
76. Nahj Al Balagha in high regard at the courts of banu Abbas and the rulers of Al Dayalimah, 372/98283) arrested along with him his brother Abu Abd Allah ibn musa http://www.holynajaf.net/eng/html/nahjulbalaga/lifelineage.htm | |
77. Sermon 191 When musa son of `Imran went to Pharaoh along with his brother Harun (Aaron) wearing Both of them bore him progeny which is known as banu Isra il. http://www.holynajaf.net/eng/html/nahjulbalaga/191.htm | |
78. Contrasting The Prophet Jesus (P) And The Prophet Muhammad (P): A Christian View Abu Afak, was from banu Amr Ibn Awf, and was an old man who had attained the age of Abu musa said, I came to the Prophet along with two men (from the http://answer-islam.org/Muhjes2.html | |
79. Is Music Prohibited In Islam? Many times I get emails from Muslim brothers and sisters complaining about themusic link Narrated Abu musa That the Prophet said to him O Abu musa! http://www.answering-christianity.com/music_yes.htm | |
80. Supreme Council For Islamic Affairs This time Abbas told the idolaters that Abu Zar belonged to banu Ghifar, But this time Abu Zar asked him not to address him as brother, Abu musa wanted http://www.alazhr.org/encyclopedia/Chapter1-3.htm | |
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