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21. 1820 INDIANA CENSUS INDEX ONLY NAME COUNTY TOWNSHIP BAKER EZRA JEFF NO TWP LISTED baker, FREDERICK ORAN NORTHEAST baker, henry HARR NO TWP LISTED baker, henry DEAR MANCHESTER baker, HUGH SCOT LEXINGTON baker, http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8056/census/1820allinba.txt | |
22. Henry Baker's Archive Of Research Papers Retyped and TeX formatted by henry G. baker, November, 1995; posted with the permission of JeanClaude Lafon (jcl@mimosa.unice.fr). http://home.pipeline.com/~hbaker1/ | |
23. Worlds In Collision: Mostly Functional Concurrency Control baker78a baker, henry. Actor Systems for RealTime Computation. baker78b baker, henry. List processing in real time on a serial computer . http://home.pipeline.com/~hbaker1/TreeShadow.html | |
24. Sounds & Stories: People Said you henry baker? I said yeah. He said my name is Cannonball. Say, well look man, when you get down there, go see henry baker cause hell get you a http://webdrive.jhsph.edu/eschaaf/sas/people/bakerstone/bakerstone-oralhistory.h | |
25. Henry Moore BAKER baker, henry Moore, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Bow, baker, henry Moore. The beginnings of the revolution in New Hampshire . http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/baker-henry-moore.html | |
26. Baker baker, henry Herbert Bright Sparcs Biographical entrybaker, henry Herbert - Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Baker.html | |
27. Henry Baker - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART.co henry baker AskART, an artist directory with henry baker and 35000+ American painting and other artists - henry M baker artwork prices, valuations, http://www.askart.com/artist/B/henry_m_baker.asp?ID=103507 |
28. William Baker - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART. From Auction House Records. William henry baker AskART art prices appraisal value. An example of work by William henry baker. http://www.askart.com/artist/B/william_henry_baker.asp?ID=3065 |
29. HENRY BAKER - LoveToKnow Article On HENRY BAKER baker, henry (16981774), English naturalist, was born in London on the 8th ofMay 1698. After serving an apprenticeship with a bookseller, http://32.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BAKER_HENRY.htm | |
30. Georgia Tech :: LAWN :: Locations baker, henry L. Building (099) Boggs, Gilbert Hillhouse Building (103) Brittain Dining Hall (12) Brittain, Marion LT Room Addition (072) http://www.lawn.gatech.edu/locations/?letter=B&building=099 |
31. Catalogue » Artists » Elsie Baker -- Henry Burr Elsie baker. Available recordings I Love You Truly (1912) Available on henry Burr, Anthology The Original King of Pop http://www.archeophone.com/songs_and_artists/artists/b.php | |
32. Baker, Henry (1698-1774) henry baker (16981774). Return to The Worlds of David Darling baker, henry (1698-1774). Microscopist who advocated both pluralism and the notion of the http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/B/BakerH.html | |
33. SENA Volume 3 Contents Volume 3 (Art Ross Trophybaker, henry Fenimore, Jr.) Volume 4 (baker, baker Bowl Robert F. Bluthardt; baker, henry Fenimore Jr. (Fenny) http://www.ai-press.com/SENA.3.contents.html | |
34. Baker's Henry Burgess baker s henry Burgess. http://www.berner.org/gallery/BakerzzHenry_Burgess.htm | |
35. Baker, Henry J. (1838-1918) henry J. baker 1838 1918 Laid to rest at Glenwood Cemetery - Collinsville, Illinois Mr. JH baker, son of henry S. baker and Susanne baker, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~sunnyann/bakerhenry.html | |
36. Baker, Henry And Elizabeth Parnell She married henry 20th Sept. 1853 and died at Wangarei, 26th March 1912. henry the son of Robert baker and Sarah Shield was born in Kensington, England Abt. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~sealark/h baker.html | |
37. BAKER, Henry Moore (1841-1912) Guide To Research Papers A letter from henry Moore baker, Treasury Department, to AD Smith, Hanover, NH. The letter sends specimens of genuine Confederate currency for the Dartmouth http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/guidedisplay.pl?index=B000061 |
38. BAKER, Henry Moore - Biographical Information baker, henry Moore, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Bow, near Concord, NH, January 11, 1841; attended the common schools, Pembroke, Tilton, http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B000061 |
39. (Mary BAKER - Henry Earl BUTLER ) Index of Persons Mary baker henry Earl BUTLER 505 individuals, 208 families from file mooreweb.ged (10 Jun 2001) http://home.sprintmail.com/~hawstom/mooreweb/index/ind0004.htm | |
40. Display Member Detail Name, baker, henry V, Ph.D. Title, Professor and Interim Chair, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Medicine http://www.ufgi.ufl.edu/aspzzz/displaydetail.asp?ID=10 |
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