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41. Acoustical Foundations Of Music; Author: Backus, John; Hardback; Book Acoustical Foundations Of Music Author backus, john. http://www.opengroup.com/mubooks/039/0393090965.shtml | |
42. Death Notices Obituaries Newspaper Obituaries Online backus, john A. backus, john A. On Tuesday, July 12, 2005 of Rockville, MD. Beloved husband of the late Ann Griffith backus. Loving father of Sarah A. http://www.legacy.com/Legacy.asp?Page=FHStories&FHIndex=2158&FHName=Pumphrey's C |
43. Computer Science Illuminated: Biographical_Sketches john backus was an aimless young man who pulled his act together and won the Turing For some photos and information on john backus, visit this web site. http://csilluminated.jbpub.com/biographical_chapter.cfm?chapter=11 |
44. Executive Spotlight - Interview With John Backus, Managing Partner Of Draper Atl ExecutiveBiz is the official Weekly Business Magazine provided by the Potomac Officers Club, Washington DC s most talked about membership organization, http://www.executivebiz.com/newsletter-executives-detail.php?who=jbackus&d=04062 |
45. Gubernatorial Candidates Breakfast Forum: October 17, 2002 Panelists Dr. Charles backus, john Kelly and Gena Trimble. (Candidates Matt Salmon (R) and Richard Mahoney (I) Candidates Matt Salmon (R) and Richard http://www.researchedge.com/atic/election/gov_forum021017.html | |
46. Myra Breckinridge [DVD] Online At Movies Unlimited Costars john Huston, Roger C. Carmel, Jim backus, john Carradine. 94 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtracks English Dolby Digital stereo, Dolby Digital http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/product.asp?sku=D49929 |
47. Member txtFirstName john CONSTIT.FIRSTNAME txtMiddleName CONSTIT.MIDDLENAME txtMI CONSTIT.MI txtLastName backus CONSTIT.LASTNAME txtSuffix CONSTIT.SUFFIX http://www.nae.edu/nae/naepub.nsf/0/92edbdb62062891a85256ffc004a40a6?OpenDocumen |
48. 1993 Recipient Of The Charles Stark Draper Prize john backus IBM Almaden Research Center, Retired For his development of FORTRAN, Before john backus, only a handful of specialists could use the http://www.nae.edu/NAE/awardscom.nsf/weblinks/NAEW-4NHM9U?opendocument |
49. Sound References backus, john, The Acoustical Foundations of Music, 2nd Ed, WW Norton, New York, 1977. Benade, Arthur H., Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics, http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souref.html | |
50. AZ DEED RECORDS Grantor Grantee Date Of Sale Book/Page Abeytia Berry, William J 5/10/1866 3/141 backus, john Phelps, Edward 9/8/1865 2/155 backus, john Smith, EH 12/23/1865 2/429 backus, john Walker, JR Jr. 6/19/1865 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/az/statewide/land/deedstwi.txt | |
51. MILITARY PENSION John Backus; Freetown, Cortland Co., New York Declaration of john backus of Freetown in Cortland county and state of New York john backus Subscribed Sworn to this 7th day of October 1840 before me http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/cortland/military/revwar/pensions/backus |
52. Windham, Windham County, Connecticut History His oldest daughter, Mary, had married john backus the previous summer. john Arnold had been a schoolmaster in Norwich, and was one of the most intelligent http://www.connecticutgenealogy.com/windham/windham.htm | |
53. ÀäåïòÈÑ: Ïîä çíàêîì Leonardo Da Vinci. [John Backus] The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.adeptis.ru/vinci/m_part7_3.html | |
54. John Backus Archive Home Page The john backus Archive contains various files from the backus estate, john backus was a wellknown researcher in woodwind acoustics and a recipient of http://ccrma.stanford.edu/marl/Backus/BackusHome.html | |
55. John Backus Biography john backus was a research physicist who trained under EO Lawrence at john backus died on October 28, 1988 in the UCLA Medical Center at the age of 77. http://ccrma.stanford.edu/marl/Backus/BackusBio.html | |
56. Supt-List SAD 23, backus, johnPlymouth Road, Carmel 04419-0208, 848-5173, 848-5196. SAD 24, Belanger, Clayton-319 Main Street, Van Buren 04785, 868-2746, 868-5420 http://www.msmaweb.com/supt_list.htm | |
57. US Patent Inventors Starting With The Letter B - Patent Storm 5 inventors named backus, john W. have been found, please choose one based on his/her location. 12865 Via Caballo Rojo, San Diego, CA 92129 Ballwin, MO http://www.patentstorm.us/inventors/B-5.html | |
58. John Backus Has Been Named Recipient Of The 1993 Charles Stark Before john backus, only a handful of specialists could use the computer, said White. Today, everyone from preschoolers to postgraduates can use http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/199310/msg00015.ht |
59. Deathdream , Bob Clark , Richard Backus, John Marley, Lynn Carlin Translate this page Filmkritik Deathdream,,Bob Clark,Richard backus, john Marley, Lynn Carlin Review Film Kritik Trailer Galerie. http://www.nightmareongleimstreet.com/movies/D/deathdream | |
60. John Backus bn ? nljohn backus ja?· pljohn This document uses material from the Wikipedia article john backus , http://71331.mallforeverything.com/ | |
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