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Autolycus Of Pitane: more detail |
81. GRBS / Contents Petronian Numbers, 9 (1968) 5557; autolycus of pitane, De Ortibus 1.6, 9 (1968) 58; On Fragments of Three Historians I The Son of Xenophanes; http://www.duke.edu/web/classics/grbs/contents.html | |
82. 7. Appendix Geometry And Astronomy. autolycus of pitane (end of IV BC) and Euclid wrote books about spherical geometry,in axiomaticdeductive Euclidean style, aimed to astronomical http://www.dm.uniba.it/~psiche/bas2/node8.html |
84. Autolycus styles himself the King of Thieves . Both characters were inspired by themythic figure. autolycus of pitane, a Greek mathematician. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/A/Autolycus.htm | |
85. List Of Ancient Greeks Encyclopedia Article, History, Biography @ Local Color Ar Athenian comic poet; autolycus of pitane astronomer; Axionicus - Middle Comedypoet. edit. B. Babrius - fabulist; Bacchylides - poet; http://www.stardustmemories.com/search/encyclopedia/List_of_ancient_Greeks/ | |
86. CategoryAncient Greeks - Art History Online Reference And Guide Archytas Aristander Aristarchus of Samothrace Aristophanes of Byzantium Aristoxenus Arsinoe II of Egypt Artemisia autolycus of pitane http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/Category:Ancient_Greeks |
87. AllRefer.com - Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician (Astronomy, Biograp autolycusOtol´ikus Pronunciation Key, fl. 4th cent. BC, astronomer andmathematician of pitane in Aeolis. Of his two extant works, that on the revolving http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/A/Autolycu.html | |
88. La Vouivre | Libraire-Éditeur | Varia 2005 Translate this page autolycus DE pitane MOGENET (Joseph) autolycus de pitane. Histoire du texte,suivie de lédition critique des traités de la sphère en mouvement et des http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lavouivre/catalogue-varia.htm | |
89. Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth autolycus, Greek astronomer and mathematician. The Columbia Encyclopedia, SixthEdition. 200105. BC, astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. http://www.bartleby.com/65/au/Autolycu.html | |
90. Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician autolycus , fl. 4th cent. BC, astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis.Of his two extant works, that on the revolving sphere is said to be the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0805405.html | |
91. Imago Mundi - Ecoles D'Alexandrie. Translate this page des traités de la géométrie de la sphère comme les Sphériques de Théodose etde Ménélaos, la Sphère en mouvement dautolycus de pitane (IVes. av. http://www.cosmovisions.com/EcolesAlexandrie.htm | |
92. Hronologija Dogaðaja Od 30.000. Godine G.p.n.e. Do 1. Godine N.e. Oko 330 gpne autolycus iz pitane pie O pokretnim sferama u kojima proucavageometriju lopte. Delo je pisano kao astronomski tekst. http://www.astronomija.co.yu/istorija/hronologija.htm | |
93. Aeolis autolycus, Greek astronomer and mathematician autolycus , fl. 4th cent. BC,astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. Of his two extant . http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/history/A0802615.html | |
94. Euclid (325 BC- 265 BC) :: Paganality.com :: (yes, It's Magik :) It survives in Greek and is quite similar to On the Moving Sphere, by autolycusof pitane, who flourished around 310 BC However, the propositions of autolycus http://www.paganality.com/pagan-article-Historical-People-Euclid-325-BC-265-BC | |
95. Imago Mundi - Autolycus. de deux ouvrages, dont l un, Sur la sphère en mouvement (Peri kinoumenes http://www.cosmovisions.com/Autolycus.htm | |
96. ContentCafe 191, (1). Zeno s paradoxes. 192, (2). Aristotle. 194, (6). Sphaeric. autolycus ofPitane. 200, (2). IX. EUCLID, 202, (68). THE ELEMENTS. 204, (51). EUCLID S OTHER http://contentcafe.btol.com/ClientApplication/ContentCafe.aspx?UserID=quantum&Pa |
97. Greek Democracy Anthemius Antiphon Apollonius Archimedes Archytas Aristaeus Aristotle Autolycusof pitane Bryson Callippus Chrysippus Cleomedes Conon Democritus Dinostratus http://lilt.ilstu.edu/connections/2002BBabstracts/greek_democracy.htm | |
98. DODATEK A - CHRONOLOGICZNA LISTA NAJWA¯NIEJSZYCH MATEMATYKÓW Elder (fl. c. 350330); Eudemus of Rhodes (the Peripatetic) (fl. c. 335); Autolycusof pitane (fl. c. 300); Euclid (fl. c. 295); Aristarchus |
99. Books-histoire Translate this page La République, Platon, -347°. Timée, Platon, -347°. La sphère en mouvement, Autolycusde pitane, -330. Organon, Aristote, -322. Physique, Aristote, -322°. http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/bookshistoire.htm | |
100. Mathématiciens De L'antiquité http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-paul.davalan/hist/ | |
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