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Aryabhata Ii: more detail |
81. A History Of The Development Of Trigonometry Hypparchus of Rhodes (ii century. BC) is called the founder of trigonometry The tables of half cords were given by aryabhata in about 500. these tables http://www.termpapergenie.com/ahistory.html | |
82. NIASNEWS Oct03 A brief survey of the development of astronomy in India through the VedangaJyothisya, aryabhata, Bhaskara I, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara ii, Ganesh Daivajna and http://www.iisc.ernet.in/nias/oct03.htm | |
83. Wednesday Discussion Meetings A brief survey of the development of astronomy in India through the vedangaJyothisya, aryabhata, BhaskaraI, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara-ii, Ganesh Daivajna and http://www.iisc.ernet.in/nias/wlec.htm | |
84. A Tribute To Hinduism - Hindu Culture2 The Indian astronomer, aryabhata lived in during the period in which the (source India By James Mill Volume ii. p. 512 and Hindu Superiority - By Har http://www.atributetohinduism.com/Hindu_Culture2.htm | |
85. Orbiting Astronomical Observatories -- Launch Sequence besides Solar and ionosphere observations aryabhata homepage (HEASARC) 1992 June 2 (Delta ii) Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) EUVE CEA homepage http://www.seds.org/~spider/oaos/oaos-l.html | |
86. Science In India- Astronomy The Aryabhatiya (AD 499) of aryabhata the First discussed spherical followed byCandracchayaganita ii by Nilakantha, and Candracchayaganita iiI and IV http://www.indiaheritage.com/science/astro.htm | |
87. About "História Da Matemática" Translate this page Biografías incluem Abraham bar Hiyya, Abraham ben Erza, Alcuino de York, Ananiade Shirak, aryabhata I, Bhaskara ii, Leonardo de Pisa, Levi ben Gershon, http://mathforum.org/library/view/62519.html | |
88. Indian Space Program By Subhajit Ghosh From a historical perspective, the first Indian satellite was aryabhata, BhaskaraI was the second Indian satellite Bhaskara-ii the third which were http://www.boloji.com/computing/012.htm | |
89. Swaveda - ELibrary - Government - Indian Empires An important account of the empire under Chandragupta ii survives in the memoir aryabhata realized that the earth was a sphere, that it rotated on its http://www.swaveda.com/elibrary.php?id=69&action=show&type=book |
90. Ar-As: Index To The Secret Doctrine By H. P. Blavatsky, Prepared By John P. Van Arvasthan (Skt), or Arabia ii 406. Aryachatta aryabhata (Skt). taught revolutionof Earth I 117 value of ii 499n. Arya Magazine , Aryan era in ii 68n http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd-index/dx-ar-as.htm | |
91. A Timeline Of Ancient India 499 the Hindu mathematician aryabhata writes the Aryabhatiya , 784 thePratihara king Nagabhata ii conquers the sacred capital of the north, http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/indians.html | |
92. The Culture Of Science aryabhatas Theory Rotation of Earth, Indian Journal or History of Rather theattempt was to reinterpret what aryabhata said or to wish it away as http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/~scipop/ebooks/articles/cultureofscience.htm | |
93. Aryabhata - Definition Of Aryabhata In Encyclopedia aryabhata () (Aryabha?a) is the first of the great astronomers ofthe classical age of India. He was born in 476 AD in Ashmaka but later lived http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Aryabhata | |
94. The Àryabhatíya Of Àryabhata By J. Q. Jacobs The oldest exact astronomic constant? The ratio of earth rotations to lunar orbitsin aryabhata s AD 498 writing. http://www.jqjacobs.net/astro/aryabhata.html | |
95. The Battlefield Of Indian History decimal places and producing an accurate table of sines; Algebra was known toAryabhata; and it is discussed in detail in Bhaskara ii s Lilavati ca. http://www.rediff.com/news/2004/aug/16rajeev.htm | |
96. Storytelling Science: Aryabhata And Diophantus' Son Fictionalized picture showing aryabhata at Nalanda University. It is night andthe stars are out; aryabhata also made startling contributions to astronomy. http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/~amit/story/19_aryabhata.html | |
97. Pergunta Agora Al-Khujandi, Vijayanandi, al-Sijzi, Yunus, Al-Karaji, al-Haitam, Mansur, http://www.apm.pt/pa/index.asp?accao=showtext&id=3407 |
98. Title The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://gu.wikipedia.org/wiki/વિàªàª¿àªªà«àª¡àª¿à |
99. Philosophengallery http://www.schepart.ch/mho/Philosophie/Philosophengallery/Philosophengallery2.ht | |
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