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81. Perga - Prolegomena Mathematica From apollonius of perga to Late Neoplatonism With an apollonius of perga Treatise on conic sections with introductions http://perga.idoneos.com/ | |
82. The Great Men Of Croatian Science He placed himself alongside Apollonius and Viete by saying and thus of Gaul will need the Croatian Apollonius to revive apollonius of perga who was http://pubwww.srce.hr/zuh/English/velik_e.htm | |
83. The Modern Age - 17th Century On Contacts) by the Greek mathematician apollonius of perga and studied Gaul will need the Croatian Apollonius to revive apollonius of perga who was http://pubwww.srce.hr/zuh/English/nv17_e.htm | |
84. Annotated Bibliography apollonius of perga, Treatise on Conic Sections , TL Heath, ed., New York Dover, apollonius of perga, On Cutting Off a Ratio,, EM Macierowski,trans; http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dwh/books/eg00/00EG-biblio/ | |
85. From Euclid To Newton apollonius of perga composed a systematic treatise on conic sections It iswritten by three men Eculid the Elementarist, apollonius of perga, http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/exhibits/math/nofr.html | |
86. Gudrun Wolfschmidt A Historian Looks At Astronomy In The Classroom. famous mathematicians like apollonius of perga were often among the makers . promoted the discovery of the conic sections (apollonius of perga).4 http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/math/ign/xyz/ca00-v5.htm | |
87. Apollonius Unguru Sabetai, cohn institute apollonius of perga s Conica Text, Context, Subtext by Michael N.Fried apollonius of perga s Conica Selected Texts in Hellenistic Mathematics http://turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Apollonius.html | |
88. CONIC SECTION - LoveToKnow Article On CONIC SECTION all we have is chiefly to be found in the works of apollonius of perga. But the greatest Greek writer on the conic sections was apollonius of perga, http://5.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CO/CONIC_SECTION.htm | |
89. Greek For Euclid: Contents 284 BC), apollonius of perga (fl. 220 BC), and Ptolemy (fl. 150) advanced geometryand astronomy greatly. Geometry was still actively pursued in the time of http://www.du.edu/~etuttle/classics/nugreek/contents.htm | |
90. Apollonius Of Perga's Conica Text, Context, Subtext :: Brill :: Editeurs & Colle http://librarius.fr/boutique_librarius/product.php?productid=12414 |
91. Simon Finch Author apollonius of perga. More Details.. Title Locorum planorum libri II.Restituti a Roberto Simson. Author apollonius of perga. More Details.. http://www.simonfinch.com/pages/alpharesults.php?selLetter=A |
92. Estudo Do Problema De Apollonius apollonius de perga (260 170 AC) foi um ge³metra grego que equacionou e resolveu o problema a que lhe foi atribudo o nome. A solu§£o original foi escrita no seu Tratado De Tactionibus que infelizmente se perdeu. Nos nossos dias, o problema foi resolvido por v¡rios ilustres matem¡ticos como Fran§ois Vi¨te, C. F. Gauss, J. D. Gergonne. http://planeta.clix.pt/anove/gd/apollonius/ |
93. Apollonius Von Perga Translate this page Berühmte Mathematiker apollonius von perga. Apollonios von Perge apollonius.Geboren ungefähr 262 v.Chr. in perga, Pamphylia, Griechenland (nun http://www.mathematik.ch/mathematiker/apollonius.php | |
94. Biografi: Apollonius apollonius ble født i perga, som var et kulturelt sentrum på denne tiden. Da hanvar ung, Her finner du en biografi på engelsk om apollonius av perga. http://www.matematikk.org/artikkel/vis.php?id=1048 |
95. Appolonius De Perga Translate this page apollonius De perga. grec, Perge -262 / Alexandrie -180 env. On doit à cemathématicien et astronome grec un traité complet et de très beaux résultats sur http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/recherche/irem/histoire/appolonius_de_perga.htm | |
96. Kegelsneden Deze laatste, apollonius van perga (~262 ~190 vC) studeerde in Alexandrië enging daarna naar pergamom, een stad die zich naast Alexandrië tot een centrum http://www.pandd.demon.nl/kegelsneden.htm | |
97. Maths Title page of apollonius, of perga. Apollonii Pergæi de sectione rationis libriduo ex arabico msto. latine versi. Accedunt ejusdem de sectione spatii http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/library/speccoll/exhibitions/gsci/maths.html | |
98. Apollonius Von Perga Translate this page apollonius perga oder Perge (c. 262 BC - c. 190 BC) war von einer griechischen. http://www.yotor.com/wiki/de/ap/Apollonius von Perga.htm | |
99. Apollonius Of Perga (ca. 262-ca. 190 BC) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scien From AOUM AOUM. Newsgroups sci.math Subject Re Problems from apollonius from perga give us the following beutifull construction to 3. * *A*********************************o***************M http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/Apollonius.html | |
100. Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics » Apollonius [Apollonios] Of Perga ( apollonius Apollonios of perga (200100 BC). DOI 10.1888/0333750888/3432;Published November 2000. Icon Full text (PDF, 20K) http://eaa.iop.org/index.cfm?action=summary&doc=eaa/3432@eaa-xml |
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