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Antiphon The Sophist: more detail | ||||||||
61. NOWO¦CI - MARZEC Antiphon, The fragments / antiphon the sophist ; edited with introduction, translation, and commentary by Gerard J. Pendrick. http://www.hist.uni.wroc.pl/biblioteka_new/nowosci/2005/marzec/ | |
62. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Antiphon, antiphon the sophist Born 480 BC in (possibly) Athens, Greece Died 411 BC in Athens, Greece; Apollonius, Apollonius of Perga http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=A |
63. Cambridge University Press Sophistic Socratic philosophies (category at ISBNdb.com)antiphon the sophist; edited with introduction, translation and commentary by Gerard J. Pendrick Publisher Cambridge, UK ; Cambridge University Press, http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521651611 |
64. Harvard University Press/Ancilla To Pre-Socratic Philosophers/Contents 79. Sophist Name and Concept 80. Protagoras 81. Xeniades 82. Gorgias 83. Lycophron 84. Prodicus 85. Thrasymachus 86. Hippias 87. antiphon the sophist http://www.hup.harvard.edu/contents/FREANX_toc.html | |
65. Sources Littéraires - Collections Anglaises Et Américaines Translate this page antiphon the sophist. The Fragments, ed. Pendrick G. J., 2002, 472 p. (nr. 39). CR BMCR. Aratus. Phaenomena, ed. Kidd D., 1997, 614 p. (nr. 34). CR BMCR. http://bcs.fltr.ucl.ac.be/SLAngl.html | |
66. Archived Reviews - Philosophical Reviews - University Of Notre Dame antiphon the sophist The Fragments Reviewed by Michael Gagarin, University of Texas at Austin 2003.04.10. David Boonin A Defense of Abortion http://ndpr.nd.edu/archives.cfm?date=4|2003 |
67. Antiphon (Sophist) - Wikipedia Translate this page antiphon aus Athen (der sophist) war ein griechischer Philosoph und sophist des 5. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, antiphon der sophist, antiphon sophista http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiphon_(Sophist) | |
68. Lexikon Antiphon (Sophist) antiphon (sophist) aus der http://lexikon.freenet.de/Antiphon_(Sophist) |
69. Lexikon Antiphon (Redner) Translate this page Philosophen antiphon (siehe dort) ist umstritten, wird inzwischen von der Forschung Siehe auch antiphon (sophist), Rhetorik, Argumentation, Thukydides http://lexikon.freenet.de/Antiphon_(Redner) | |
70. Table Of Contents And Excerpt, Gagarin, Antiphon The Athenian antiphon Life and Works. Orator and sophist; The Authenticity of the Tetralogies antiphon s various identitieslogographer, sophist, political adviser, http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/excerpts/exgagani.html | |
71. Antiphon (Sophist) Infos Bzw. Info Translate this page antiphon aus Athen (der sophist) war ein griechischer Philosoph und sophist des 5. Jhs. v. Chr., der mit einem Dichter, Tragiker und Traumdeuter http://infofrosch.info/a/an/antiphon__sophist_.html | |
72. Sophists A third important sophist was antiphon c. 480411 BC. Fragment 3 opposes nomos (human law or custom) to phusis (nature). Claims that many laws and http://www.uky.edu/~jjord0/Sophist.htm | |
73. [[187]] antiphon (sophist), vi note, 42, 54, 59, 84, 8, 90115; Aly on, 73-76, 90, 91. See also individual names of sophists (esp. antiphon, Gorgias http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Thucydides/Finley/FinleyIndex3.html | |
74. Athenian Litigation David Kolb, antiphon; David Roy Vance. antiphon, the sophist (c. 480411 BC) on Justice; Catherine Colegrove, Women in the Oikos The Stranger Within http://abacus.bates.edu/~mimber/AthLit/web.cites.htm | |
75. Oedipus, University Of Saskatchewan This hostility appears in an even more extreme form in the writings of the sophist antiphon. Justice consists of not transgressing any of the laws nomima http://duke.usask.ca/~porterj/CourseNotes/Oed.html | |
76. Antiphon round whether there was one sophist philosopher named antiphon who lived least the orator named antiphon was the same person as the sophist who made http://www.palmers.ac.uk/internet/Previous Events/Eric Excellence day/webs2003/J | |
77. Antiphon (person) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The assertions that he was a sophist and a contemporary of Socrates are revolve round whether there was one sophist philosopher named antiphon who lived http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiphon_(person) | |
78. ۞ Exhaustionsmethode - Im IzyNews Lexikon Translate this page antiphon (mehr über antiphon antiphon (sophist)) (430 v. Chr.) war überzeugt, dass man einen Kreis quadrieren (mehr über Kreis quadrieren Quadratur des http://www.izynews.com/de_l/Exhaustionsmethode | |
79. TOC antiphon Life and Works. Orator and sophist; The Authenticity of the Tetralogies. 3. Truth. The Papyrus Fragments; Nomos and Physis; Justice http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~gagarin/toc.htm | |
80. Protagoras Of Abdera, Gorgias Of Leontini (437 BC), Hippias And The sophist resembled to a prostitute, for he taught only in return of money and antiphon was a native Athenian, that was an exception to the rule, http://www.csudh.edu/phenom_studies/greekphil/greek10.htm | |
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