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         Ampere Andre-marie:     more books (63)
  1. Celebration a Lyon du centenaire by Andre-Marie). (AMPERE, 1936
  2. Essai sur la philosophie des sciences. by Andre-Marie Ampere, 1966
  3. Correspondance et souvenirs (de 1805 a 1864). Recueillis par Madame H. C by AMPERE (Andre-Marie & Jean-Jacques), 1875
  4. Celebration a Lyon du centenaire by Andre-Marie). (AMPERE, 1936
  5. Andre-Marie Ampere: Enlightenment and Electrodynamics by James R. Hofmann, 2006-01-01
  6. A.-M. Ampere et la creation de l'electrodynamique, 1820-1827 (Memoires de la Section des sciences) (French Edition) by Christine Blondel, 1982

81. Connected Earth Looking For The Electric Telegraph
Andre Marie ampere was Professor of Analysis at the Ecole Polytechnique at Pariswhen he heard of Oersted s discoveries in September 1820.
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Looking for the electric telegraph
For thousands of years, people dreamed of being able to exchange messages further than they could see or hear. But this meant discovering something that would work independently of sight or sound.
That something was electricity - discovered in the mid 18th century. So the idea of an electric telegraph goes back further than you might think.
Stephen Gray discovers conductivity (1729) : suspended on silken threads
The core technology of the telegraph involves sending electrical charges down lengths of wire. The first step towards discovering how to do thiswas taken by the English scientist Stephen Gray. In the early 18th century Gray demonstrated that static charges of electricity could be conducted by some materials (for example wet twine) for distances as great as 765 feet while others (such as silk thread), did not conduct electricity at all. Eventually he was able to send charges through 88 metres of wire suspended on silken threads to operate an electroscope - an instrument used to detect static electricity. In other words, Gray sent an electrical signal from one place to another in a way that made something happen at the other end - the basic principle of the electric telegraph.

82. ()?ampere Andre Marie. 1866, 1 reel, 427.4//AP. D Aujourd hui. t. 1-2 (1980),1 reel. L art litteraire ; Arte Revista Internacional. v.1(1895-1896)
Considerations on the Mathematical Theory of Games, an early contribution to the theory of probability, he proposed the inevitability of a player losing a game of chance to a player with greater financial resources. Mathematical Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena Deduced Solely from Experiment, Tandem felix (Happy at last). Return to Index of Biographical Essays
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83. The Energy Planet :: Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) :: Nederlands
Andre Marie ampere werd geboren in 1775 in Polemieuxau-mont-d’Or in de buurtvan Lyon. ampere bracht een groot deel van zijn jeugd door in Lyon bij zijn
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Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) Ampere




Andre Marie Ampere Andre Marie Ampere werd geboren in 1775 in Polemieux-au-mont-d’Or in de buurt van Lyon. Ampere bracht een groot deel van zijn jeugd door in Lyon bij zijn vader, Jean-Jacques Ampere. In 1782 besloot Jean-Jacques echter dat Andre zich moest gaan concentreren op zijn studie. Om zich hieraan aan te passen verhuisden ze permanent naar Polemieux.
Het Leven Van Andre Marie Ampere Ondanks dat Andre nooit naar school ging kreeg hij een uitstekende opleiding. Zijn vader hielp hem bij zijn experimenten, maar hij leidde zijn studie vooral zelf, waarbij hij stukken uit L’Encyclopedie las als ontspanning.
Er wordt beweerd dat Andre op twaalfjarige leeftijd alle bekende wiskunde beheerste, maar dit is overdreven aangezien hij officieel pas ging studeren toen hij dertien was. Andre stortte zich op zijn wiskundestudie en begon al snel met het maken van zijn eigen theorieën en ideeën.
Nog steeds op de leeftijd van slechts dertien jaar probeerde Ampere een stuk te publiceren aan de Academie de Lyon. Omdat hij geen calculus had gestudeerd werd zijn stuk niet gepubliceerd, maar het bleek een omslagpunt in zijn leven te worden. Ampere kwam erachter dat hij meer wiskunde moest gaan studeren, dus hij richtte zich weer op L’Encyclopedie en op d’Alembers artikel over Calculus. Ampere nam calculus-lessen van een monnik in Lyon en begon met het bestuderen van werken van Euler, Bernoulli en Lagrange’s Mecanique analytique. Ampere was duidelijk op weg een groot wiskundige te worden.

84. Izdanja KGZ-a
ampere, Andre Marie. Datum rodenja. 20.1.1775. Datum smrti. 10.6.1836. Opširnije. http//

85. André Marie Ampère
Translate this page 1 ampere (A) ist die Stärke eines zeitlich unveränderlichen elektrischen Stroms,der, durch zwei im Vakuum parallel im Abstand 1 Meter voneinander
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... Physik / André Marie Ampère
Referat - André Marie Ampère weiteres Material zum Thema
André Marie Ampère Thema: André Marie Ampère Inhalt: Der Physiker André Marie Ampère.
Download: als PDF-Datei (106 kb) als Word-Datei (54 kb) André Marie Ampère Ampère zählt sicher zu den herausragenden Universalgelehrten am Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Hauptverdienst besteht unzweifelhaft darin, dass er die bis dahin relativ unabhängigen Gebiete Elektrizität und Magnetismus zusammenführte und damit die Basis für die weitere Entwicklung der Elektrodynamik legte. Lebenslauf: André Marie Ampère wurde am 20. Januar 1775 in Polémieux bei Lyon geboren. Er genoss keine Schulbildung, sondern war auf jedem Wissensgebiet Autodidakt , wie es die Vertreter der Aufklärung forderten.

86. Devcon 3 - Die Welt Der Telegraphie, Andre Marie Ampere War Ein Physiker Und Mat
Translate this page Andre Marie ampere war ein Physiker und Mathematiker. Er wurde 1775 in Lyon geboren.Seine größte Entdeckung waren die Gesetze des Elektromagnetismus.
Homepage About me Links News ... Impressum Telegraphie Telegraphie Telephonie Vermittlungstechnik Mobilfunk ... Werner von Siemens Die Geschichte von Andre Marie Ampere
Weitere Informationen:
The Bellingham Radio Museum

87. Tensen Physics Dictionary (biographies)
Andre Marie ampere (17751836) was a French mathematician, chemist, and physicistwho experimentally quantified the relationship between the electrical
A B C D ... Z Niels Henrik Abel ) was a Norwegian mathematician. ( pg.703) Andre Marie Ampere ) was a French mathematician, chemist, and physicist who experimentally quantified the relationship between the electrical current and the magnetic field . His works were summarized in a treatise published in , The units of electrical current are named after him. ( pg.5) The Bernoulli Family consisted of nine Swiss mathematicians in three generations. The father, Johan , lived from to Daniel has been called the "Father of Mathematical Physics." All were followers of Leibniz Charles A. Coulomb ) was a French engineer and physicist who published the laws of electrostatics in seven memoirs to the French Academy of Science between and . His name is associated with the units of electrical charge pg.5) ) was a French mathematician who "fathered" modern mathematics." ( Pierre de Fermat ) was a French lawyer, linguist and amateur mathematician who extended ideas about algebra and contributed to optics with his "Principle of Least Time." ( Leonard Euler ) (rhymes with boiler not ruler ) was probably the most prolific mathematician (student of Johan Bernoulli , friend of Daniel Bernoulli ) of all time, known for the quality of his vast works. (

88. Andre Marie Ampere Biography
Andre Marie ampere biography and related resources.
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Andre Marie Ampere Biography Andre Marie Ampere (January 22, 1775 - June 10, 1836), was a French physicist who is generally credited as one of the main discoverers of electromagnetism. The ampere unit of measurement of electric current is named after him.
He was born at Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'or, near Lyons and took a passionate delight in the pursuit of knowledge from his very infancy, and is reported to have worked out long arithmetical sums by means of pebbles and biscuit crumbs before he knew the figures. His father began to teach him Latin, but ceased on discovering the boy's greater inclination and aptitude for mathematical studies. The young Ampère, however, soon resumed his Latin lessons, to enable him to master the works of Euler and Bernoulli. In later life he was accustomed to say that he knew as much about mathematics when he was eighteen as ever he knew; but his reading embraced nearly the whole round of knowledgehistory, travels, poetry, philosophy and the natural sciences.
When Lyons was taken by the army of the Convention in 1793, the father of Ampère, who, holding the office of juge de paix had stood out resolutely against the previous revolutionary excesses, was at once thrown into prison and soon after perished on the scaffold. This event produced a profound impression on Andre-Marie's susceptible mind, and for more than a year he remained sunk in apathy. Then his interest was aroused by some letters on botany which fell into his hands, and from botany he turned to the study of the classic poets, and to the writing of verses himself.

89. Entrez PubMed
Andre Marie ampere. Shampo MA, Kyle RA. Publication Types Biography HistoricalArticle MeSH Terms Famous Persons* France History of Medicine, 18th Cent.

90. OnlineFizik - Fizik Ve Fizik Eðitimi - Fizik Konularý - Andre Marie Ampere
Andre Marie ampere, PDF Yazdir EPosta. Kullanici Oylama / 9 Kötü Çok iyi.Yazar webMaster. 02 08 2004. Elektrik akim siddeti birimine adini veren
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Türkçe Ýngilizce Fransýzca Almanca Arapca Çince (T) Çince (S) Danimarkaca Yunanca Ýbranice Ýtalyanca Japonca Korece Portekizce Rusça Ýspanyolca Ýsviçrece
En yeni 6 üye bülent
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nil (nil) Kayhan (kayhan) sinane (sinanee) Üye Ýstatistikleri 1 bugün 14 bu hafta 435 bu ay En son: Kimler Online Þuan 12 misafir çevrimiçi Andre Marie Ampere Kullanýcý Oylama: Kötü Çok iyi Yazar webMaster Elektrik akýmý biriminin tarifi için içinden elektrik akýmý geçen iletkenleri birbirlerine çeken veya iten kuvvetten yararlanýlýr: Ampère, akan elektrik akýmýnýn manyetizmin nedeni olduðunu bulduktan sonra, atomlarýn elektrik akýmýný taþýdýklarý hipotezini ortaya koydu. Bundan baþka, malzemelerin moleküler ring akýmlarýna götüren, yumuþak veya sert manyetik davranýþlarýný araþtýrdý. Ileri görüþlü bu dahinin buluþu ancak 100 yýl sonra, malzeme yapý modellerinleri üzerinde yapýlan araþtýrmalarla, dairesel hareket eden elektronlar tarafýndan teyit edildi. André-Marie Ampère 1820-1825 yýllarý arasýndaki çalýþmalarýný, 1826 yýlýnda "Elektrodinamik Oluþumlarýn, Yalnýz Deneylerden Türetilmiþ Matematiksel Teorileri Üzerine" adlý kitabýnda topladý. Bu ölümsüz doða bilimleri eseri günümüzde bilinen elektrotekniðin temelini oluþturdu.

91. Andre Marie Ampere
Podivejte se na aktualizovanou stranku Andre Marie ampere. Omlouvam se za pripadnepotize. Jiri Bures. Francouzsky matematik a fyzik.
Popis Download FAQ Prevody ... Autor Andre Marie Ampere Zpet
Vybudoval zaklady magnetizmu a elektriny. Amper je jednotkou elektrickeho proudu
Presun webu
Cely web conVERTER jsem v srpnu 2002 presunul. Dokument, ktery mate prave zobrazen, neni aktualizovan. Podivejte se na aktualizovanou stranku Andre Marie Ampere Omlouvam se za pripadne potize. Jiri Bures Francouzsky matematik a fyzik. Narodil se 22. ledna roku 1775 v Polemieux u Lyonu v rodine obchodnika. Jiz ve ctrnacti letech pry precetl vsech 20 svazku Francouzske encyklopedie. Zacal se specializovat na matematiku a byl prijat do francouzske akademie a nasledne prechazel i k fyzice. Od roku 1805 vyucoval na polytechnicke skole v Parizi. Byl to predevsim matematik, ale opravdovou proslulost mu prineslo badani v oboru elektriny a magnetizmu. Zaver zivota neprozil prilis stastne - mel mnoho existencnich potizi. Zemrel 10. cervence roku 1836 v Marseille. Novinky Popis Download FAQ ... Jiri Bures Datum posledni upravy

92. ¾ÓÆ丣 ( Andre Marie Ampere / 1775~1836)
Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
¾ÓÆ丣 ( Andre Marie Ampere / 1775~1836)
¾ÓÆ丣(Andre Marie Ampere)´Â 1775³â ÇÁ¶û½º ¸®¿ëºÎ±ÙÀÇ »Ê·¹¹Â¶ó´Â ¸¶À»¿¡¼­ ´ë¸¶»óÀ» ÇÏ´Â ºÎÀ¯ÇÑ °¡Á¤ÀÇ ¾Æµé·Î ž´Ù. ±×ÀÇ ¾Æ¹öÁö´Â ºñ·Ï »óÀÎÀ̾úÀ¸³ª ±× Áö¹æÀÇ À¯Áö¿´À¸¸ç, Çнİú ´ö¸ÁÀÌ ÀÖ¾î ¾ÆµéÀÎ ¾ÓÆ丣¸¦ ¾î·ÈÀ» ¶§ºÎÅÍ ¿­½ÉÈ÷ ±³À°½Å°±â ½ÀÛÇß´Ù.
1820³â 9¿ù Æĸ®¿¡ ÀÖ´Â ÇÁ¶û½º °úÇÐ ¾ÆÄ«µ¥¹Ì¿¡¼­´Â µ§¸¶Å©ÀÇ °úÇÐÀÚ Å©¸®½ºÂù ¿¡¸£½ºÅÝ(H. C. Oersted)ÀÌ Àü±â¿Í Àڱ⿡ °üÇÑ ³í¹®À» ¹ßÇ¥Çß´Ù. ±× °­¿¬À» °¡Àå ¿­½ÉÈ÷ »°­ÇÑ »ç¶÷Àº ¹Ù·Î 40´ëÀÇ ÀþÀº °úÇÐÀÚ ¾ÓÆ丣 ±³¼ö¿´´Ù. ±×´Â ¿¡¸£½ºÅÝÀÇ ³í¹®À» Èï¹Ì ÀÖ°Ô Àаí, ±×ÀÇ ½ÇÇèÀ» È®ÀÎÇß´Ù. ±×¸®°í ²À 1ÁÖÀϸ¸¿¡ ¾ÓÆ丣´Â Àڱ⠳ª¸§ÀÇ µ¶¢ÀûÀÎ À̷аú ½ÇÇèÀ» ÅëÇØ ¿Ïº®ÇÑ ¼³¸íÀ» ½ÇÀº ³í¹®À» ¹ßÇ¥ÇÏ¿© ÁÖÀ§¸¦ ³î¶ó°Ô Çß´Ù.±×´Â Àü·ùÀÇ ¼¼±â¿Í µÎ Àü·ù µµ¼±°£ÀÇ °Å¸® ¹× Àη°ú ¹Ý¹ß·Â »çÀÌÀÇ °ü°è¸¦ ¼ö½ÄÀ¸·Î ¹àÇûÀ¸¸ç, ÀÌ ½ÄÀº ¿À´³¯±îÁöµµ º¯ÇÔ¾øÀÌ È°¿ëµÇ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
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93. Andre Marie Ampere
Andre Marie ampere. 1775 až 1836. teoretická elektrodynamika. Život Ampéruv nebylštastný. Mel mimorádné matematické a jazykové nadání (ve trinácti letech
Andre Marie Ampere 1775 až 1836 teoretická elektrodynamika Život Ampérùv nebyl šastný. Mìl mimoøádné matematické a jazykové nadání (ve tøinácti letech prý znal základy tøinácti jazykù, ve ètrnácti pøeèetl francouzskou Encyklopedii). V roce 1793 však prožil hluboký otøes, když byl jeho otec v Lyonu gilotinován. Více než rok sedával bez hnutí a rozdìloval hromádku písku postupnì na poloviny. Pozdìji se to promítko do proslulé klasifikace vìd, které tøídil pøísnì dichotomicky. Z duševního otøesu se dostal teprve studiem Rousseaových prací. Poté se jeho zájem pøesunul na matematiku. Za výsledky v oblasti diferenciálních rovnic byl pøijat do Francouzské akademie a posléze skvìle matematicky vybaven pøešel k problémùm fyzikálním. Takøka na poèkání vypracovalcelou teorii interakce magnetù a proudù i interakce proudù navzájem. Na rozdíl od vìtšiny fyzikù považoval za primární jev nikoliv interakci magnetu a elektrického proudu, ale interakci vodièù s proudem, pøièemž magnetismus považoval jen za druhoøadý efekt provázející pohyb elektøiny. Magnetická síla, která pùsobí na tenký vodiè, se dá vypoèítat púodle fyzikálního vztahu:

94. ECOLE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE CALUIRE ET CUIRE - Anciens élèves, Photo De Classe Et
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le 30 Août 2005
Anciens élèves photo de classe et trombinoscope . Retrouvez anciens élèves et photos de classe de l'établissement ECOLE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE - CALUIRE ET CUIRE sur Copains d'avant. Avec, retrouvez vos anciens camarades d'école ou du lycée, vos anciens collègues ou vos amis du service militaire parmi 2 millions de membres. Rechercher un ami perdu de vue sur Copains d'avant.
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Listes des membres ECOLE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE Le trombinoscope
(9 photos) Pages : sur Page suivante Nom Ville actuelle Période JULLIEN Elodie document.write('voir ville'); PERRIER Julie document.write('voir ville'); document.write('voir ville'); CARRET-TRONCY Stephane document.write('voir ville'); GUERIN Pierrick document.write('voir ville'); MAZARD Isabelle document.write('voir ville'); KLAAS Amandine document.write('voir ville');

MUSEO ELETTRICO - PERSONAGGI DELLA STORIA DELL'ENERGIA ELETTRICA Ampère Andrè Mariè nacque a Polémieux-au-Mont-d'Or (Lione) nel 1775 e morì a Marsiglia nel 1836. Fisico francese fu un ingegno molto versatile e un autodidatta severo. Si affermò nel 1824 per lavori fisico-matematici ed elettrodinamici d'importanza assoluta. Nel 1826 pubblica la sua teoria e le sue osservazioni sul rapporto tra elettricità e magnetismo nell'opera Théorie mathématique des phénomènes électrodynamiques uniquement déduite de l'expérience.
Egli dimostrò che un filo conduttore percorso da corrente genera un campo magnetico ed esercita quindi una forza su un ago magnetico (bussola) posto nelle vicinanze. Specificò inoltre intensità, direzione e verso della forza di interazione tra due o più conduttori rettilinei percorsi da corrente. Studiando le azioni elettrodinamiche esercitate da correnti su aghi magnetici, egli pose le basi del principio di funzionamento dei moderni galvanometri.
I suoi studi lo portarono all'enunciazione delle "Regole di Ampère. La Regola di Ampère Una corrente elettrica lineare devia verso la sua sinistra un polo magnetico nord
Le Leggi di Ampère: il fatto che una corrente circolare respinge o attira il polo magnetico nord, posto sul suo asse secondo la faccia che la spira presenta al polo, dimostra che un circuito di tal forma si comporta come se fosse un magnete

96. - Napoleon
Andre Marie ampere W 1820 r wystapil w Paryskiej Akademii Nauk Andre - Marieampere fizyk francuski; od jego nazwiska pochodzi nazwa jednostki natezenia
English Deutsch Europa ... Redakcja Napoleon Strony WWW: Portal Polski Internet ¦wiatowy Internet Katalog WWW Grafika Pliki Grupy dyskusyjne Og³oszenia Noclegi Aukcje Forum Panorama Firm PKT Biografie Wojny Wojska Epizody ... Varia
Andre - Marie Ampere
W 1820 r wyst±pi³ w Paryskiej Akademii Nauk Andre - Marie Ampere fizyk francuski; od jego nazwiska pochodzi nazwa jednostki natê¿enia pr±du - amper - A.
Tematem jego wyst±pienia by³o wzajemne oddzia³ywanie pr±dów p³yn±cych w przewodnikach, które nazwa³ oddzia³ywaniami elektromagnetycznymi. Mówi±c dok³adniej, Ampere w pierwszej swojej pracy nazwa³ te dzia³ania "woltaicznymi przyci±ganiami i odpychaniami".
Dwa równoleg³e przewodniki wiod±ce pr±d oddzia³uj± wzajemnie na siebie. Je¿eli pr±d w dwu przewodnikach p³ynie w tê sam± stronê, wówczas odpychaj± siê one. Natomiast przeciwne kierunki pr±du w przewodnikach równoleg³ych powoduj± ich wzajemne przyci±ganie siê.
Po wyg³oszeniu referatu, jeden z przyjació³ Ampera zapyta³: "No có¿ nowego jest w tym, co pan nam powiedzia³? Wszystko jest jasne, ¿e je¶li dwa pr±dy wykazuj± oddzia³ywanie na ig³ê magnetyczn±, to one wykazuj± równie¿ równie¿ oddzia³ywanie jeden na drugiego". Zdenerwowany Ampere nie wiedzia³, co ma odpowiedzieæ, lecz przyszed³ mu z pomoc± Arago (udowodni³, ¿e ¶wiat³o ksiê¿yca jest odbite). Po wyjêciu z kieszeni dwóch kluczy powiedzia³: "Otó¿ ka¿dy z nich te¿ wykazuje dzia³anie na ig³ê, jednak one nie wykazuj± dzia³ania jeden na drugiego".

97. Andre Marie Ampere
Andre Marie ampere. Andre Marie ampere (1775—1836). Dwiescie lat temu. 22 l 1775 r.w Poleymieux pod Lyonem urodzil sie pózniejszy znakomity uczony
Dwie¶cie lat temu. 22 l 1775 r. w Poleymieux pod Lyonem urodzi³ siê pó¼niejszy znakomity uczony francuski Andre Marie Ampere. Jego ojciec, miejscowy sêdzia pokoju, zosta³ zgilotynowany w 1793 r., w okresie terroru. Najwa¿niejsz± jednak zas³ug± Ampere'a by³o opracowanie matematycznej teorii elektrodynamiki. Zawdziêcza mu ona pierwsze podstawowe wzory, wyprowadzone na podstawie wnikliwej analizy wyników do¶wiadczeñ. Odt±d teoria j badania eksperymentalne mog³y siê wzajemnie rozwijaæ Maxwell nazywa Ampere'a ,,Newtonem elektryczno¶ci" i pisze, ¿e jego prace w tym zakresie ..nale¿± do naj¶wietniejszych czynów, jakich kiedykolwiek dokonano w nauce" Osi±gniêcia te wp³ynê³y na to, ¿e Ampere'a powo³ano na katedrê fizyki eksperymentalnej w College de France (1824), a wyrazem trwa³ego uznania dla jego dorobku jest „niezniszczalny pomnik" w postaci nazwy jednostki natê¿enia pr±du elektrycznego (amper). W 1827 r. ukaza³a siê ksi±¿ka Ampere'a o teorii elektrodynamiki. Stanowi ona ukoronowanie, a zarazem i koniec jego wybitnej dzia³alno¶ci naukowej. Jego pó¼niejsze prace, po¶wiêcone filozofii nauki, któr± interesowa³ siê od 1800 r., nie zyska³y wiêkszego uznania. Ampere by³ Zmar³ podczas podró¿y inspekcyjnej 10 VI 1836 r. w Marsylii.

98. Biografie Andre Marie Ampere
Translate this page Andre Marie ampere. André Marie Ampère wurde am 20. Januar 1775 in Polémieux beiLyon geboren. Andre Marie ampere wurde in Lyon geboren.
Andre Marie Ampere Elsass Burgund Tal der Loire Alpen ... Reisepartner Andre Marie Ampere Oerstedt Sein Hauptwerk " Theorie der elektro-dynamischen Erscheinungen " (1826) fasste alle diese Erkenntnisse zusammen: Mit ihm wurde er der Begründer der Elektrodynamik, die bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts, an dessen Anfang Amperes Untersuchungen und Überlegungen standen, zu einer Weltmacht werden sollte. Andre Marie Ampere wurde in Lyon geboren. Am 10. Juni 1836 starb auf einer Dienstreise weit entfernt von seiner Familie und seinen Freunden in Marseille. Prominente Orte A bis Z Paris Impressum

99. André Ampère
André Marie Ampère (1775 1836). André-Marie Ampère was born born on 20 Jan 1775in Lyon, France. It has been claimed that Ampère had mastered all known
André Marie Ampère (1775 - 1836)
André-Marie Ampère was born born on 20 Jan 1775 in Lyon, France. It has been claimed that Ampère had mastered all known mathematics by the age of twelve years but this seems somewhat of an exaggeration since, by Ampère's own account, he did not start to read elementary mathematics books until he was 13 years old.
What did Ampère do to help us perform corrosion monitoring?
After taking a few lessons in the differential and integral calculus from a monk in Lyon, Ampère began to study works by Euler and Bernoulli. He then acquired a copy of the 1788 edition of Lagrange's Mécanique analytique and began serious study of the work. However his life was soon to be shattered. The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 but the effect on the Poleymieux region was not very great at first. Ampère's father kept out of trouble until late in 1791 when he accepted the position of Justice of the Peace in Lyon. The city of Lyon refused to carry out instructions from Paris and the city was besieged for two months. On the fall of the city Ampère's father was arrested for issuing an arrest warrant for the Jacobin Chevalier who had then been put to death. While Ampère moved to Bourg where he taught physics and chemistry but his research was in mathematics. This research resulted in him composing a treatise on probability, The Mathematical Theory of Games, which he submitted to the Paris Academy in 1803. Laplace noticed an error, explaining the error to Ampère in a letter, which Ampère was able to correct and the treatise was reprinted.

100. Àìïåð, Àíäðå Ìàðè
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Àìïåð (Ampere) Àíäðå Ìàðè (AMPERE Andre-Marie)
Îí íèêîãäà íå õîäèë â øêîëó, íî ÷òåíèþ è àðèôìåòèêå âûó÷èëñÿ î÷åíü áûñòðî. Óæå â 14 ëåò îí ïðî÷èòàë âñå äâàäöàòü âîñåìü òîìîâ ôðàíöóçñêîé "Ýíöèêëîïåäèè". Îñîáûé èíòåðåñ Àíäðå ïðîÿâëÿë ê ôèçèêî-ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèì íàóêàì. Àíäðå íà÷àë ïîñåùàòü áèáëèîòåêó Ëèîíñêîãî êîëëåäæà, ÷òîáû ÷èòàòü òðóäû âåëèêèõ ìàòåìàòèêîâ. Àìïåð ðåøèë íàéòè çàêîí âçàèìîäåéñòâèÿ òîêîâ â âèäå ñòðîãîé ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîé ôîðìóëû è íàøåë ýòîò çàêîí, êîòîðûé íîñèò òåïåðü åãî èìÿ. Òàê øàã çà øàãîì â ðàáîòàõ Àìïåðà âûðàñòàëà íîâàÿ íàóêà - ýëåêòðîäèíàìèêà, îñíîâàííàÿ íà ýêñïåðèìåíòàõ è ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîé òåîðèè. Ñ 1820 ïî 1826 ãîä Àìïåð ïóáëèêóåò ðÿä òåîðåòè÷åñêèõ è ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûõ ðàáîò ïî ýëåêòðîäèíàìèêå.  1826 ãîäó âûõîäèò èç ïå÷àòè "Òåîðèÿ ýëåêòðîäèíàìè÷åñêèõ ÿâëåíèé, âûâåäåííàÿ èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî èç îïûòà".  1835 ãîäó îí îïóáëèêîâàë ðàáîòó, â êîòîðîé äîêàçàë ñõîäñòâî ìåæäó ñâåòîâûì è òåïëîâûì èçëó÷åíèÿìè è ïîêàçàë, ÷òî âñå èçëó÷åíèÿ ïðè ïîãëîùåíèè ïðåâðàùàþòñÿ â òåïëî. Àìïåð ðàçðàáîòàë ñèñòåìó êëàññèôèêàöèè íàóê, êîòîðóþ íàìåðåâàëñÿ èçëîæèòü â äâóõòîìíîì ñî÷èíåíèè.  1834 ãîäó âûøåë ïåðâûé òîì "Îïûòû ôèëîñîôèè íàóê èëè àíàëèòè÷åñêîãî èçëîæåíèÿ åñòåñòâåííîé êëàññèôèêàöèè âñåõ ÷åëîâå÷åñêèõ çíàíèé". Àìïåð ââåë òàêèå ñëîâà, êàê "ýëåêòðîñòàòèêà", "ýëåêòðîäèíàìèêà", "ñîëåíîèä". Àìïåð âûñêàçàë ìûñëü î òîì, ÷òî, âåðîÿòíî, âîçíèêíåò íîâàÿ íàóêà îá îáùèõ çàêîíîìåðíîñòÿõ ïðîöåññîâ óïðàâëåíèÿ. Îí ïðåäëîæèë èìåíîâàòü åå "êèáåðíåòèêîé".

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