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61. Alhazen alhazen Abu Ali alHasan Ibn Al-Haitham (also Ibn al Haythen), (965-1040), Works by alhazen on geometrical subjects were found in the Biblioth¨que http://www.cooldictionary.com/words/Alhazen.wikipedia | |
62. Physics *Alhazen Alhazen (c. 965 AD - C. 1039; Iraq) Alhazen Is alhazen is regarded as being one of the greatest Islamic scientists during Although he was born in Iraq, alhazen moved to Egypt between 996 and 1021and http://www.upei.ca/~xliu/multi-culture/alha.htm | |
63. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Alhazen Born in Iraq as Abu Ali Hasan Ibn alHaitham, the great Arab physicist is moreoften known by the Latinized version of his first name, alhazen. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/alhazen.html | |
64. ALHAZEN (965-1040 AD) ABU ALI HASAN IBN ALHAITHAM (alhazen) (965 - 1040 AD). Al-Haitham, known in theWest as alhazen, is considered as the father of modern optics. http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~jeff/115a/history/alhazen.html | |
65. PHYS1330 History alhazen also thought that afterimages, the images that remain in vision A camera obscura is a box with a small hole like alhazen s windowed room. http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~lsa/_color/03_history.htm | |
66. Archives - The IEE  Known in the West as alhazen, he is considered the father of modern optics . Iranian by birth, alhazen received his education in both Basra and Baghdad http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Research/Archives/Histories&Biographies/Alhazen.cfm | |
67. Archives - The IEE By this time, alhazen was living and pursuing science in Spain. From thisalhazen deduced that vision was the product of light being reflected into the http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Research/Archives/Histories&Biographies/Alhazen.cfm?Pr |
68. Article About "Alhazen" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Jul-2004 He is to be distinguished from another alhazen who translated Ptolemy s Almagestin the 10th century. Having boasted that he could construct a machine for http://july.fixedreference.org/en/20040724/wikipedia/Alhazen | |
69. Alhazen Translate this page Ibn al HAYTHAM al Hassan (alhazen), arabe, 965-1039 Connu en Occident sousle nom de alhazen (issu de son prénom arabe), il fut au Moyen Âge un des http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Alhazen.html | |
70. IDENTIKIT alhazen crater, 35 km diameter. 2000 mt height walls, 18°N 70°E. Eastern sideof Crisium sea. Return to identikit A http://www.rccr.cremona.it/monografie/luna/idkt11.htm | |
71. PPE - General Encyclopedia A2 Also wrote biographies of selfmade statesmen like Abraham Lincoln, theBackwoods Boy (1883). alhazen (c965-1038) Ibn al-Haitham. Perhaps a Persian. http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/a2encyc.htm |
72. Entrez PubMed The first three books of the Book of Optics written by alhazen in Cairo in theeleventh century were http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9 |
73. Entrez PubMed The deeper lesson of alhazen. Gilchrist A. Publication Types Biography EditorialHistorical Article MeSH Terms Egypt Germany History of Medicine, Medieval http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9 |
74. Alhazen - Wikipedia Translate this page alhazen konnte zeigen, dass Lichtstrahlen unabhängig vom menschlichen Auge Von praktischer Bedeutung waren von alhazen hergestellte Lesesteine aus Glas. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alhazen | |
75. Articles alhazenWorks by alhazen on geometrical subjects were found in the Biblioth¨que nationalein Paris in alhazen used the results of experiments to test theories. |
76. AlHazen Et La Tablette Merveilleuse (Mawas, 1981) Translate this page Lexposé de la vie de alhazen (EL HASSAN IBN EL HAYTHAM) a été relatée par alhazen na peut-être pas été le premier à avoir pensé que la lumière http://orthoptie.net/histoire/mawas.htm | |
77. Alhazen - Linix Encyclopedia alhazen Wikipédia - alhazen http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Alhazen | |
78. El HAITHAMI (ALHAZEN) El HAITHAMI (alhazen) 965 1040. Nga DR. A. Zahur (Zahoor). Ebu Ali Hasan IbnEl Haitham, i njohur ne perendim me emrin alhazen, konsiderohet si babai i http://www.geocities.com/alcislam/dijetare/el_haithami.html | |
79. L'ottica Di Leonardo Tra Alhazen E Keplero - Vinci alhazen e keplero. dal 15-Jul-05al 25-Sep-05 LEONARDO E LâOTTICA A VINCI http://www.bed-and-breakfast.it/evento.cfm?idevents=15408&idregione=16 |
80. WDR 2 - Der Sender. - Westzeit - Stichtag - 965: Geburtsjahr Des Arabischen Gele Translate this page 965 Geburtsjahr des arabischen Gelehrten alhazen. Über die arabische Wissenschaftim Mittelalter weiß man wenig, obwohl sie die Basis für die westliche http://www.wdr.de/radio/wdr2/westzeit/stichtag/220243.phtml | |
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