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         Albategnius:     more detail
  1. Lq20 Quadrangle: Apianus, Abulfeda, Pontanus, Santbech, Hipparchus, Piccolomini, Albategnius, Parrot, Fracastorius, Theophilus, Sacrobosco

61. Prohlídka Mìsíce
Svítání v kráterch Hipparchus (nahore) a albategnius (dole). 2018 UT. 2018 UT.2207 UT. 2207 UT. animace. Animace
Svítá, noc konèí... Svítání v kráterch Hipparchus (nahoøe) a Albategnius (dole).
20:18 UT 22:07 UT Animace
12. bøezna 2000, Celestron 280/2800 mm, TV CCD kamera OS-45D
Hvìzdárna Valašské Meziøíèí
Nasnímal a upravil Pavel Gabzdyl [ Zpìt ]

62. Measuring Size
A. albategnius, the large crater in the center of the image. B. Crater insidealbategnius at 3 o clock. C. Crater inside albategnius at 6 o clock.
Measuring Size
Table of Contents Constants Sheet JUPITER CRASH COMPARING LUNAR CRATER HEIGHTS Answer Sheet ... MEASURING SIZE WITH IMAGES Discussion MEASURING SIZE WITH IMAGES Answer Sheet MEASURING THE SIZE OF MOON FEATURES Answer Sheet ... PLANETS AROUND A PULSAR Appendix A - Deriving the Mass Equation Appendix B - Derivation of Small Angle Formula JUPITER CRASH UNIT the image Fireball . This is not the same as the image shown in the picture above. Screen Setup: Fireball Manipulation menu and select Flip and click on Vertical and then OK The fireball was visible for only minutes and was easier to see in the infra red, wavelengths of light longer than we can see with our eyes. This picture was taken with the largest telescope in the world, the 10-meter Keck telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. . How far across the screen does x go? What about y? . What is the total number of pixels on the screen? Your camcorder may have as many as 400,000 pixels. Some telescope cameras have 4 million pixels. Data Tools in the top menu bar and select Zoom Box . The mouse pointer is now a cross hairs. With the mouse cross hairs at the lower left of the fireball, drag up and to the right, making a box around the fireball.

63. Images With AP 155 F9 StarFire EDT & Nikon Coolpix 950 Consumer Digicam
(2) albategnius (628-01) (3) Aristillus (6-28-01) (4) Rima Hyginus (6-28-01) albategnius, Alphonsus Arzachel imaged 6-28-01.
1) Aristoteles (6-27-01)
(2) Albategnius (6-28-01)
(3) Aristillus (6-28-01)
(4) Rima Hyginus (6-28-01)
Imaged with AP 155, Nikon CP950, UO 18mm Ortho and Orion 3X Barlow. Single image compressed from 813k to 69k for faster download. Aristoteles (bottom right) is 87 km in diameter and was named after the Greek philosopher living in 384-322 B.C. Eudoxus is 67 km in diameter and was named after the famous Greek astronomer (400-347 B.C.).
Imaged with AP 155, Nikon CP950, UO 18mm Ortho and Orion 3X Barlow. Single image compressed from 780k to 67k for faster download.
Imaged with AP 155, Nikon CP950, UO 18mm Ortho and Orion 3X Barlow. Single image compressed from 812k to 43k for faster download.
Imaged with AP 155, Nikon CP950, UO 18mm Ortho and Orion 3X Barlow. Single image compressed from 940k to 63k for faster download.

64. Astronomical League - Lunar Club Project
Comments albategnius simply rocks tonight. The combination of minute craters around albategnius has more than just tonight s claim to fame however.
Craters - 7 Days...
Date: December 22, 2002
Telescope: 4.5 Celestron reflector
Eyepiece: 10mm Celestron SMA
Time: (precise time not listed. reports indicate an early a.m. viewing time.)
I move on to the beautiful area of Mare Nectaris and delight in the craters of Theophilus, Fraucastorius, and Madler... But if there were one spot that I would wish to show you?
This would be it...
It is Crater Piccolomini. (yes, i know there's a noise line in my temporary shot. you know what? i don't care.) I chose this crater for my study point because it was just "the one" at the moment.
At about 56 miles in diameter, Piccolomini has a great set of mountains inside of it that tower up approximately 11,800 feet. It is wonderfully stepped, with those walls rising up at about 5,600 feet. The Altai Scarp cuts a brilliant presentation nearby, while Craters Rothman, Zagut and Lindenau share the field. The tiny craters that surround it are unnamed, except for numbers...
But they are grand.

Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catherina:

65. Al Battani - Linix Encyclopedia
luna_b Translate this page albategnius Mond, Krater albategnius.
Al Battani
Al Battani (ca. ) was an Arab astronomer and mathematician (also spelled Al Batani , Latinized Albategnius Albategni Albatenius ; full name ), born in Harran near Urfa . He was a Sabian , a religious sect of Judeo-Christian origins from the 3rd century AD that worshipped the stars. His best-known achievement was the determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds. He produced a number of trigonometrical relationships:
tan a = sin a / cos a sec a = (1+ tan a
He also solved the equation sin x a cos x discovering the formula:
sin x a a
and used al-Marwazi 's idea of Tangents ("shadows") to develop equations for calculating tangents and cotangents, compiling tables of them. Al Battani worked in Syria , at ar-Raqqah and at Damascus , where he died. He was able to correct some of Ptolemy 's results and compiled new tables of the Sun and Moon , long accepted as authoritative, discovered the movement of the Sun's apogee , treats the division of the celestial sphere, and introduces, probably independently of the 5th century indian astronomer Aryabhata , the use of sines in calculation, and partially that of

66. Albategnius - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin
albategnius är huvudsakligen känd för sina iakttagelser av solens apogeum, Den här artikeln är hämtad från http//
Wikimedia:Wikimedia beh¶ver din hj¤lp f¶r att samla in 200 000 dollar. Titta p¥ insamlingssidan f¶r mer information.
Fr¥n Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
Albategnius , f¶dd i Harran Mesopotamien , d¶d , anses som arabernas st¶rste astronom Albategnius ¤r huvudsakligen k¤nd f¶r sina iakttagelser av solens apogeum , genom vilka han v¤sentligen bidrog till uppt¤ckten av denna punkts r¶rlighet, och f¶r sina best¤mningar av dagj¤mningspunkternas tillbakaskridande. Han ber¤knade sol¥rets l¤ngd till 365 dagar timmar och 46 minuter , allts¥ endast n¥gra minuter f¶r kort. Han medverkade ocks¥ till trigonometrins utveckling; till exempel inf¶rde han bruket av sinus i st¤llet f¶r halva kordan
Delar av denna artikel utg¶rs av bearbetad text ur Nordisk familjebok , utgiven 1904-1926. Not Den h¤r artikeln ¤r h¤mtad fr¥n Artikelkategorier Ugglan Astronomer Visningar Personliga verktyg Navigering S¶k Verktygsl¥da Andra spr¥k

67. LPOD - 2005-04-08 - Lunar Photo Of The Day
and saucers occur on the floor of Ptolemaeus’ near neighbor albategnius.Like Ptolemy, albategnius is a large, preImbrium crater with an odd flat floor
Lunar Photo of the Day
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68. Abu Abdallah Al-Battani (868-929) Library Of Congress Citations
A418 1978 ISBN DM90.00 Notes Text of albategnius alZeij in Spanish, References albategnius, d. 929. Canones de Albateni nnaa albategnius, d. 929.

Abu Abdallah al-Battani (868-929)
: Library of Congress Citations
The Little Search Engine that Could
Down to Name Citations LC Online Catalog Amazon Search Book Citations [1 Record] Author: Batteanei, Murhammad ibn Jeabir, d. 92 Uniform Title: Zeij. Spanish Title: Los canones de Albateni / hrsg. sowie mit Einl., Anm. u. Glossar vers. von Georg Bossong. Published: Thubingen : Niemeyer, 1978. Description: viii, 359 p. ; 24 cm. Series: Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fhur romanische Philologie ; Bd. 165 LC Call No.: QB23 .A418 1978 ISBN: DM90.00 Notes: Text of Albategnius' al-Zeij in Spanish, commentary in German. Originally presented as G. Bossong's thesis, Heidelberg, 1976. Bibliography: p. 339-346. Includes indexes. Subjects: Astronomy, Arab. Other authors: Bossong, Georg. Series Entry: Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fhur romanische Philologie ; 165. Heft. Control No.: 79367086 //r936 Name Citations [2 Records] Heading: Batteanei, Murhammad ibn Jeabir, d. 929. Canones de Albateni. References: Albategnius, d. 929. Canones de Albateni nnaa Albategnius, d. 929. Zeij. Spanish Notes: His Los canones de Albateni, 1978. Heading: Batteanei, Murhammad ibn Jeabir, d. 929. References: Albatenius Murhammad ibn Jeabir al-Batteanei Batteanei, Murhammad ibn Sinean rHarreanei, Murhammad ibn Sinean Murhammad ibn Sinean al-Batteanei nnaa Albategnius, d. 929. Notes: Author's Opus astronomicum, 1899-1907.

69. Bilder Zu Den Koordinaten 4.3 Grad, -11.7 Grad Geoff Smith s Astrophotgraphyalbategnius, Halley, Hind, Hipparchus, Horrocks. Ptolemaeus, Hipparchus andalbategnius are the main craters in this shot

70. Albategnius
nc_199 Clavius (27 May); Walter region (24 Jun); albategnius (21 Aug). mountain peaksnorth end of Apennines / central peak of albategnius (all 15 Apr).
Web Huvudsida Innehålls listor Alfabetiskt index Redigera
Albategnius , född i Harran, Mesopotamien , död , anses som arabernas störste astronom Albategnius är huvudsakligen känd för sina iakttagelser av solens apogeum, genom vilka han väsentligen bidrog till upptäckten av denna punkts rörlighet, och för sina bestämningar av dagjämningspunkternas tillbakaskridande. Han beräknade solårets längd till 365 dagar, 5 timmar och 46 minuter , alltså endast några minuter för kort. Han medverkade också till trigonometrins utveckling; till exempel införde han bruket av sinus i stället för halva kordan. Delar av denna artikel utgörs av bearbetad text ur Nordisk familjebok , utgiven 1904-1926. (Not) This article is from Wikipedia . All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License ad('Albategnius');

71. SciFri 3.18.05: Lighting The Dark Ages--ancient Arab And Persian Scholars: UMNne
albategnius noted, among other things, the position of the sun among the albategnius became the most respected of Arabian astronomers in the eyes of
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SciFri 3.18.05
Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, born in what is now Uzbekistan around A.D. 780, gave his name to the word "algorism," which became "arithmetic."
Lighting the Dark Agesancient Arab and Persian scholars
By Deane Morrison Published on March 18, 2005 The period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance has been called the Dark Ages because during that time, the light of learning lay dormant in Europe. But elsewhere, and perhaps nowhere more than in the Arab-Muslim world, it not only shone but brightened. The eve of a visit to campus by Ismail Serageldin is a good time to look at the contributions of Arabs and Persians to modern science and mathematics. Director of Egypt's Library of Alexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina), Serageldin, a proponent of agricultural and scientific progress in developing countries, heads an institute whose namesake, the original library at Alexandria, was a mecca for scholars in the ancient world. The Persian scientist Rhazes, also called Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya Ar-Razi, was born near what is now Tehran about A.D. 845 and was the first to distinguish clearly between smallpox and measles. He described his experiments so well that modern scientists can reproduce them.

72. Moon Stills
albategnius, Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzache. Vallis Alpes, Plato. Maginius albategnius, Werner, Aliacensis. Vallis Alpes, Aristoteles, Eudoxus
Moon Stills (single captured video frames) M. Apenninus, Archimedes, Erastothenes Albategnius, Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzache Vallis Alpes, Plato Maginius Deslandres .. Aliacensis Vallis Alpes, Plato Werner, Walter, Aliacensis Maginius Montes Apenninus Stofler, Licetus, Heraclitus Albategnius, Werner, Aliacensis Vallis Alpes, Aristoteles, Eudoxus Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzache, Albategnius Montes Apenninus, Archimedes Mare Nectaris, Fracastorius Deslandres, Walter, Regiomontanus, Purbach Mare Humorem, Gassendi Tycho, Schiller Kepler Copernicus, Kepler, Reinhold + Lansberg Stofler ? Schiller, Hainzel home top

73. Brockhaus Naturwissenschaft Und Technik: Agar-Agar - Albategnius
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Brockhaus Naturwissenschaft und Technik: Agar-Agar - Albategnius

74. Nuova Pagina 3
albategnius Hipparchus. Aristoteles,Eudoxus,Cassini,Montes Caucasus Vallis Alpes Ptolemaeus - Alphonsus - Arzachel - Purbach albategnius mie.htm
MY ASTROPHOTOS collaborazione di Eugenio e Jerry Albategnius - Hipparchus Mars ( philips toucam pro - barlow 2x ) Jupiter 1 ( philips toucam pro ) Jupiter 2 Saturn 1 ( toucam pro ) Saturn 2 ( philips toucam pro ) Saturn ( philips toucam pro - barlow 2x ) Andromeda ( M31 ) - Triangulum - Aries Andromeda big ( M31,M32,M110 ) Auriga ( M36,M37,M38 Open Clusters ) Cancer ( Beehive - M44 ) Canis Major ( Sirius ) Cygnus ( Deneb ) Corvus Draco ( caput ) Lyra ( Vega ) Orion ( M42,M43,M78 Diffuse Nebulae ) Orion big ( M42,M43 ) Orion ( M42 ) Perseus Pleiades ( M45 Open Cluster ) - Tau Pleiades big ( M45 ) - Tau Sagittarius Ursa Major UMA - ( Dubhe/alfa ) Albategnius - Hipparchus

Translate this page albategnius Grande cratere con un diametro di 128 km vicino alla catena diPtolemaeus (Sezione albategnius offre una bella visione sotto luce obliqua.
C IRCOLO C ULTURALE A STROFILI T RIESTE LA SUPERFICIE DELLA LUNA - SEZIONE 13 SEZIONE 13 ABENEZRA PLAYFAIR , uguale in dimensioni a Abenezra e Azophi. ABULFEDA DESCARTES e con bordi bassi, come anche il luminoso DOLLOND di 9.6 km. Dollond borda una grande recinzione e alcune mappe danno il nome alla rovina invece che al craterino profondo. ALBATEGNIUS Grande cratere con un diametro di 128 km vicino alla catena di Ptolemaeus (Sezione 12); e compagno di Hipparcus. I bordi sono generalmente alti con uno o due picchi che raggiungono i 4 270 metri e ci sono grandi terrazze. I bordi sono comunque rotti a sud-est da un grande cratere, KLEIN ALFRAGANUS Un cratere molto evidente. Ha un diametro di soli 19.5 km, ma è assai luminoso. E poiché è anche al centro di un sistema a raggi, è facile trovarlo con la Luna piena. Vicino ad esso ci sono HYPATIA TAYLOR , largo 40 km e ZÖLLNER , con bordi bassi e piuttosto irregolare: nessuno di essi è particolarmente interessante. ALMANON Questo cratere è stato descritto con il suo compagno Abulfeda. ALTAI SCARP ARGELANDER Cratere di 37 km a sud-ovest di Albategnius con pareti terrazzate e un picco centrale. Il suo "gemello" si trova vicino ad AIRY, alquanto simile ad esso e pure con un picco centrale.

76. The_Chesley_Bonestell_Archives - Page: 17 Of 35
above the crater albategnius. Seen from the earth, albategnius is in the centerof the moon s visible disk. THE ROCKET FALLS toward the moon with its
Trip to the Moon (cont.) CIRCLING THE MOON, the rocket passes 200 miles
above the crater Albategnius. Seen from the earth, Albategnius is in the center of the moon's visible
disk. THE ROCKET FALLS toward the moon with its
motors shut off. Since its occupants fall at the
same speed, they are able to climb out
weightlessly in special suits. Home Next Gallery

Translate this page albategnius è un vasto cratere ( 137 km di diametro ) che possiede un piccocentrale ed il cui bordo è interrotto a SW dal cratere Klein ( 44 km ).
Hipparchus, vasto cratere ( 150 km ) dai contorni irregolari a N di Albategnius .
Sul bordo N spicca il piccolo Horrocks ( 30 km ) molto profondo ( 2800 mt ), che forma il vertice di un triangolo isoscele con i piccoli crateri Halley e Hind.
Philips Toucam Pro su Celestron "Ultima 2000"

78. - Topics
858AD, Birth in Haran (Turkey) of AlBatani (albategnius). 880-909AD,Al-Battani (albategnius) calculates the length of the year and determines the
Chronology of major events in Muslim Heritage
This is a short and incomplete list of major developments made by Muslims during the 9th to 16th Centuries.
Shortcut to: th th th th ... th Centuries.
th Century
Muslim merchants reach China (Canton). Foundation of a paper factory in Baghdad; the first in history outside China. The Muslims use different materials from the Chinese, though. This is a development that would subsequently revolutionise learning. The paper industry spreads from Baghdad, to Syria and further West, until it reaches about a century later Europe (Spain) via Morocco.
Mash'allah writes on the Astrolabe. He was one of the earliest astronomers and astrologers in Islam. Only one of his writings is extant in Arabic, but there are many medieval Latin and Hebrew translations of it. His most popular book in the Middle Ages was the `De scientia motus orbis,' translated by G. Cremonna in the twelfth century.
Al-Tabari writes on Astronomy. Harun al-Rashid gives Charlemagne a clock that struck the hours. Foundation of the city of Fez by the Idrisids in Morocco.

79. Schurs Astrophotography
The two large craters on the terminator in this image are albategnius abovecenter, and below Hipparchus. In addition, many ghost craters are in the
The Hipparchus and Albategnius Region Uploaded 4/13/03 The two large craters on the terminator in this image are Albategnius above center, and below Hipparchus. In addition, many ghost craters are in the surrounding area, craters which are almost buried by lava flows in the distant past. To produce this sharp image, thousands of individual frames were taken, and sorted on the basis of sharpness. Only the top 200 frames were used for the combined final image. Instrument: 12.5" f/5 Home made Newtonian Platform: Astrophysics 1200 QMD CCD Camera: Vesta Cam Pro Exposure: Filters: None Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = Average, Transparency 8/10 Outside Temperature: 5 C Processing Tools: Photoshop, AIP, Registax HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS ...
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80. Dean Mars Home Page
A Sea Of Nectar. B Hipparchus. C albategnius. A Donald Duck. B Mickey Mouse.A Aristiclus. B Autolycus D albategnius. E Klein. A Copernicus
A: Sea Of Serenity A: Sea Of Serenity B: Aristoteles C: Eudoxus D: Aristillus E: Autolycus A: Hipparchus B: Abategnius A: Sea Of Nectar B: Hipparchus C: Albategniu s A: Donald Duck B: Mickey Mouse A: Aristiclus B: Autolycus A: Horrocks B: Hipparchus C: Halley D: Albategnius E: Klein A
Copernicus Deep Sky Photos

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