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         Ahmed Ibn Yusuf:     more detail
  1. Egyptian Mathematicians: Ptolemy, Diophantus, Caleb Gattegno, Ibn Yunus, Ahmes, Abu Kamil Shuja Ibn Aslam, Ahmed Ibn Yusuf
  2. Syrian Mathematicians: Posidonius, Domninus of Larissa, Ahmed Ibn Yusuf, Philonides of Laodicea, Abu'l-Hasan Al-Uqlidisi
  3. Sunni Imams: Ibn Taymiyyah, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Aala Hazrat, Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi, Malik Ibn Anas, Mohammed Daniel, Hamid Bin Ahmad Al-Rifaie
  4. al-Said fi ahd Shaykh al-Arab Hammam (al-Maktabah al-Arabiyah. al-Tarjamah) (Arabic Edition) by Leila Ahmed, 1987

41. History Of Muslim Philosophy Online
(unedited); Chapter 28 ibn Rushd by ahmed Fouad ElEhwany. Chapter 50 ArabicLiterature Poetic and Prose Forms by SM yusuf.
A History of Muslim Philosophy With short accounts of other Disciplines and the Modern Renaissance in the Muslim Lands Edited and Introduced by M. M. SHARIF Director of the Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore Pakistan Published by Pakistan Philosophical Congress Presented in PDF format in Full and complete. Greetings and welcome to the history of Muslim Philosophy book. This is a wonderful book that was the work of many brilliant scholars. The book is almost 2000 pages. We are proud to be able to present you with this book online. We would like to present it to you in html text format in order that it may be searchable. However our resources are meager and we are reaching out to you our dear readers if you are interested in proofreading of the text. Thus far we have up to chapter 15 (and the article on al-Ghazali) done by kind volunteers. If you would like to join our effort please let me know by e-mail . For more information on what is involved in bringing the work to html click here . So this is your chance to contribute to this great effort this way everyone can access this book in a more accessible format. Volume 1 Book One Pre-Islamic Philosophical thought

42. Early Islamic Illustrations
yusuf Uthman alHaskafi Sha ban 6002/ March 1205 folio 136a. Two Horsemen by ahmed ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Ahnaf. Baghdad,1210. ahmed III 2115, folio 58a

43. Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs)
Haroun ibn Khmaraweih ibn ahmed ibn Tulan (896904 AD) Sheiban ahmed ibn Tulan (Abual-Manaquib) Saladin (Salah al-Din yusuf ibn Ayyub) (1174-1192AD)
Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs), Governors and other Rulers The Kings of Egypt were not called Pharaohs by the ancient Egyptians. This word was used by the Greeks and Hebrews, and today is commonly used for the ancient Kings of Egypt. We really do not know how many kings ruled in Egypt, for at times in its ancient past the country was split up, and there were at least several kings at the same time. There was also probably kings who ruled regions of Egypt before recorded history, and in fact, several ancient historians record legendary Pharaohs who became Egyptian gods. See also from our Feature Articles: General Topics Related to Kings Topics Related to Specific Kings For the Earliest known Kings prior to the 1st Dynasty, see EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD 1st Dynasty
Little actual history is known of the pharaohs of the early dynasties. Their monuments, however, are some of the most studied artifacts in the world.

44. Bahrain Government Homepage
ahmed ibn RIZQ. This famous merchant went by the name of ahmed Bin Mohammed BinHussain Bin yusuf bin ahmed Bin Rizq who was born in Zubara in 1200H.
Chapter Seven: SHAIKH AHMED AL FATEH...Cont.
AHMED IBN RIZQ From all this we deduce that Ahmed Bin Rizq was born around 1150 H and his date of passing is confirmed as 1224 H 173 . He lived to a ripe age of 74 and hence at the time of his migrating there Kuwait had recently been inhabited. The Banu Ataba lived there who were linked to Anaza Bin Asad though it was not a direct matrilineal or patrilineal relationship which bound them. It was a more broad based genealogy. Such a supposition is well-based. When the father of Rizq came to Kuwait the Bani Ataba were headed by Shaikh Abdulla Bin Sabah and being indigent had to borrow from the ruler three dinars. The ruler most probably was Shaikh Abdulla Bin Sabah and Rizq invested his borrowed three dinars in pearl trade. It proved auspicious and he made a profit of 300 dinars. He, thereupon, married Ahmed's mother and Ahmed was probably born in Kuwait in 1188 H/1774.Rizq then migrated to AI Hasa. The concerned texts yield the following inferences. Almost all histories of Kuwait are agreed that Shaikh Sabah Bin Jaber died in 1190 H/1776. If we reckon his age to be 80 his date of birth would be 1110 H/1698. While living in Kuwait his age would around ten years which cannot be correct.

45. Al-Kindi - YAQUB IBN ISHAQ AL-KINDI - Iraqi Philosopher
his full name was Abu yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq alSabbah Al-Kindi, quite a mouthful, ahmed ibn Musa ibn Shakir, and al-Hasan ibn Musa ibn Shakir.
One of the Internet's Largest and Most Visited Philosophy Sources.
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The Iraqi Philosopher
Born: about 801 in Kufah, Iraq Died: 873 in Baghdad, Iraq Al-Kindi was born and brought up in Kufah, which was a centre for Arab culture and learning in the 9 th century. This was certainly the right place for al-Kindi to get the best education possible at this time. Although quite a few details (and legends) of al-Kindi's life are given in various sources, these are not all consistent. We shall try to give below details which are fairly well substantiated.
Al-Kindi defined Philosophy as 'the establishment of what is true and right' and believed that the pursuit of philosophy was compatible with orthodox Islam. By Sonal Panse, 11/3/2004 The Iraq crisis and the general and hypocritical Western perception of Islam as the harbringer of terrorism made me think of Al-Kindi recently. Renowned as the first great philosopher of Arabic and Islamic origin in the world, his full name was Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Sabbah Al-Kindi, quite a mouthful, and he was the scion of a very illustrious family descended from the Royal Kindah Tribe of Southern Arabia. He was born in 801 in Kufah, Iraq. Kufah, in the ninth century was an important and cospomolitan city, famous as the second capital of the Caliphate after Medina, and Al-Kindi's father just happened to be its governor - his grandfather too had once been the governor. His lineage as well as Kufah's cultural importance made it possible for Al-Kindi to receive the best possible education available in that period. Afterwards he moved to Baghdad for further studies and here, as he had in Kufah, he soon proved his intellectual prowess.

46. KvisionBooks
Complete Quran on Tape, ahmed ibn Ali AlAjami, $29.95. Complete Quran on Tape Islamic Awakening Between Rejection and Extremism, yusuf Qaradawi, $6.95
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The Currency feature is just for your convenience. This catalog is current on the day of printing. Image Products Author Price 786 (US Version with Music) 786 Group 786 Group A Concise Encyclopedia of Islam Gordon D. Newby A Simple Guide To Prayer A Thematic Commentary on the Quran Mohamed Al-Ghazali Abraham Friend of God Abraham: The Friend of God Jerald F. Dirks Abu Bakr al Siddiq: His Life and Times (Set of 15 CDs ) Anwar Awlaki African Sounds Al Tawhid: its implications for thought and Life Ismail Raja Faruqi Al-Maqasid Nuh Hamim Keller Al-Mathurat Tape Mathurat - audio Tape Al-Muallim - Cassette Sami Yusuf Al-Muallim - CD Sami Yusuf Al-shafiis Risala: treaties on the foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence Imam Shafii-translated Alghazali on Invocations and supplication Imam Abu Al-Ghazali Alghazali on the ninety-nine beautiful names of God Imam Abu Al-Ghazali Imam Abu Al-Ghazali Amazing Allah (Voice Only) Shaheed Alkawn American Muslim: bridging faith and freedom M.A. Muqtedar Khan

47. Harun Yahya
Bu kitabin isminin yusuf Medresesi olmasinin nedeni ;insanlari yalnizca Allah a Hz. yusuf tan baska Imami A zam, Imam-i ahmed ibn-i Hanbel ve yakin
Yusuf Medresesi (Yusuf) Dedi ki: "Rabbim, zindan, bunlarýn beni kendisine çaðýrdýklarý þeyden bana daha sevimlidir... Böylece Rabbi, duasýný kabul etti ve onlarýn hileli düzenlerini kendisinden uzaklaþtýrdý... Sonra onlarda (Yusuf'un iffetine iliþkin) delilleri görmelerinin ardýndan, mutlaka onu belli bir vakte kadar zindana atmak (görüþü)aðýr bastý.
(Yusuf Suresi, 33-35)
Giriþ: Yusuf Medresesi Nedir? ... Yusuf daha nice yýllar zindanda kaldý" (Yusuf Suresi, 42) ayetinin ihbarý ve sýrrýyla Yusuf Aleyhisselam mahpuslarýn piridir. Ve hapishane bir nevi Medrese-i Yusufiye olur." Bu sözler, hayatý boyunca Kuran ahlakýný insanlara anlatan ve sadece bu nedenle bazý çevrelerin düþmanlýðýný kazanarak suçsuz yere 30 yýlýný sürgünlerde ve hapishanelerde geçirmiþolan, 20. yüzyýlýn en büyük Ýslam alimlerinden Bediüzzaman Said Nursi'ye aittir. Bediüzzaman'ýn bu sözünde hapishane için Yusuf Medresesi tanýmýný kullanmasýnýn ve bu kitabýn isminin "Yusuf Medresesi" olmasýnýn nedeni ise þöyledir: Ýnsanlarý yalnýzca Allah'a kulluk etmeye ve güzel ahlaklý olmaya çaðýran samimi Müslümanlar için, hiçbir suçlarý bulunmadýðý halde zaman zaman yaþamak zorunda býrakýldýklarý hapishaneler, manevi açýdan çok güzel birer eðitim ve nefsi terbiye yeridirler. Diðer bir deyiþle, müminler için hapishaneler birer medrese hükmündedirler.

48. Yusuf Medresesi - Harun Yahya
Hz. yusuf tan baska Imami A zam, Imam-i ahmed ibn-i Hanbel ve yakin tarihimizdenBediüzzaman Said Nursi, Süleyman Hilmi Tunahan ve Gönenli Mehmet Efendi
Yusuf Medresesi (Yusuf) Dedi ki: "Rabbim, zindan, bunlarýn beni kendisine çaðýrdýklarý þeyden bana daha sevimlidir... Böylece Rabbi, duasýný kabul etti ve onlarýn hileli düzenlerini kendisinden uzaklaþtýrdý... Sonra onlarda (Yusuf'un iffetine iliþkin) delilleri görmelerinin ardýndan, mutlaka onu belli bir vakte kadar zindana atmak (görüþü)aðýr bastý.
(Yusuf Suresi, 33-35)
Kitabýn büyütülmüþ kapaðý Kitabýn PDF formatýný buradan yükleyebilirsiniz. Kitabýn Word metnini buradan yükleyebilirsiniz. Giriþ: Yusuf Medresesi Nedir? ... Yusuf daha nice yýllar zindanda kaldý" (Yusuf Suresi, 42) ayetinin ihbarý ve sýrrýyla Yusuf Aleyhisselam mahpuslarýn piridir. Ve hapishane bir nevi Medrese-i Yusufiye olur." Bu sözler, hayatý boyunca Kuran ahlakýný insanlara anlatan ve sadece bu nedenle bazý çevrelerin düþmanlýðýný kazanarak suçsuz yere 30 yýlýný sürgünlerde ve hapishanelerde geçirmiþ olan, 20. yüzyýlýn en büyük Ýslam alimlerinden Bediüzzaman Said Nursi'ye aittir.

Translate this page Abu yusuf Ya’qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi et la pensée philosophique, p. 51 Abu’l-Walid Mohammed ibn ahmed ibn Rushd et l’exigence de rationalité, p. 79

La Mauritanie
Economie Annuaire Tourisme ... audit et mesure d'audience visiteurs internet par PRÉSENTATION DU LIVRE " L'APPORT SCIENTIFIQUE ARABE A TRAVERS
L'apport scientifique arabe
Par Salah Ould Moulaye Ahmed
Collection Histoire plurielle
Editions UNESCO se procurer l'ouvrage
La transmission du savoir antique, p. 41
Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-'Ibadi et la transmission du savoir grec, p. 43 CHAPITRE 3 La philosophie, p. 49 Abu Nasr Mohammed ibn Tarkhan al-Farabi et la logique philosophique, p. 59 Abu Hamid Mohammed al-Tusi al-Ghazali et la critique de la philosophie, p. 66

50. Comunidad Islámica En México. Muwatta.Introduccion. Sheij Ahmed Ibn 'Abd Al-'A
Translate this page Kadi abu yusuf, que lo conoció y habló con el, también relató de él por medio Abdellah ibn ahmed ibn Hambal dijo, “escuché a mi padre mencionar esto y
Jesus Profeta de Islam Portada Muhammad, Rasulullah Donativos Make a Donation ... Lista de Amigos
Al Gafiki dijo que el numero de sus Sheijs en Al Muwatta eran noventa y cinco.
Estos trabajos son:
2. Un libro sobre las estrellas y sobre la cuenta del paso del tiempo y las fases de la luna.
8. Un libro llamado Kitab as-Sirr.
Sheij Ahmed ibn 'Abd al-'Asis Al-Mubarak.

51. Al-Attique Authors List
ahmed ibn Hajar Abou Tamy, Translated by Dr. Khadim M Backe Aisha Bewley Muhmmad Al Ghazali Translated by (yusuf Talal Delorenzo) Muhtar Holland
Authors List M S Kayani Maulana Syed Shabir Ahmed (Maulvi) Abdul Aziz a ... `Abdul Hameed Siddqiqi

Muvafikeddin ahmed bin yusuf el Musuli el Sibani el Safii, d. 680 (m. Sehabeddin ahmed bin Mehmed ibn Hacer el Kastelani, d. 923 (m.
D OÐA M ACERA ... 150 / Eylül 2005 150. Sayý ABONELÝK DÝLEKÇE Önemli Doða Alanlarý'nýn Korunmasý Ýçin Baþvuru Dilekçesi HARÝTALAR ... ATLAS BAÐIÞ
BAÐDAT'TA YANAN KÝTAPLAR Irak'ta müzeler ve kütüphaneler yaðmalanýp kundaklandý. Binlerce el yazmasý kitap ya çalýndý, ya alevlere teslim edildi. Atlas, beþ binden fazla eþsiz el yazmasý eserin saklandýðý Evkaf Kütüphanesi'nin katalogunu inceledi ve yok olan kitaplardan küçük bir liste hazýrladý. Bu liste, yok edilen deðerin ne denli büyük olduðunu göstermeye yetiyor. AYÞE ÇAVDAR / ATLAS Baðdat uzun dönem Ýslam dünyasýnýn baþkentiydi ve 20. yüzyýlýn baþýna kadar da bu önemini kaybetmedi. Ama geçtiðimiz aylarda yerle bir edildi. Týpký Hülagü'nün ordularý gibi, George W. Bush'un ordularý da kendilerinde olmayaný yok etmek için ellerinden geleni yaptýlar. Baðdat'taki Saddam el Mahtutat'ýn (Saddam El Yazmalarý Kütüphanesi) yakýldýðýný duyduðumuzda içimiz titremiþti. Çünkü Irak'ýn her yerinden toplanan el yazmalarýnýn bu kütüphanede saklanýyordu. Ardýndan Evkaf Kütüphanesi'nin yandýðý haberi geldi. Artýk hiçbir þey kalmamýþ olmalýydý.
Saddam el Mahtutat'taki el yazmalarýnýn, savaþtan önce þehir merkezine uzak küçük bir camiye kaldýrýldýklarýný duyduk sonra. Yüreðimize bir miktar su serpildi. Yaklaþýk 40 bin el yazmasý kurtulmuþtu. Milli Kütüphane'deki on binlerce eserden ise geriye külden baþka bir þey kalmamýþtý. Fakat Evkaf Kütüphanesi'nden gelen fotoðraflar felaketin büyüklüðüne ýþýk tutuyordu.

53. List Of Muslims - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Abu Musa Jabir ibn_Hayyan, (Geber) chemistry; Abu Nasr Mansur, mathematics;ahmed H. Zewail, chemistry; Ahmad ibn yusuf, mathematics; Al Battani,
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List of Muslims
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Part of the series on Islam
Beliefs and practices
Oneness of God
Profession of Faith

Fasting ... Charity Major Figures Muhammad Ali Abu Bakr
Companions of Muhammad
... Sharia Major Divisions Sunni Shi'a Sufism
Divisions of Islam
Sociopolitical Aspects Cities Architecture
Calendar ... Jihad See Also Vocabulary of Islam
History of Islam

Opposition to Islam

Index of articles on Islam
This page is an incomplete list of prominent and famous (or infamous) people who are Muslims - followers of Islam . This page is a list of people identified as Muslims, particularly by themselves. This page does not differentiate between Sunni Muslims Shia Muslims , or any other subcategory. It also does not take into account whether those listed acknowledge their Muslim identity or origins. This list takes a wide definition of a Muslim by including most individuals who might be in some way identified as Muslim, but acknowledges that more restrictive definitions may be applied by the reader. For information on Islam and Muslims in various parts of the world, please see Islam by country This list is incomplete ; you can help by expanding it

54. ::: Yeni Ümit ::: Dini Ýlimler Ve Kültür Dergisi
Kaynaklarin Ebû Bekir ahmed ibn Ishak, Fakîhu Semerkand diye taninan Ebû Nasrahmed b. Ebû yusuf el?Ensari ile yusuf ibn Halid ve Muhammed ibn Mukatil,

55. Itinerario I. Marrakech Y Alrededores. El Legado Andalusí
At the beginning of the twelfth century, Ali ibn yusuf developed the city by the Bahia Palace was commissioned by the chamberlain ahmed ibn Moussa,
Go-back Heritage Accommodation Crafts ... Information Offices P RINCIPAL C IRCUITS
I TINERARY I Click on the map for desired destination Neightbouring cities and towns Marrakech Sidi Bou Othman Aghmat Tinmel Chichaoua Essaouira Safi The historical network presented here can easily be followed today using the national roads. The route sets off from Marrakech, the capital city of both the Almoravid and Almohad empires (from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries). It encompasses, in the west, the two Atlantic ports, Safi and Essaouira, and in the south, the Upper Atlas with Aghmat as the first step up to the mountains, and Tinmel as the last point of historical reference. Another reference point, albeit exclusively archaeological, is Sidi Bou Othman in the north.
Marrakech Situated in the Haouz Plain, Marrakech stands at the crossroads to a network of communication routes, a situation responsible for its historical role as a site of interchange. The first nucleus of this city, founded by the Saharans and the Almoravids around 1070, was to turn into the metropolis of an empire in the space of a generation. At the beginning of the twelfth century, Ali Ibn Yusuf developed the city by supplying it with water, by paving its streets and by building the mosque that continues to bear his name and which was to become the principal centre of Marrakech's urban sprawl. In 1127 he surrounded the city with a 9-km wall which is still intact today. Under the Almohads Marrakech, together with its fortified citadel, became the most important city in the Muslim West. The capital of an empire encompassing the entire Maghreb and Muslim Spain, it owed its prosperity above all to a lucrative transsaharan commerce.

56. Piaski Pustyni
ahmed ibnTulun zbudowal szpital Al-Fusta Hospital w Al-Fustat (obecnie Granadzie, ufundowany w 1366 r. przez ksiecia Muhammeda ibn-yusuf ibn Nasr.
Piaski pustyni... :: Bogowie i szamani :: W cieniu piramid :: Babilon :: W krainie ¯ó³tej Rzeki ...
Dopisz siê do ksiêgi

M edycyna Arabska przed islamem jest dla nas do dzi¶ tajemnic±. Oparta na przekazach plemiennych, nie pozostawi³a po sobie materialnych wskazówek dla dzisiejszych badaczy.
W VII wieku rozpoczê³a siê ekspansja arabska. Wszystkie licz±ce siê o¶rodki medyczne znalaz³y siê pod panowaniem kalifatu. Arabowie zetknêli siê równie¿ z medycyn± hebrajsk± a potem chrze¶cijañsk±. Nastawianie ramienia po zwichniêciu - ¼ród³o: Rêkopis Ormiañski XV w. Po upadku Imperium Rzymskiego na d³ugi czas to ¶wiat arabski sta³ siê centrum wiedzy medycznej. Szczyt rozwoju medycyny arabskiej przypada na IX - XI wiek. Zak³adano liczne szko³y ( medresy ). Potem szpitale i apteki. Jednak g³ównym ¼ród³em wiedzy medycznej by³y przek³ady pism greckich -Galena, Hipokratesa itd. Nowatorskie badania utrudnia³y za³o¿enia Koranu
  • Damaszku, zbudowany w 706 r. ufundowany przez Kalifa Al-Walid (Hamarneh 1962). Drugi wzniesiono oko³o roku 1 156 i nazwano szpitalem Al-Nuri.

57. Lebanon
1770 1778 yusuf ibn Malham (1st time) 1778 - 1780 Ahmad ibn Malham + Afandiibn Malham 1780 - 1789 yusuf ibn Malham (2nd time)

58. Yemen
Feb 1840 8 Jan 1844 Muhammad IV ibn Ahmad al-Hadi (d. 1844) 1852 - 1857Ahmad ibn Ahmad al-Haymi 1857 - 1858 Sheikh Abdullah ibn yusuf
return to World Statesmen Yemen
Adopted 20 May 1990
Map of Yemen Hear National Anthem
"United Republic" Text of National Anthem
Adopted 1990 Constitution
(16 May 1991) Capital: Sana Currency: Yemeni Rial (YER) National Holiday: 22 May (1990)
Unification Day Population: 20,024,867 (2004) GDP: $15.09 billion (2003) Exports: $3.9 billion (2003)
Imports: $3.0 billion (2003) Ethnic groups: Arab 92.8%, Somali 3.7%, black 1.1%,
Indo-Pakistani 1%, Europeans, other 1.4% (2000) Total Armed Forces: 66,500 (2002)
Merchant marine: 6 ships (2003) Religions: Muslim 98.9% ( including Shaf'i [Sunni] 60%
and Zaydi [Shi'a] 40%), Hindu 0.7%, Christian 0.2%,
other 1.4% (2000) International Organizations/Treaties: ACC, AFESD, AL, AMF, APM, BTWC, CAEU, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICFTU, ICRM, IDA, IDB, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Intelsat, Interpol, IOC, IOM, ISO (correspondent), ITU, NAM, NPT, NTBT, OIC, OPCW, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFCC, UNHCR, UNIDO, UPU, WCO, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO Yemen Index CHRONOLOGY 1538 Aden part of the Ottoman Empire
16 Jan 1839 British occupation of Aden Sep 1839 Aden a British colony.

59. Online Islamic Store .org .com - Invitation To The Truth
Cheveux Black Caraway ahmad deedat onlineislamic sami yusuf sami yusuf Farooqui,Rumi,Mathnawi,ibn Seerin,Amin Maalouf,CAIR,sunnah,truth,adhan,belief
"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and reason with them in the best manners possible" (Sura Al-Nahl 16, Ayah 125)
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Christianity-examined Browse Archives at

60. European Council For Fatwa And Research: Information From
Professor yusuf AlQaradawi, President of ECFR (Egypt, Qatar) Judge SheikhAbdullah ibn Ali Salem (Mauritania); Sheikh Abdullah ibn yusuf Al-Judai, (UK)
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping European Council for Fatwa and Research Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; European Council for Fatwa and Research A Dublin-based private foundation, founded in London at 29-30 March 1997 on the initiative of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, the European Council for Fatwa and Research ('ECFR') is a largely self-selected body, composed by islamic clerics and scholars, presided by Yusuf al-Qaradawi , and considered as belonging to the islamist tendency within the islamic world community, the Ummah . Sometimes, it is (was?) called 'Islamic Cultural Centre in Ireland'.
Statutory ambitions
The ECFR aims "to present to the Muslim World and the Muslim minorities in the West particularly" its interpretation of "the manifestation of Allah's infinite mercy, knowledge and wisdom". For the ECFR, the

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