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41. Gale-Edit - Dictionary Of Science Biography - Scientists By Name Abreu, Aleixo de; Abu Hamid alGharnati; abu kamil shuja Ibn Aslam Ibn MuhammadIbn Shuja ; Abu Ma shar al-Balkhi, Ja far Ibn Muhammad; Abu l-Barakat http://www.gale-edit.com/ndsb/scientists.htm | |
42. \iffalse Meta-comment % % Ledmac.dtx % Author Peter Wilson Aslam,\index{abu kamil shuja b. Aslam}\footnote{Richard % Lorch, `Ab\=uK\=amilon the Pentagon and Decagon in {\em Vestigia % Mathematica}, ed. http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ledmac/ledmac.dtx |
43. Sulinet - Matöri IV. Az Arab Matematika abu kamil shuja ibn Aslam ibn Muhammad ibn Shuja. O volt az az arab matematikus,aki eloször foglalkozott többismeretlenes egyenletekkel. http://www.sulinet.hu/tart/ncikk/ag/0/5862/cikk_1.htm | |
44. Isis 61, 1970-80, 1989 Mohammad YADEGARI, The Use of Mathematical Induction by abu kamil shuja IbnAslam (850930), in Isis 69, 1978, p. 259 Book Reviews, p. 263 http://www.phil.uni-erlangen.de/~p1ges/zfhm/isis3.html | |
45. WhoWasThere Reply abu kamil shuja was about 50 this year and would die in about a further 30 years.AlBattani was about 32 this year and would die in about a further 29 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=900 |
46. Find In A Library By, abu kamil shuja ibn Aslam.; Mordecai Finzi; Martin Levey. Type, English Book Nonfiction. Publisher, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/top3mset/3765307254d119c8.html | |
47. A Index abu kamil shuja (1012) Abu Jafar, al_Khazin (1148) Abu lWafa al-Buzjani (1115)Ackermann, Wilhelm (205) Adams, John Couch (617*) Adams, J Frank (550*) http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/syndrome_vinc3/A.html | |
48. Cep Melodileri Kamil abu kamil shuja is sometimes known as alHasib al-Misri, meaning the calculatorfrom Egypt. 15 ) Kamil Juices Kamil Juices has moved its web site. http://cep.melodileri.linkleriniz.com/kamil.html | |
49. Astronomy abu kamil alshuja discussed algebraic equations with five unknowns. The sciencewas further developed by such figures as al-Karaji until it reached its http://www.salaam.co.uk/themeofthemonth/october01_index.php?l=3 |
50. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page kamil abu shuja (1012) Kantorovich, Leonid (112*) Kaplansky, Irving (487*) Karaji,abu al (1789) Karkhi al (1789) Kármán, Theodore von (202*) http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
51. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page kamil abu shuja (1012) Kantorovich, Leonid (112*) Kaplansky, Irving (1027*)Karaji, abu al (1789) Karkhi al (1789) Kármán, Theodore von (202*) http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
52. Abu Hanifa Vs. "Salafis" The story of Imam Malik s words related by Ibn `Adi (alkamil 72473) The Muhammad ibn shuja` al-Thalji said I heard Isma`il ibn Hammad ibn Abi http://www.geocities.com/~abdulwahid/abuhanifah/imam_vs_munafiq.html | |
53. A/43/176-S/19547 Of 26 February 1988 Omar Eyash Najiyah kamil Ramadhan Sulman Ibrahim abu Nahal (Name of deceased unknown) Alshuja iyah Nuseirat Maghazi Maghazi Nuseirat Beit Lahiya http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/4d0b5ee9aee338a1052567f40055e74a?OpenDocument |
54. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of Abraham}\footnote{{\sc Max Abraham}, \born 1875, \died1922} } \newcommand{\abukamil}{{\sc abu kamil}\footnote{{\sc shuja abukamil}, \born \circa 850, http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
55. Islamic History (Chronology) The Ayyubid AI kamil restores Jerusalem to the Christians. abu In theMuzaffarids empire, Death of Shah shuja, accession of his son Zainul Abdin. http://www.barkati.net/english/chronology.htm | |
56. AUB Development Office Miss Rudaynah shuja . Mr. Mahmoud M. Chreih. Mr. Ayman Sinnu. Mrs. Rida Suayfan kamil abuZahr. Mr. Issam TM abu-Zayd. Dr. Carlos Guillermo El Adem http://wwwlb.aub.edu.lb/~webdevpt/class_reunion/class_1975.html | |
57. MANUSCRIPTS IN MICROFORMAT: N-Z 16211627, no. 2985). 179 al-shuja i. Ta rikh Malik al-Nasir wa-awladihi. 1-77. 1076 Tiflisi, Shaykh abu al-Fazl Husayn ibn Ibrahim. kamil al-ta bir. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/mideast/ManuWebN-Z.html | |
58. Histoire Islamique (Chronologie) kamil rend Jérusalem aux Chrétiens. abu Muhammad meurt en Espagne et Dans l empire Muzaffaride, mort du Shah shuja, accession de son fils http://catholiquedu.free.fr/cultes/ISLAM/HISTCHRONO.htm | |
59. The 'Muslim Names' Section At The Official Website Of The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha Adj. of kamil Arabic. Braver; More courageous. Adj. of shuja. Ashraf. Ashraf Daughter of the first Caliph of Islam (Hazrat abu Bakr) http://aaiil.org/text/muslimnames/muslimnames.shtml | |
60. Delegates And Observers Attending The Thirteenth Session Of The Conference - NIC Translate this page abu Bakr Abdel Rahman kamil, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Omdurman Jalal-ud-Din shuja, Senior Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and http://www.fao.org/docrep/46140E/46140e0j.htm | |
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