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         Abel Niels Henrik:     more books (56)
  1. Niels Henrik Abel: Mémorial Publié À L'occasion Du Centenaire De Sa Naissance (French Edition) by Christiania Universitet, 2010-04-20
  2. Oeuvres Completes De Niels Henrik Abel V1 (1881) (French Edition) by Ludvig Sylow, Sophus Lie, 2010-05-23
  3. NIELS HENRIK ABEL MEMORIAL Publie A L'Occasion Du Centenaire De Sa Naissance. by Elling STORMER, Carl & SYLOW, L. [Editors] HOLST, 1902
  4. Oeuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel. 2 volumes. by Niels Henrik Abel, 1965
  5. Oeuvres Complètes De N.H. Abel: Mathematicien, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, Berndt Michael Holmboe, 2010-01-12
  6. Abhandlung über eine besondere Klasse algebraisch auflösbarer Gleichungen. Von N. H. Abel (1829). Hrsg. von Alfred Loewy. by Niels Henrik Abel, 2007-11-26
  7. Niels Henrik Abel. En skildring af hans liv og videnskabelige virksomhed (Swedish Edition) by Carl Anton Bjerknes, 2002-06-18
  8. Niels Henrik Abel (Ams Chelsea Publishing) by Oystein Ore, 2008-10-16
  9. Niels Henrik Abel: Webster's Timeline History, 1785 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-05-01
  10. Mathématicien Norvégien: Niels Henrik Abel, Sophus Lie, Atle Selberg, Thoralf Skolem, Ludwig Sylow, Kristen Nygaard, Axel Thue, Viggo Brun (French Edition)
  11. University of Oslo Alumni: Ole-Johan Dahl, Niels Henrik Abel, Atle Selberg, Kristen Nygaard, Harrison Schmitt, Harald V of Norway
  12. Niels-henrik Abel: Tableau De Sa Vie Et De Son Action Scientifique (French Edition)
  13. Niels Henrik Abel Eine Schilderung Seines Lebens Und Seiner Arbeit by C. A. & Dr. V. Bjerknes Bjerknes, 1930-01-01
  14. Niels Henrik Abel. Et Geni Og Hans Samtid by Oystein Ore, 1954-01-01

21. Asfychema - èeská Verze - Vìdci
abel niels henrik Adams John Couch - Airy George - Ampére André Maria -Anaxagoras - Anderson Carl David Niels H. Abel 1802 - 1829 norský matematik
Úvod Astronomie Chemie Matematika Vìdci Odkazy A Abel Niels Henrik
Adams John Couch

Airy George

Ampére André Maria

... Zeeman Pieter
Niels H. Abel
norský matematik Už na støední škole se zabýval øešitelností algebraických rovnic 5. stupnì, mìl dojem, že objevil vzorec, který hledali matematici 300 let. Po studiu na univerzitì a studijním pobytu v Kodani se znovu k této problematice vrátil a pøedložil dùkaž neøešitelnosti rovnic 5. stupnì a rovnic vyšších stupòù pomocí odmocnin. Pøispìl k zpøesnìní teorie konvergence øad a obšírnì zpracoval základy teorie eliptických funkcí.

22. Biografi: Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel ble født på Finnøy i Rogaland der faren, Niels HenrikAbel (18021829) skulle følge Degens råd om å studere elliptiske integraler,

23. Niels Henrik Abel - Wikipedia
Translate this page Literatur. Arild Stubhaug Ein aufleuchtender Blitz. Niels Henrik Abel und seineZeit. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-540-41879-2. Bearbeiten
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Niels Henrik Abel
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Niels Henrik Abel. Niels Henrik Abel 5. August auf der Insel Find¸, in der N¤he von Stavanger Norwegen 6. April in Froland , Norwegen) war ein norwegischer Mathematiker Abel war der Sohn von Soren Georg Abel, einem Theologen und Philologen , und Ane Marie Simonson. Er hatte sechs Geschwister. Abel besuchte die Universit¤t von Christiania Oslo ). Er arbeitete von im Ausland, vorwiegend in Paris Berlin und G¶ttingen . Nach seiner R¼ckkehr wurde er Dozent an der Universit¤t und Ingenieurschule in Christiania. Abel formulierte die Theorie des elliptischen Integrals um in die Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen , indem er deren inverse Funktionen benutzte. Auf diesem Gebiet arbeitete er mit Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi zusammen. bewies er, dass die allgemeine

24. Niels Henrik Abel
Translate this page Niels Henrik abel niels henrik Abel wurde am 5. August 1802 auf Finnöy in Mit großen Schwierigkeiten gelang es dann doch, Niels Henrik Abel und seinen
Niels Henrik Abel (1802 bis 1829)Norwegen Niels Henrik Abel wurde am 5. August 1802 auf Finnöy in Südwestnorwegen als Sohn eines Landpastors geboren. Aufgrund großer finanzieller Probleme wurde Abel anfangs von seinem Vater unterrichtet. Mit großen Schwierigkeiten gelang es dann doch, Niels Henrik Abel und seinen Bruder an der Domschule in Oslo unterzubringen, wo sie finanzielle Unterstützung erhielten. Als ein Mitschüler Abels an den Folgen einer Mißhandlung durch den Lehrer verstarb, folgte diesem Bernt Michael Holmboe nach, welcher Abels mathematisches Talten erkannte, und ihn ermutigte Werke von Poisson, Gauß, Newton, d´Alembert und Lagrange zu studieren. Er bahnte sich den Weg zu zentralen Fragen mathematischer Forschung als Autodidakt. Schon bald begann Abel, eigene Untersuchungen anzustellen. Seine Ergebnisse konnten von Norwegens Mathematikern jedoch weder bestätigt noch widerlegt werden, und so entbrannte eine öffentliche Diskussion, die Abel großes Ansehen brachte, sodaß er 1821 an der Universität Oslo immatrikulieren konnte. 1823 reiste er nach Kopenhagen, wo er im selben Jahr selbständig entdeckte, daß die Auflösung der Gleichung fünften Grades in Radikalen unmöglich ist. 1824 wurde seine erste Abhandlung im "Magazin for Naturvidenskaben" publiziert. Nachdem er in seiner Heimat keine Hilfe auf einem höheren Niveau erhalten konnte, begann er 1825 eine Studienreise durch Europa, welche ihm durch ein Stipendium von Professor Hansteen ermöglicht wurde. 1826 erschien die erste Ausgabe des von Crelle herausgegebenen Journals für reine und angewandte Mathematik, welches zwei Artikel von Abel enthielt, unter anderem die Abhandlung "Beweis der Unmöglichkeit der algebraischen Auflösbarkeit der allgemeinen Gleichungen, welche den vierten Grad übersteigen".

25. Editions Jacques Gabay - Niels Henrik ABEL
Translate this page Reprints Encyclopedie des sciences Mathematiques, Abel, Borel, Fourier, Galois,Gauss, Hilbert, Lagrange, Laplace, Maxwell, Molk, Newton, Poincare, Niels Henrik

26. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel ble født 5. august 1802 på Finnøy i Ryfylke. Faren var sogneprestder, men allerede da Niels Henrik var to år gammel, flyttet familien til
Et portrett av Abel
Norges største matematiker
Niels Henrik Abel ble født 5. august 1802 på Finnøy i Ryfylke. Faren var sogneprest der, men allerede da Niels Henrik var to år gammel, flyttet familien til Gjerstad i Aust-Agder. Der tilbrakte Niels Henrik resten av sin barndom. Han var den nest eldste av seks søsken. Faren til Niels Henrik ble betegnet som «meget egenrådig», og han var heller ikke særlig flink med økonomien. Det førte til at tilværelsen for familien hans ble svært vanskelig. Da han døde i 1820, ble moren sittende igjen med stor gjeld og seks barn mellom seks og tjue år. Den eldste var sinnssyk. Moren til Niels Henrik ble omtalt som «overordentlig smuk, men aldeles karakterløs», og skal visstnok allerede fra 15-års-alderen ha hengitt seg til «overdreven nytelse av alkohol», noe som gikk i arv til alle sønnene unntatt Niels Henrik. Denne vanskelige familiesituasjonen kom til å plage Niels Henrik gjennom hele studietiden. Niels Henrik Abel ble skrevet inn på Christiania katedralskole allerede da han var 13 år. Inntil da hadde han blitt undervist av sin far. Den første tiden på katedralskolen utmerket han seg ikke noe særlig. Da matematikklæreren hans døde, fikk Abel ny matematikklærer, Bernt Michael Holmboe. Holmboe fikk stor betydning for Abels virke innenfor matematikken. Han hadde en sterk tro på Abel gjennom alle år, noe som kom til uttrykk gjennom følgende uttalelse om Abel i karakterprotokollen : «at han visstnok, om han lever, vil bli en stor matematiker». De tre siste ordene er rettet, og det har antagelig stått «verdens beste matematiker». Rettelsen skal de eldre lærerne ved katedralskolen ha stått for. Det var bare i de matematiske fagene Abel utmerket seg. I både aritmetikk og geometri fikk han 1 (med slange). I de andre fagene derimot var det flest 3-ere (1-var på den tiden beste karakter).

27. INTERIA.PL - Encyklopedia
abel niels henrik (180229). matematyk norweski, jeden z twóców podstaw teoriifunkcji eliptycznych i hipereliptycznych; udowodnil niemoznosc

28. Niels Henrik Abel - Wikipedia
Abel, Niels Henrik (1988) Oeuvres Complètes; Ed. L. Sylow, S. Lie;
Wikimedia ha bisogno del tuo aiuto nella sua raccolta fondi per 200.000$. Per i dettagli leggi qui
Niels Henrik Abel
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Niels Henrik Abel Find¶ Norvegia 5 Agosto Froland ... 6 Aprile ) fu un matematico norvegese. ˆ noto soprattutto per i suoi studi sull' algebra e sulla teoria delle funzioni Nel entr² alla scuola Cattedrale di Christiania (chiamata in seguito Oslo ) e qui tre anni pi¹ tardi diede prova del suo genio matematico con le sue brillanti soluzioni agli originali problemi proposti da Bernt Holmboe . Nello stesso periodo suo padre, un indigente pastore protestante , mor¬, e la sua famiglia d'origine ebbe gravi problemi finanziari; una piccola borsa di studio dello stato per² permise ad Abel di entrare all'universit  di Christiania nel Il primo lavoro rilevante di Abel riguard² la dimostrazione dell'impossibilit  di risolvere le equazioni di quinto grado tramite i radicali (vedi il Teorema di Abel - Ruffini ). Questa, nel , fu la sua prima ricerca ad essere pubblicata, ma la dimostrazione era difficile ed astrusa. Successivamente fu pubblicata in forma pi¹ elaborata nel primo volume del Giornale di Crelle. Il finanziamento statale permise ad Abel di visitare la Germania e la Francia nel . Abel conobbe l'astronomo Schumacher (1780-1850) in Altona vicino ad Amburgo quando soggiorn² sei mesi a Berlino , dove collabor² all'avvio della pubblicazione del giornale matematico di August Leopold Crelle . Questo progetto fu caldamente sostenuto da Abel, che contribu¬ molto al successo dell'iniziativa. Da Berlino pass² a

29. Abel
Niels Henrik Abel was born August 5th, 1802 in Finnoy Norway. Niels HenrikAbel had many great contributions to the evolution of mathematics.
Niels Henrik Abel
Born: 5 Aug 1802 in Finnoy (an island near Stavanger), Norway
Died: 16 April 1829 in Froland, Norway Niels Henrik Abel was born August 5th, 1802 in Finnoy Norway. He like many other famous mathematicians was dirt poor all his life. His father had a degree in theology and philosophy, and became involved in the political independence of Norway. He was also involved in writing a new constitution in 1814. However his father made false charges against some of his colleagues and this lead to the end of his political career. His father passed away in 1820. Abel was discovered to have a great knowledge of mathematics by his teacher Bernt Holmboe. After his father's death, Abel was able to attend the University of Christiania in 1821. This could have only happened due to Holboes help in obtaining a scholarship. One year after he started his studies he graduated from the University, but he had already accomplished so much. Abel's trip to Germany did however allow him to meet Crelle, who would publish the first journal entirely devoted to mathematics. In 1827 in the first volume of Crelle's Journal, Abel's work, Recherches sur les fonctions elliptiques was published. This was instrumental in establishing mathematical analysis on a rigorous basis. After returning to Norway heavily in debt, he became very ill and was informed he had tuberculosis. Despite his bad health and poverty he continued writing papers on equation theory and elliptic functions. This continued work had major importance in the development of the whole theory of elliptic functions. Abel revolutionized the understanding of elliptic functions by studying the inverse of these functions.

30. Niels Henrik Abel - Wikipedia
Translate this page Niels Henrik Abel. El Premio Abel se otorga cada año a los matemáticos másdestacados y fue denominado en su honor. Hijo de un pastor protestante,
Wikimedia necesita de tu ayuda en su campa±a para recolectar USD$ 200.000 . V©ase nuestra p¡gina de recolecci³n de fondos para m¡s detalles.
Niels Henrik Abel
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Niels Henrik Abel 5 de agosto de matem¡tico noruego , reconocido por haber probado en que no hay ninguna f³rmula para hallar los ceros de todos los polinomios generales de grados en t©rminos de sus coeficientes y en el de las funciones el­pticas, ¡mbito en el que desarroll³ un m©todo general para la construcci³n de funciones peri³dicas rec­procas de la integral el­ptica. Niels Henrik Abel El Premio Abel se otorga cada a±o a los matem¡ticos m¡s destacados y fue denominado en su honor. Hijo de un pastor protestante , creci³ en un ambiente familiar de gran tensi³n, a causa de las tendencias alcoh³licas de sus padres. Enviado junto con su hermano a una escuela de la capital, sus precoces aptitudes para las matem¡ticas fueron muy apreciadas por uno de sus profesores, Holmboe, quien tras la muerte de su padre le financi³ sus primeros a±os en la universidad. La publicaci³n de sus primeros trabajos le granje³ un considerable prestigio, pero, arruinado y aquejado de tuberculosis , apenas pudo consolidar su prometedora carrera acad©mica; muri³ a los veintisiete a±os.

31. Abel
Matem¡tico noruego (1802 1829).
Abel, Niels Henrik
Nació : 5 de Agosto de 1802 en Finnoy (una isla cerca de Stavanger)
Falleció : 16 de Abril de 1829 en Froland, Noruega
Niels Abel probó la imposibilidad de resolver algebraicamente ecuaciones de quinto grado. La vida de Abel estuvo dominada por la pobreza. Después de muerto su padre, quien era un ministro protestante, Abel tuvo que asumir la responsabilidad de mantener a su madre y familia, en 1820. El profesor de Abel, Holmboe, reconoció su talento para las matemáticas, debido a su falta de dinero para asistir a una colegiatura para ingresar a la universidad de Christiania, ingresó a la universidad en 1821, diez años después de que la universidad fuera fundada, y se graduó en 1822. Abel publicó en 1823 escritos de ecuaciones funcionales e integrales . En esto Abel dio la primera solución de una ecuación integral. En 1824 probó que era imposible resolver algebraicamente ecuaciones de quinto grado y de su propio costo realizó publicaciones con la esperanza de obtener reconocimiento por su trabajo. Eventualmente ganó un premio de escolaridad del gobierno para viajar al extranjero, visitó Alemania y Francia.

Ideell stiftelse i Gjerstad, Aust Agder, som skal tilby etter og videreutdanning av l¦rere og forskere, forskning og publisering og niels henrik abel museum.
AbelSenteret vil ha følgende aktiviteter, tilbud og utstillinger, i samarbeid med forskere, universiteter og høyskoler:
  • Etter- og videreutdanning av lærere og forskere innen matematikk, biologi og informasjonsvitenskap. Internasjonalt kurs- og møtested for matematikk og naturvitenskap Niels Henrik Abel museum, faglige univers og etnomatematikk, samt informasjonsutstilling om grunnforskning, norsk realfaglig vitenskapshistorie og vitenskapsfilosofi Forskning og publisering innenfor naturvitenskap, matematikk og informasjonsvitenskap. Et interaktivt informasjonssenter omkring økologi og miljøproblemer i tillegg til et moderne mediaverksted med fokus på humaniora og samfunn
Niels Henrik Abel Senter for Matematikk og Naturvitenskap er en ideell stiftelse i Gjerstad, Aust Agder

33. Niels Henrik Abels Matematikkonkurranse
Mathematical problem solving contest named after the world famous Norwegian mathematician niels henrik abel. Includes contest problems in downloadable format.
Niels Henrik Abels matematikkonkurranse
The Norwegian Matematical Olympiad
Norsk meny


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The Abel committee
I et brev som ble sendt skolene om olympiader i fysikk, kjemi, informatikk og matematikk ble dessverre gal dato for første runde i Abelkonkurransen oppgitt (4. november). Den riktige datoen er den som ble oppgitt i brev til skolene i februar, nemlig 3. november Den 10. mars i år ble finalen i Abelkonkurransen 2004/2005 avholdt. Første plassen ble delt mellom Nina Holden (Berg videregående skole) og Jørgen Vold Rennemo (Hammartun ungdomskole) som begge fikk 40 poeng av 40 oppnåelige. Tredjeplassen gikk til Hilde Galleberg Johnsen (Thor Heyerdahl videregående skole) som fikk 39 poeng. Disse tre er automatisk kvalifisert til årets Internasjonale Matematikk-Olympiade (IMO) som arrangeres i Mérida i Mexico i perioden 8. til 19. juli. Ytterligere tre deltakere til IMO blir tatt ut etter Nordisk matematikkonkurranse. Oppgaver, fasit og resultater finnes under 'Oppgaver' i menyen.
Om Abelkonkurransen
I 1980 startet Niels Henrik Abels matematikkonkurranse som en konkurranse i matematisk problemløsing for elever i den videregående skole. Konkurransen er oppkalt efter den verdenskjente norske matematikeren

34. KappAbel - Hovedside
Matematikkonkurranse for norske niendeklassinger. Konkurransen er kalt opp etter den norske matematikeren niels henrik abel.
This page in English Årets konkurranse Ukens nøtt Tidligere oppgaver ... Nyttige lenker
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Oppdatert: 22.08.05
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1. nov. 2000
KappAbel 2005/06 DK FI IS NO ... Eng
For info: Trykk på et flagg UKENS NØTT
KappAbel - den nordiske matematikk-konkurransen for skoleklasser KappAbel er en matematikk-konkurranse for skoleklasser i de nordiske landene.
Norge og Island: 9. klassetrinn Danmark, Finland og Sverige: 8. klassetrinn
Konkurransen arrangeres som et samarbeid mellom Froland kommune og NTNU , Trondheim. 2 innledende runder avvikles via internett. De som går videre til semifinalen (se konkurranseregler ), leverer et prosjektarbeid som utgjør 50% av bedømmelsen i semifinalen. De tre beste lagene i semifinalen går videre til nasjonal finale, som finner sted dagen etter semifinalen. I Norge finner semifinale og finale sted i Froland og Arendal i april måned.

35. Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog
New York Simon and Schuster, pp. 307326, 1986. Ore, Ø. niels henrik abel,Mathematician Extraordinary. New York Chelsea, 1957. © Eric W. Weisstein
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality Norwegian
Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829)

Norwegian mathematician who accomplished an amazing amount of brilliant work in his short lifetime. Abel was born on August 5, 1802 in the small village of Findoe, Norway, where his father was minister in the diocese of Christiansand. Abel's life was spent in poverty, caused by the large size of his family (he had six brothers and his father died when he was only eighteen) and the difficult economic situation in Norway at that time. Abel died of tuberculosis at the age of 26 after being forced to live in miserable conditions because of his inability to obtain a university post. At the age of 16, Abel gave a proof of the binomial theorem valid for all numbers, extending Euler's result which had only held for rationals At age 19, he showed there is no general algebraic solution for the roots of a quintic equation or any general polynomial equation of degree greater than four, in terms of explicit algebraic operations. To do this, he invented (independently of Galois ) an extremely important branch of mathematics known as group theory which is invaluable not only in many areas of mathematics, but for much of physics as well. Among his other accomplishments, Abel wrote a monumental work on

36. Abel
Biography of niels abel (18021829) niels henrik abel niels abel, thesecond of seven children, was one year old when his grandfather died and his
Niels Henrik Abel
Born: 5 Aug 1802 in Frindoe (near Stavanger), Norway
Died: 6 April 1829 in Froland, Norway
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Niels Abel 's life was dominated by poverty and we begin by putting this in context by looking briefly at the political problems which led to economic problems in Norway. At the end of the 18 th century Norway was part of Denmark and the Danish tried to remain neutral through the Napoleonic wars. However a neutrality treaty in 1794 was considered a aggressive act by England and, in 1801, the English fleet destroyed most of the Danish fleet in a battle in the harbour at Copenhagen. Despite this Denmark-Norway avoided wars until 1807 when England feared that the Danish fleet might be used by the French to invade. Using the philosophy that attack is the best form of defence, the English attacked and captured the whole Danish fleet in October 1807. Denmark then joined the alliance against England. The continental powers blockaded England, and as a counter to this England blockaded Norway. The twin blockade was a catastrophe to Norway preventing their timber exports, which had been largely to Britain, and preventing their grain imports from Denmark. An economic crisis in Norway followed with the people suffering hunger and extreme poverty. In 1813 Sweden attacked Denmark from the south and, at the treaty of Kiel in January 1814, Denmark handed over Norway to Sweden. An attempt at independence by Norway a few months later led to Sweden attacking Norway in July 1814. Sweden gained control of Norway, setting up a complete internal self-government for Norway with a government in Christiania (which is called Oslo today). In this difficult time Abel was growing up in Gjerstad in south-east Norway.

37. 10.1. Abel, Niels (1802-1829)
niels henrik abel was born to a Lutheran minister in Finnoy, Norway, niels henrik abel. Great Lives from History Renaissance to 1900 Series.
10.1. Abel, Niels (1802-1829)
IRA Niels Abel was one of the innovators in the field of elliptic functions, discoverer of Abelian functions and one of the leaders in the use of rigor in mathematics. His work was so revolutionary that one mathematician stated: "He has left mathematicians something to keep them busy for five hundred years." However, his life did not mirror his mathematical success and his story is one of the most tragic in the sciences. Abel's first main contribution to mathematics came before entering college. For hundreds of years, mathematicians had searched in vain to discover the general solution for the quintic equation a x + b x + c x + d x + e x + f = . Abel developed what he thought was the answer. Holmboe and Hansteen knew there was no one in Norway with the ability to understand if the answer was correct, so they sent the paper to the mathematician Ferdinand Degen in Denmark. Before receiving an answer, Abel discovered a mistake in his figures and questioned if there was an answer. Taking the tract that there was not, he eventually proved that an algebraic solution to the quintic equation was impossible. More important, however, Degen suggested that Abel take up the subject of elliptic integrals, which would become the focus of his work and the source of his fame. Before entering the University of Oslo in 1821, Abel's father died, leaving his son to support his mother and six siblings. Unable to meet his financial needs, he relied on grants from the university, gifts from his math professors and tutoring positions to keep his family afloat. However, his mathematics flourished. After fulfilling the requirements for graduation in one year, he was left on his own to study. In 1823, he published his first important paper on definite integrals, which included the first ever solutions of an integral equation. He also produced another valuable work on the integration of functions. Both of these works would have brought him instant renown and a professorship if anyone would have read them. Unfortunately, the works were written in Norwegian while the leading mathematicians of Europe wrote in French and German. The papers were ignored.

38. Abel
Norwegian mathematician. Worked on elliptic functions and integrals, algebraic solution of equations and solubility by radicals.
Niels Henrik Abel
Born: 5 Aug 1802 in Frindoe (near Stavanger), Norway
Died: 6 April 1829 in Froland, Norway
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Niels Abel 's life was dominated by poverty and we begin by putting this in context by looking briefly at the political problems which led to economic problems in Norway. At the end of the 18 th century Norway was part of Denmark and the Danish tried to remain neutral through the Napoleonic wars. However a neutrality treaty in 1794 was considered a aggressive act by England and, in 1801, the English fleet destroyed most of the Danish fleet in a battle in the harbour at Copenhagen. Despite this Denmark-Norway avoided wars until 1807 when England feared that the Danish fleet might be used by the French to invade. Using the philosophy that attack is the best form of defence, the English attacked and captured the whole Danish fleet in October 1807. Denmark then joined the alliance against England. The continental powers blockaded England, and as a counter to this England blockaded Norway. The twin blockade was a catastrophe to Norway preventing their timber exports, which had been largely to Britain, and preventing their grain imports from Denmark. An economic crisis in Norway followed with the people suffering hunger and extreme poverty. In 1813 Sweden attacked Denmark from the south and, at the treaty of Kiel in January 1814, Denmark handed over Norway to Sweden. An attempt at independence by Norway a few months later led to Sweden attacking Norway in July 1814. Sweden gained control of Norway, setting up a complete internal self-government for Norway with a government in Christiania (which is called Oslo today). In this difficult time Abel was growing up in Gjerstad in south-east Norway.

39. Niels Henrik Abel
abel, niels henrik (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). abel, nielshenrik (18021829) (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia)
var zflag_nid="162"; var zflag_cid="57/1"; var zflag_sid="53"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14"; in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Aug 29, 2005

40. Abelprisen
Om abelprisen og tidligere vinnere, samt om matematikeren niels henrik abel som prisen er oppkalt etter.
English Niels Henrik Abel

Prisvinner 2005
Barn og skole

Det var mange som ville snakke med leder av Abelkomiteen, professor Erling Størmer, på mottakelsen i Brussel. (Foto: Didier Vandenbosch)
- Takk Norge for Abelprisen
”Mange land kunne ha gjort det, men Norge gjorde det. Abelprisen eksisterer og Norge vil neppe få noen konkurrenter på dette området i fremtiden. Prisen og landet har vunnet matematikernes hjerter.” Det skriver professor F. Thomas Bruss i siste utgave av Newsletter, tidsskriftet til den europeiske matematikkforeningen. Utgangspunktet for artikkelen er mottakelsen som ble holdt i det belgiske vitenskapsakademiet i Brussel i februar i forbindelse med Abelkomiteens møte. Professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt, preses i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, presenterte Abelprisen. Vertskap for arrangementet i Brussel var den norske ambassaden i Belgia og Norges EU-delegasjon i samarbeid med l’Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique og de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgïe voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. Både EU-parlamentet og EU-kommisjonen var representert på mottakelsen i Palais des Académies.

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