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         Abel Niels Henrik:     more books (56)
  1. NIELS HENRIK ABEL and his Times: Called Too Soon by Flames Afar by Arild Stubhaug, 2010-11-02
  2. Euvres Complètes De Niels Henrik Abel, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, Ludvig Sylow, 2010-01-12
  3. Euvres Complètes De Niels Henrik Abel, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Sophus Lie, Niels Henrik Abel, et all 2010-02-23
  4. Oeuvres Complètes De Niels Henrik Abel, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Sophus Lie, Niels Henrik Abel, 2010-03-19
  5. Oeuvres Complètes De Niels Henrik Abel, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Sophus Lie, Niels Henrik Abel, et all 2010-05-12
  6. Euvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel (French Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, 1973
  7. Oeuvres Complètes De N. H. Abel, Mathématicien, Avec Des Notes Et Développements, Rédigées Par Ordre Du Roi by Niels Henrik Abel, Berndt Michael Holmboe, 2010-01-11
  8. Oeuvres Complètes De N.H. Abel, Mathématicien, Avec Des Notes Et Développements: Rédigées Par Ordre Du Roi, Volume 1 by Niels Henrik Abel, Berndt Michael Holmboe, 2010-03-16
  9. Abhandlungen Über Die Algebraische Auflösung Der Gleichungen (German Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, 2010-01-09
  10. Untersuchungen Über Die Reihe: 1 + (M/1)X + M·(M - 1)/(1·2)·x2+ M·(M - 1)·(M - 2)/(1·2·3)·x3+ ... (French Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, 2010-03-16
  11. Niels Henrik Abel (French Edition) by Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler, 2010-04-02
  12. Niels Henrik Abel (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift "Elemente der Mathematik") by O. Oystein, 1982-01-01
  13. The Legacy of Niels Henrik Abel: The Abel Bicentennial, Oslo 2002
  14. Niels Henrik Abel et son époque (French Edition) by Arild Stubhaug, 2003-10-07

1. Abel - Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
Niels Henrik Abel

2. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel (1929, Michel 150153) Born 5 Aug 1802 in Frindoe, Norway Died 6 April 1829 in Froland, Norway

3. Niels Henrik Abel Linkpage
Abel, Niels Biography on the website of Seton Hall University, New Jersey. Niels Henrik Abel - Article by J. J. O'Connor

4. Niels Henrik Abel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Niels Henrik Abel. Abel s first notable work was a proof of the impossibility ofsolving the quintic Niels Henrik Abel on a Norwegian stamp, 2002
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Niels Henrik Abel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Niels Henrik Abel August 5 April 6 Norwegian mathematician , was born in Finn¸y . In he entered the cathedral school at Christiania (as Oslo was then called), and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by Bernt Holmboe . About this time, his father Lance, a poor Protestant minister, died, and the family was left in straitened circumstances; but a small pension from the state allowed Abel to enter Christiania University in Niels Henrik Abel Abel's first notable work was a proof of the impossibility of solving the quintic equation by radicals (see Abel-Ruffini theorem .) This investigation was first published in in abstruse and difficult form, and afterwards ( ) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle's Journal . Further state sponsorship enabled him to visit Germany and France in , and having visited the astronomer Schumacher ) in Altona near Hamburg he spent six months in Berlin , where he became well acquainted with August Leopold Crelle , who was then about to publish his mathematical journal. This project was warmly encouraged by Abel, who contributed much to the success of the venture. From Berlin he passed to

Niels Henrik Abel (1802 1829) is the most important Norwegian and Nordic mathematician, and ranges amongst the major mathematicians in the world.

6. Niels Henrik Abels Matematikkonkurranse
English menu. Main page Organizers Problems History About Niels Henrik Abel IMO The Abel committee

7. Niels Henrik Abel: Information From
Abel, Niels Henrik ( nels hen rik ä b?l ) , 1802–29, Norwegian mathematician.While a student at the Univ.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia WordNet Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Niels Henrik Abel Encyclopedia Abel, Niels Henrik nēls hĕn rÄ­k ¤ bəl ) , 1802–29, Norwegian mathematician. While a student at the Univ. of Christiania (Oslo) he did fundamental work on the integration of functional expressions and proved the impossiblity of representing a solution of a general equation of fifth degree or higher by a radical expression. He investigated generalizations of the binomial theorem, pioneered in the general theory of elliptic functions, and showed that elliptic functions are a generalization of trigonometric functions. Commutative groups are also called Abelian groups in his honor. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 26, leaving contributions that rank him as one of the greatest mathematicians of the 19th cent. Bibliography See O. Ore, Niels Henrik Abel: Mathematician Extraordinary (1957, repr. 1973).

8. Abel, Niels Henrik Encyclop Dia Britannica
Abel, Niels Henrik Norwegian mathematician, a pioneer in the development of several branches of modern mathematics.

9. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel . But we say Young scientists, do not listen to anything but your own inner voice

10. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik abel niels henrik Abel, born August 5 of 1802, and dead April 16 of 1829, were a brilliant Norwegian mathematician.

11. KappAbel - Hovedside
Matematikkonkurranse for norske niendeklassinger. Konkurransen er kalt opp etter den norske matematikeren Niels Henrik Abel.

12. 10.1. Abel, Niels (1802-1829)
Ore, Oystein. "Abel, Niels Henrik." Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. vol. 1, pp. 1217.

13. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel (Roger Viollet/Getty Images) MSN Encarta Premium. Get moreresults for Niels Henrik Abel . 30 results on MSN Encarta
fdbkURL="/encnet/refpages/search.aspx?q=Niels+Henrik+Abel#bottom"; errmsg1="Please select a rating."; errmsg2="Please select a reason for your rating."; Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Join Now Searched Encarta for ' Niels Henrik Abel' Articles Niels Henrik Abel Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-29), Norwegian mathematician, who was the first to demonstrate conclusively the impossibility of solving by the elementary... ... Niels Henrik David Bohr Quick Facts See all search results in Articles (55) Niels Henrik Abel Bohr, Niels Henrik David : model of atomic structure: Models of the Atom Death of Abel Henrik Ibsen ... Learn more. Go to Magazine Center MSN Encarta Premium Get more results for "Niels Henrik Abel" 30 results on MSN Encarta 68 results on MSN Encarta Premium Click here to join today!
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14. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel. 18021829. Niels Abel s life was dominated by poverty. He wastaught by his father until he was 13, when he was sent to the Cathedral
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Abel's life was dominated by poverty. He was taught by his father until he was 13, when he was sent to the Cathedral School in Christiania. Uninspired by the poor school, he proved a rather ordinary pupil with some talent for mathematics and physics until Holmboe joined the school in 1817. Abel began to study university level mathematics texts, and within a year of Holmboe's arrival Abel was reading the works of Euler, Newton, Lalande, d'Alembert, Lagrange, and Laplace. When his father died, there was no money to allow Abel to complete his education, and he now had the responsibility of supporting his mother and family. Holmboe was able to help Abel gain a scholarship to remain at school, and Abel was able to enter the University of Christiania in 1821. There he published papers on functional equations and integrals. In one paper he gave the first solution of an integral equation. Abel worked on and off on solving quintic equations, and in 1824 he proved the impossibility of solving the general equation of the fifth degree in radicals. He also proved Abel's theorem, a vast generalization of Euler's relation for elliptic integrals. He continued working on elliptic functions, writing a paper that radically transformed the theory of elliptic integrals to the theory of elliptic functions by using their inverse functions. Abel continued to pour out high quality mathematics as his poverty increased and his health continued to deteriorate. After Abel's death, an unpublished work on the algebraic solution of equations was found, including the theorem: "If every three roots of an irreducible equation of prime degree are related to one another in such a way that one of them may be expressed rationally in terms of the other two, then the equation is soluble in radicals". This result is essentially identical to one given by Galois in his famous memoir of 1830. In this same year, the Paris Academy awarded Abel and Jacobi the Grand Prix for their outstanding work.

15. Abel
Translate this page abel niels henrik (1802-1829). Retrato de Abel Matemático noruego nacido en Finnoyy fallecido en Froland. La vida de Abel es un ejemplo dramático de lo
ABEL Niels Henrik (1802-1829)

16. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel Born 5Aug-1802 Birthplace Island of Finnøy, Norway Died6-Apr-1829 Location of death Froland, Norway Cause of death unspecified
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Niels Henrik Abel Born: 5-Aug-1802
Birthplace: Island of Finnøy, Norway
Died: 6-Apr-1829
Location of death: Froland, Norway
Cause of death: unspecified
Gender: Male
Religion: Lutheran
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Mathematician Level of fame: Niche
Executive summary: Studied elliptics and hyperelliptics Norwegian mathematician, born at Finnøy on the 25th of August 1802. In 1815 he entered the cathedral school at Christiania, and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by Bernt Michael Holmboe. About this time, his father, a poor Protestant minister, died, and the family was left in straitened circumstances; but a small pension from the state allowed Abel to enter Christiania University in 1821. His first notable work was a proof of the impossibility of solving the quintic equation by radicals. This investigation was first published in 1824 and in abstruse and difficult form, and afterwards (1826) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle's Journal Legendre Crelle's Journal , were edited by Holmboe and published in 1839 by the Swedish government, and a more complete edition by Ludwig Sylow and Sophus Lie was published in 1881.

17. Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel, born August 5 of 1802, and dead April 16 of 1829, were abrilliant Norwegian mathematician. It won a wide recognition to the age of 18
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel, born August 5 of 1802, and dead April 16 of 1829, were a brilliant Norwegian mathematician. It won a wide recognition to the age of 18 with their first Work in that it proved that the general equation of fifth degree is insoluble for algebraic procedures.
Abel was instrumental in establishing mathematical analysis in a rigorous base. In their biggest work "Recherches fonctions elliptiques" (Investigations in elliptic Functions, 1827), it revolutionized the understanding from the elliptic functions when studying the inverse of these functions.
Author: Arturo Schlissel
Bibliography: Mena, Oystein, Niels Henrik Abel, Matemático Extraordinario (1957; [repr]. 1974)
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Science Faculty, Central University of Venezuela

18. Niels Henrik Abel - Definition Of Niels Henrik Abel In Encyclopedia
Niels Henrik Abel (October 10, 1802–April 6, 1829), Norwegian mathematician, wasborn in Finn? In 1815 he entered the cathedral school at Christiania (as
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Niels Henrik Abel October 10 April 6 Norwegian mathematician , was born in [[Finn? In he entered the cathedral school at Christiania (as Oslo was then called), and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by Bernt Holmboe . About this time, his father, a poor Protestant minister, died, and the family was left in straitened circumstances; but a small pension from the state allowed Abel to enter Christiania University in Niels Henrik Abel Abel's first notable work was a proof of the impossibility of solving the quintic equation by radicals (see Abel-Ruffini theorem .) This investigation was first published in in abstruse and difficult form, and afterwards ( ) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle's Journal . Further state sponsorship enabled him to visit Germany and France in , and having visited the astronomer Schumacher ) in Altona near Hamburg he spent six months in Berlin , where he became well acquainted with August Leopold Crelle , who was then about to publish his mathematical journal. This project was warmly encouraged by Abel, who contributed much to the success of the venture. From Berlin he passed to Freiberg, and here he made his brilliant researches in the theory of functions:

19. Niels Henrik Abel - Article And Reference From
Niels Henrik Abel (August 5, 1802–April 6, 1829), Norwegian mathematician, wasborn in Finny. I
Other Definitions
niels henrik abel (dict)
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel August 5 April 6 Norwegian mathematician , was born in Finny . In he entered the cathedral school at Christiania (as Oslo was then called), and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by Bernt Holmboe . About this time, his father, a poor Protestant minister, died, and the family was left in straitened circumstances; but a small pension from the state allowed Abel to enter Christiania University in . Abel's first notable work was a proof of the impossibility of solving the quintic equation by radicals (see Abel-Ruffini theorem .) This investigation was first published in in abstruse and difficult form, and afterwards ( ) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle's Journal . Further state sponsorship enabled him to visit Germany and France in , and having visited the astronomer Schumacher ) in Altona near Hamburg he spent six months in Berlin , where he became well acquainted with August Leopold Crelle , who was then about to publish his mathematical journal. This project was warmly encouraged by Abel, who contributed much to the success of the venture. From Berlin he passed to Freiberg, and here he made his brilliant researches in the theory of functions:

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ABEL (Niels Henrik).
Œuvres complètes.
ABEL (Niels Henrik). Œuvres complètes.
Nouvelle édition publiée aux frais de l’état norvégien, par MM. L. Sylow et S. Lie. Christiania, Imprimerie de Grondahl et Son, 1881.
2 tomes en 1 fort volume in-4. Demi chagrin, dos lisse orné (Reliure de l’époque). (réf. 55955)
Seconde édition des œuvres complètes du grand mathématicien norvégien Abel remaniée et augmentée des importants mémoires que n’avait pu se procurer Holmboe pour son édition de 1839, ainsi de que plusieurs manuscrits, notes et lettres inédites. Les éditeurs ont par contre supprimé quelques textes de jeunesse. "All of Abel’s works carry the imprint of an ingenuity and force of thought which is inusual and sometimes amazing, even if the youth of the author is not taken into consideration" (DSB, I, 17). Une charnière faible. Assez bon exemplaire.
Second edition of the complete works of the great Norwegian mathematician Abel revised and expanded by important memoirs that Holmboe was unable to obtain for his 1839 edition, in addition to several unseen manuscripts, notes and letters. However the publishers left out some of the earlier texts. "All of Abel’s works carry the imprint of an ingenuity and force of thought which is unusual and sometimes amazing, even if the youth of the author is not taken into consideration" (DSB, I, 17). Weak hinge. Quite a good copy.

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