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         Abbe Ernst:     more books (56)
  1. Ernst Abbe: Sein Leben, Sein Wirken, Seine Personlichkeit (1918) (German Edition) by Felix Auerbach, 2010-09-10
  2. Das Ernst Abbe-Denkmal (Minerva, Jenaer Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte) (German Edition) by Thomas Fohl, 1996
  3. Ernst Abbe (Biographien hervorragender Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker und Mediziner) (German Edition) by Joachim Wittig, 1989
  4. Carl Zeiss und Ernst Abbe: Leben, Wirken und Bedeutung ; wissenschaftshistorische Abhandlung (German Edition)
  5. Briefwechsel mit Adolf Ferdinand Weinhold (Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Ernst Abbe, 1990
  6. (Das Ursprüngliche)Gesammelte Abhandlungen III (Vorträge, Reden und Schriften sozialpolitischen und verwandten Inhalts) (German Edition) by Ernst Abbe, 2010-04-20
  7. Ueber Verbesserungen Des Mikroscope Mit Hilfe Neuer Arten Optischen Glases (1886) (Nauru Edition) by Ernst Abbe, 2010-05-23
  8. Neue Apparate Zur Bestimmung Des Brechungs- Und Zerstrungs-Vermogens Fester Und Flussiger Korper (1874) (German Edition) by Ernst Abbe, 2010-05-22
  9. Gesammelte Abhandlungen: Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Aus Verschiedenen Gebieten (German Edition) by Ernst Abbé, 2010-04-04
  10. Optiker: Johannes Kepler, Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek, Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, Joseph Von Fraunhofer, Ernst Abbe, Christoph Scheiner (German Edition)
  11. Statistiker (19. Jahrhundert): Carl Friedrich Gauß, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Herman Hollerith, Ernst Abbe, Florence Nightingale, Francis Galton (German Edition)
  12. Lichtmikroskopie: Lichtmikroskop, Kondensor, Optisches Rasternahfeldmikroskop, Ernst Abbe, Heuaufguss, Optische Kohärenztomografie, Carl Zeiss (German Edition)
  13. ABBE, ERNST (18401905): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  14. Zeiss: Ernst Abbe, Carl Zeiss, Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, Jenoptik, Zeiss Ikon, JenTower, Schott AG, Siegfried Czapski, Optische Anstalt C. P. Goerz (German Edition)

1. Abbe
Biography of Ernst Abbe (18401905)

2. Ernst Abbe
Abbe, Ernst (18401905) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography) Ernst Abbe, 94, dies;

3. Abbe, Ernst Encyclop Dia Britannica
Abbe, Ernst physicist whose theoretical and technical innovations in optical theory led to great improvements in microscope design (such as the use

4. Ernst Abbe: Information From
Abbe, Ernst ( ernst ä b? ) , 1840–1905, German physicist. He was appointedprofessor at the Univ. of Jena in 1870 and director of its astronomical.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Ernst Abbe Encyclopedia Abbe, Ernst ĕrnst ¤ bə ) , 1840–1905, German physicist. He was appointed professor at the Univ. of Jena in 1870 and director of its astronomical and meteorological observatories in 1878. From 1866 he was associated with the Carl-Zeiss optical works at Jena, of which he became sole owner in 1888. He subsequently reorganized the firm on a cooperative basis. He made his plant a laboratory for the development of model working conditions, created a noncontributory pension fund and a discharge compensation fund, and introduced other advanced ideas that have been influential in shaping thought on the conditions of labor. He invented the Abbe refractometer for determining the refractive index of substances and improved photographic and microscopic lenses. Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Ernst Abbe Ernst Karl Abbe Ernst Karl Abbe January 23 in Eisenach January 14 in Jena ), was a German

5. Binoculars
Around 1900, a German physicist named Ernst Abbe made a pair of binoculars using prisms.

6. Zeiss Planetarium Jena
Ein Sternenprojektor aus den ZeissWerken in einem Kuppelsaal ist das Zentrum der Einrichtung der Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung. Die Site bringt mit Kurz- und

7. Stadt Jena - Offizielles Informationssystem Der Stadtverwaltung
Das offizielle Informationssystem der Stadtverwaltung informiert ber Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Kultur in der Stadt.

8. Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung - Das Optische Museum
DAS OPTISCHE MUSEUM ErnstAbbe-Stiftung Was erwartet Sie? Die Ausstellung Veranstaltungsplan Angebote f r Schulen

9. Jena Online
Kultur und Freizeitjournal. Portal zu den Webseiten von JenaTV, Offener H rfunkkanal Jena, Theaterhaus Jena, Jenaer Philharmonie

10. Willkommen Bei Der Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung
Die ErnstAbbe-Stiftung im Dienste der Wissenschaft, der Innovationsf rderung und sozialer Pflichten

11. Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium Online
Die Homepage des ErnstAbbe-Gymnasiums in Oberkochen. Allerlei Wissenswertes ber unsere SMV, unsere Lehrer, unsere Schule etc.

12. Ernst Abbe - Wikipedia
Als Direktor der Zeiss-Werke verwirklichte Ernst Abbe,
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Ernst Abbe
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Ernst Abbe Ernst Karl Abbe 23. Januar in Eisenach 14. Januar in Jena ) war Astronom Mathematiker Physiker Optiker ... Unternehmer und Sozialreformer . Er schuf zusammen mit Carl Zeiss und Otto Schott die Grundlagen der modernen Optik und entwickelte viele optische Instrumente. Verheiratet seit mit Else Abbe geb. Snell, Tochter des Mathematikers und Physikers Professor Karl Snell , einem Lehrer Abbes. Abbe, der Sohn eines Spinnereiarbeiters, wurde fr¼h als begabt erkannt, ein Stipendium der Universit¤t G¶ttingen erm¶glichte ihm aus armen Verh¤ltnissen stammend in G¶ttingen und sp¤ter in Jena zu studieren. Er belegte Mathematik, Physik, Philosophie, Politik und Soziologie. wurde er Assistent an der Sternwarte in G¶ttingen. Ernst Abbe (1863) ging er zur¼ck nach Jena, wo er im Sommer 1863

13. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Ernst Abbe
Ernst Abbe was a brilliant German mathematician and physicist who made severalof the most important contributions to the design of lenses for optical

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Ernst Abbe
Ernst Abbe was a brilliant German mathematician and physicist who made several of the most important contributions to the design of lenses for optical microscopy. As a young boy, Abbe lived in an impoverished family where his father labored 16 hours a day to provide for his wife and children. Abbe worked his way through school by earning scholarships and with the help of his father's employer. Abbe studied physics and mathematics as an undergraduate at the University of Jena and went to graduate school at the University of Göttingen, where he received a doctorate in thermodynamics. In 1863 Abbe joined the faculty at the University of Jena where he taught physics. He met Carl Zeiss in 1866 and became very interested in the optical problems surrounding mid-nineteenth century microscopy. Together with Zeiss, Abbe formed a partnership and he was made the research director of Zeiss Optical Works late in 1866. For the next six years, Zeiss and Abbe worked intensively to lay the scientific foundations for the design and fabrication of advanced optical systems. In 1869, they introduced a new " illumination apparatus " that was designed to improve the performance of microscope illumination. Three years later, in 1872, Abbe formulated his wave theory of microscopic imaging and defined what would become known as the "

14. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Abbe Ernst
abbe ernst
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15. Ernst Abbe Explained
Ernst Karl abbe ernst Karl Abbe (January 23, 1840 January 14, 1905), was aGerman physicist.

16. Ernst Abbe
Ernst Abbe worked with Carl Zeiss producing optical instruments. Before ErnstAbbe met Carl Zeiss, optical instruments used crown and flint glass to
Sambal's Scientists Ernst Abbe Up [ Ernst Abbe ] Thomas Addison André Marie Ampère Anders John James Audubon ... Thomas Young Ernst Abbe worked with Carl Zeiss producing optical instruments. Without his scientific and mathematical training they would not have been able to produce such high quality lenses required in the manufacture of microscopes.
  • Born: Eisenach - 23 rd January 1840 Died: Jena - 14 th January 1905 Physicist Developed optical instruments ttingen
Before Ernst Abbe met Carl Zeiss, optical instruments used crown and flint glass to make microscope lenses. This limited the magnification and resolution of microscopes and other optical instruments. In 1879 Abbe met Otto Schott who was able to develop borate and phosphate glass; these have very different properties from crown and flint glass and allowed Abbe to produce an apochromatic oil immersion objective lens. Abbe also designed the substage condenser. As a result of this work we are able to use light microscopes which approach the highest possible resolution available using a light microscope. The resolution of a microscope is its ability to resolve tiny detail. Higher resolution can only be obtained by using electrons instead of light (photons): the highest theoretical resolution of a microscope depends upon the wavelength of light for a light microscope or the wavelength of electrons. Therefore electron microscopes have a much higher resolving power than light microscopes, ie you can see much more detail with an electron microscope than with a light microscope.

17. Ernst_Abbe - Lexikon - Ernst_Abbe - Beschreibung - Physik
Translate this page Ernst Abbe war für sein soziales Gewissen berühmt. Als Direktor der Zeiss-Werkeverwirklichte Ernst Abbe, der einer Arbeiterfamilie entstammte,

18. Buecherdatenbank .:. Comenius-Antiquariat .:.
Translate this page Suche nach abbe ernst 2 Titel gefunden, Abfrage aendern Abbe, ErnstGrohe, Stefan (Hrsg). Das Ernst-Abbe-Denkmal. Gera 1996. 93 S. 4to. kart. Ernst

19. Encyklopedia PWN
abbe ernst. Nowa encyklopedia powszechna PWN © Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA.abbe ernst (1840–1905), fizyk niem.; wspólzalozyciel (1866) zakladów opt.
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20. Ernst Abbe - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Ernst Abbe (1863). Ernst Abbe (1884). Ernst Abbe. Ernst Abbe. edit. External link.MacTutor s Biography of Ernst Karl Abbe
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Ernst Abbe
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Ernst Karl Abbe Ernst Karl Abbe January 23 in Eisenach January 14 in Jena ), was a German physicist Abbe is best known for his work in optics ; however, during his association with Carl Zeiss microscope works, in Jena , he introduced the eight-hour workday , in remembrance of the 14-hour workday of his own father. The eight-hour workday would not be widely emulated in the United States until its use in the next century by the Ford Motor Company , although it was proclaimed in See also: Wikimedia Commons has more media related to: Ernst Abbe Ernst Abbe (1863) Ernst Abbe (1884) Ernst Abbe Ernst Abbe edit
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