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Home - Science - Zoos |
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81. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Zoo Animal Sites AAZK American Association of Zookeepers Ahungalla Animal Park (Sri Lanka) Assiniboine Park Zoo (Winnipeg, Canada) African Lion (SeaWorld / Busch http://netvet.wustl.edu/zoo.htm | |
82. Popcorn Park Zoo Animal Rescue And Sanctuary Popcorn Park Zoo is a wildlife rescue/animal sanctuary and refuge established in 1977 for the sole purpose of providing a refuge for wildlife that were sick http://ahscares.org/page2.asp?page=popcornpark&style=2 |
83. EarthCam - Webcam Network AGF is proud to sponsor the AGF Baby TigerCam at Toronto Zoo and to have the See the lovable penguins that reside in the zoo located in Odense. http://search.earthcam.com/search/ec_kids_search.php?cat=ANI&subcat=q |
84. Welcome To Exmoor Zoo The Family Zoo Family zoo concentrating on education and conservation. Includes details of the facilities, animals and activities. Located at South Stowford. http://www.exmoorzoo.co.uk/ |
85. Experience A Zoo In Montana Zoo Montana and Botanical Gardens provides the state with environmentally focused cultural, educational and recreational adventures. http://www.visitmt.com/tripplanner/thingstodo/zoo.htm | |
86. Kids' Farm Moves Birds As Precaution The National Zoo has temporarily moved the chickens and ducks at its Kids Farm exhibit to reduce the potential risk of visitors and other animals http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/28/AR2006062801938. | |
87. Zoo Matchmaker This interactive teaches the principles of breeding to conserve genetic diversity versus the tradeoffs in breeding for a specific trait. http://www.mnzoo.com/education/games/matchmaker/index.html | |
88. Preschool Education Theme Topics : Zoo Directions One of my favorite zoo animal activities is to roller ball paint (marble paint) on a zebra shape with black paint. I use the boxes that canned http://www.preschooleducation.com/zoo.shtml | |
89. Long Island Zoo - Zoo's On Long Island New York zoo and aquarium information for long island new york. http://www.longislandexchange.com/zoo.html | |
90. Germany's Polar Bear Cub Quandary - TIME But in an interview with TIME, Nuremberg zoo director Dag Encke suggested Almost exactly one year ago, a mother polar bear in Berlin s central zoo also http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1701828,00.html | |
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