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61. Canadian Journal Of Zoology - NRC Research Press The November issue of the Canadian Journal of zoology features a review by Dr. L.S. Weilgart on the impacts of anthropogenic ocean noise on cetaceans. http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjz |
62. Your Skills Many of the skills you gain through studying for a zoology degree are marketable Many zoology students do voluntary work in zoos or with animal welfare http://www.prospects.ac.uk/cms/ShowPage/Home_page/Options_with_your_subject/Your | |
63. Memepool.com: Zoology Archive Nov 8, 2004, What does a zoologist and former Peace Corps volunteer do when she has an uncontrollable urge to have a moosehead on the wall or a bearskin on http://memepool.com/Subject/Zoology/ | |
64. American Museum Of Natural History The Division of Vertebrate zoology comprises four departments Herpetology (reptiles and amphibians), Ichthyology (fishes), Mammalogy (mammals, http://www.amnh.org/science/divisions/vertzoo/ | |
65. UW Libraries - Zoology This page offers top recommended starting points for zoology. Zoological Record Covers worldwide zoological literature, from 1978 to date. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/zoology/ | |
66. Michael's Zoology Information Site - Career In Zoology, Animal Facts, Zoology Li Michael s zoology Information Site provides information about pursuing a career in zoology, questions and answers about animals, zoology books, http://www.zooarch.com/zoology/ | |
67. University Of Michigan Museum Of Zoology Aquatic Insects of Michigan Michigan Odonata Survey Michigan Entomological Society Michigan Cicadas. WWW Museum of zoology. http://insects.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/ | |
68. Zoology - Trinity College Dublin The Department of zoology was established, along with the Chair of zoology and Comparative Anatomy in 1871, and has been in the zoology building, http://www.tcd.ie/Zoology/ | |
69. Traffic Zoology || Kuro5hin.org The future of traffic zoology will be radically effected by such innovations. Perhaps the researchers should become proactive and influence the decisions http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/9/2/194550/2299 | |
70. Welcome! Graphical supplement for teaching and learning about amphibian development from the University of Wisconsin. http://worms.zoology.wisc.edu/frogs/welcome.html | |
71. Zoology - HomeworkSpot.com Explore the best physics resources for high school students. http://www.homeworkspot.com/high/science/zoology.htm | |
72. Carl T. Bergstrom - University Of Washington 3D surface image . Home People Research Publications Teaching Signalling Journal economics Eigenfactor.org. Carl T. Bergstrom http://octavia.zoology.washington.edu/ | |
73. University Of Hawaii At Manoa Catalog The Department of zoology at UH Manoa offers undergraduate programs leading to . This information also is available on the Web at www.hawaii.edu/zoology. http://www.catalog.hawaii.edu/schoolscolleges/arts-sciences/departments/zool.htm | |
74. Careers In Zoology Career Center. Is a zoology Career in Your Future? Graduate and Professional Study in zoology Guide to Zoological Park Careers Sea World/Busch Gardens http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/pae/zoology/careers.mhtml | |
75. Department Of Zoology - Weber State University As a student in the Department of zoology, you have the opportunity to study a wide variety of topics, from the structure of organisms to the subcellular http://weber.edu/zoology | |
76. Zoology Department - Natural History Museum The home page of the Natural History Museum s zoology Department. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/departments/zoology/index.html | |
77. Zoology Jobs zoology is a vast field, throbbing field with many opportunities. There is so much yet that we still dont know about our small planet and its flora and http://www.unixl.com/dir/life_sciences/zoology/zoology_jobs/ | |
78. Museum Of Vertebrate Zoology - Collections Specimen and archival collections of the Museum of Vertebrate zoology, University of California, Berkeley. http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/mvz/collections/ | |
79. Zoological Park Careers Guide to Zoological Park Careers. A Sea World Education Department Publication. CONTENTS Tips for Starting Your Zoological Career http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/ZooCareers/home.html | |
80. BIOSIS - Thomson Scientific BIOSIS Previews®, Biological Abstracts® and Zoological Record are available on several leading information platforms including ISI Web of KnowledgeSM, http://www.biosis.org/ | |
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