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         Zoology:     more books (100)
  1. Zoology by Robert Dorit, Warren F. Walker, et all 1991-02-15
  2. Kingdom Zoology by Joel A. Freeman, 1991-06
  3. Animal Studies: A Text-Book of Elementary Zoology for Use in High Schools and Colleges, by David Starr Jordan, 2009-04-27
  4. Zoology: 49 Science Fair Projects by H. Steven Dashefsky, 1994-11
  5. Digital Zoology Version 2.0 CD-ROM with Workbook by Jon Houseman, 2002-07-18
  6. Invertebrate Zoology Lab Manual (6th Edition) by Robert L. Wallace, Walter K. Taylor, 2002-04-15
  7. On the Study of Zoology (Dodo Press) by Thomas Henry Huxley, 2008-02-15
  8. Integrated Principles of Zoology by Jr., Cleveland Hickman, Susan Keen, et all 2010-10-01
  9. A Photographic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory by Kent Van De Graaff, 1995-01
  10. Integrated Principles of Zoology by Jr.ClevelandP Hickman, Susan L Keen, et all 2007-11-01
  11. There Is No Zoo in Zoology: And Other Beastly Mispronunciations by Charles Harrington Elster, 1988-11
  12. Photographic Atlas For The Zoology Lab by Kent Van De Graaff, John L. Crawley, 1998-01
  13. Tetrapod Zoology Book One by Darren Naish, 2010-08-03
  14. Zoology w/Online Learning Center Password Code Card by Stephen A Miller, John P Harley, et all 2001-07-14

21. Resources Of Scholarly Societies - Zoology
Links to websites of scholarly societies in zoology are given below. The URLStability Index for this collection of zoology sites is 43.0/47 = 91.5%.
Last Updated: 2005, February 3 Zoology This is one of a set of subject pages in the Scholarly Societies Project , which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources. Links to websites of scholarly societies in Zoology are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of Zoology sites is 43.0/47 = . The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site. See also : the category. URL Stability Rank Society Name Abbrev. American Fisheries Society AFS American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists ASIH American Society of Primatologists ASP Animal Behavior Society = Animal Behaviour Society ABS Arachnologische Gesellschaft = Arachnological Society [In German. Includes German-speaking arachnologists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.] AraGes Association for Tropical Lepidoptera ATL Association of Applied Insect Ecologists = Association of Applied IPM Ecologists [The Association is concerned with "effective pest control with a minimum impact to the environment, crop or people." IPM means "Integrated Pest Management".]

22. Smithsonian Institution Libraries: Internet Subject Guide
zoology Ejournals. African Small Mammal Newsletter Australian Journal of zoology Birds of North America Publication information about this important
Zoology: E-journals


23. Internet Public Library: Zoology
Topics covered include endangered animals, zoos, zoological museums, wildlife organizations, and animals from alligators to zebras.
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24. Nomenclatural Glossary For Zoology - Thomson Scientific
In zoological works genusgroup names cited in binomial names of species are often abbreviated to one or two letters, which should always be followed by a Advanced Search About Scientific Scientific Press Room ... Zoological Record : Nomenclatural Glossary for Zoology
B C D ... Z
a term which, if used to denote a number of individuals within a species, unequivocally signifies infrasubspecific rank.
a shortened form of a word or title. In zoological works genus-group names cited in binomial names of species are often abbreviated to one or two letters, which should always be followed by a full stop, and not used on the first mention of a name; similarly for specific names cited in trinomial names of subspecies.
to use an unavailable name as the valid name of a taxon in a way which establishes it as a new name with its own authorship and date
affinis, afin.
affinity, relationship, sometimes misleadingly employed as a synonym for phenetic similarity. (= akin to).
a group of species, other than a subgenus, within a genus; or a group of subspecies within a species. An aggregate may be denoted by a group name interpolated in parentheses.
alii, aliorum, al.

25. University Of Michigan Museum Of Zoology
Museum collections and web resources related to biodiversity, insects, fishes, mollusks, mammals, birds, and reptiles/amphibians.
About UMMZ Personnel Publications Collections ... Herbarium Museum Divisions Through the efforts of University of Michigan faculty-curators and staff, the Museum of Zoology (UMMZ) develops and maintains excellent zoological and botanical science collections explicitly for use in research and education benefiting science, society, and the university. Organismal and genetic resource collections, at UM and elsewhere, are the best tangible record we have of life on Earth, providing a crucial resource for research and teaching about biodiversity, both now and in the future. Recently Published:
Evolution in Everyday Life , by David P. Mindell ( more
Recently Published:
by Robert B. Payne ( more
University of Michigan
Museum of Zoology
1109 Geddes Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079
Recent Publications Cover of Proceedings of the Royal Society A research team headed by Professor Diarmaid Ó Foighil, published "Prehistoric inter-archipelago trading of Polynesian tree snails leaves a conservation legacy" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Read the U-M News press release Albert, J.S and W.L. Fink. 2007.

26. The Zoology Department At The Field Museum
The Department of zoology is the largest of the Museum s four curatorial departments. Reflecting the Department s collection strengths and research programs
The Department of Zoology is the largest of the Museum's four curatorial departments. Reflecting the Department's collection strengths and research programs, it is currently organized into six Divisions: Amphibians and Reptiles, Birds, Fishes, Insects (with arachnids and myriapods), Invertebrates, and Mammals. Each Division has its own collection management staff, maintaining our world-class collections of more than 19.5 million zoological specimens. In addition to their research programs, the Department's curators actively build and curate collections, train graduate and undergraduate students, develop exhibits and other public programs, and serve the diverse needs of the public and scientific communities.
Research Sites
Division of Amphibians and Reptiles
Division of Amphibians and Reptiles Collections Database
Amphibians and Reptiles Reprint Request Form

Aquatic Snakes

Deep Scaly
Maps of Pleistocene Sea Levels in South East Asia

Division of Birds
Division of Birds Collections Database
Assembling the Tree of Life: Early Bird
Collaborations in the Congo: Conserving and Learning About Diversity Division of Fishes Division of Fishes Collections Database Division of Insects Division of Insects Collections Database Austral Staphylinidae : Systematics and Historical Biogeography (PEET) Coleoptera (Beetle) Taxonomic Databases Millipede Systematics (PEET) Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy (PEET) Division of Invertebrates Division of Invertebrates Database of the Field Museum's Collections

27. JSTOR: Systematic Zoology
Systematic zoology Cover Image. Systematic zoology. (continued by Systematic Biology). JSTOR Coverage Vols. Journal Information for Systematic zoology
Systematic Zoology
(continued by Systematic Biology JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 40, 1952-1991
JSTOR Collections: Biological Sciences Please read JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use before you begin. Search This Journal Browse This Journal
Journal Information for Systematic Zoology
Publisher for the Society of Systematic Biologists ISSN

28. Zoology Science Fair Projects
zoology science fair projects zoology experiments, zoology projects, zoology projects with full instructions and explanations.
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Topics Biology Zoology ... Are ants picky over their food? Do they have any preference?
The purpose of this experiment was to determine which flavor ants are most attracted to. Difficulty : Elementary school Bacterial Transformation
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate visible changes in E. coli bacteria that have been transformed with a gene that codes for a green fluorescent protein, the source of this gene being bioluminescent jellyfish. In real life, the gene provides the jellyfish with a glow-in-the-dark feature in the deep, dark ocean. You will be using a plasmid called pGLO (p = plasmid) because the gene being c Difficulty : High school Can mice tell the difference between bad-tasting food that's laced with Lithium Chloride and ordinary food?
The purpose of this experiment was to see how long disgusting taste can linger in the memory of mice. I believe that the mice will not be able to tell a difference between the Lithium Chloride and the food without Lithium Chloride. Difficulty : Elementary school Diffusion and osmosis in animal cells
With the use of eggs, this experiment shows you how different solutions affect an animal cell. The experiment also answers the question of whether substances can pass through a cell membrane.

29. Zoology - Elsevier
zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism
Home Site map Elsevier websites Alerts ... Zoology Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Order form Journal-related information Impact factor Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier Select your view ZOOLOGY
Editorial Office:
J. Matthias Starck

See editorial board for all editors information
is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution.
The journal invites papers that take an experimental, comparative or experimental approach to behavior, functional morphology, evolution and development, comparative and ecological physiology, and cell biology.
The editors and the editorial board are committed to presenting science at its best. The editorial team is remaining flexible enough to adjust editorial practice to the ever changing field of animal biology. Recognizing the increasing importance of rapid, effective, international communication, Zoology will offer
  • the highest scientific standards a short review time publication within three months of acceptance online publication in advance of the printed journal color plates free of charge (at the editor's discretion) free E-mail Table of Contents alerts so papers are widely publicized papers abstracted/indexed by all the major scientific indexing services

30. Department Of Zoology, Oklahoma State University - Home
Joomla the dynamic portal engine and content management system.
Home People Graduate Program Undergraduate Program ... OSU Calendar Search: Home
Home Mission : The Department of Zoology takes an integrative approach to research and instruction in organismal biology, focusing on increasing our knowledge of organisms and their environments through studies ranging from the cellular to the ecosystem level.
Present State of the Zoology Department:
Contact Webmaster OSU-System OSU-Stillwater ... Accessibility

31. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Zoology
Journals Ranked by Impact zoology. View the 10year journal rankings for American Zoologist, 1997-June 30, 2007. View the past and present top ten


in cites
Papers Institutions Journals ... Hot Papers published within the last 2 years Current Classics
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Methods for Essential Science Indicators Essential Science Indicators Latest Version Classification of Papers in Multidisciplinary Journals New Entrants to ... About in cites Browse Back Issues Send in cites to a Colleague Research Services Group Contact Us
cites is an editorial component of Essential Science Indicators from Thomson Scientific in-cites - an editorial component of Essential Science Indicators
Citing URL: What's New in Research:
October 22, 2007
Previous Main SCI-BYTES Menu (current year) 2007 Menu Journals Ranked by Impact: Zoology Rank
Impact Factor Impact
Impact J. Comparative Neurol

32. What Is Zoology
zoology is the study of animal life. It covers areas ranging from the structure of organisms to the subcellular unit of life. Some zoologists are interested is Zoology.htm
Zoology Information
Course Planning
Advisement ... Human Anatomy Department of Zoology home index search contact us ... Department of Zoology Home What is Zoology? Zoology is both descriptive and analytical. It can be approached either as a basic science or as an applied science. A worker in basic zoology is interested in knowledge of animals for its own sake without consideration of the direct application of the information gained. In contrast, workers in applied zoology are interested in information which will directly benefit humans; medicine is an example.

33. The Department Of Zoology At Miami University
The Department of zoology at Miami University. Premiere Graduate and Undergraduate programs exploring the diversity of animal biology from DNA to ecosystems
January 24, 2008 Search Zoology:
The Department of Zoology
Joni Robinson, Administrative Assistant About Graduate Undergraduate ... Careers 2788 hits since May 06, 2002.

34. Zoology Website
Undergraduate and graduate programs; research areas include evolution, ecology, physiology, behaviour, genetics, and marine biology.
How to enable Javascript Photo: Allyson Longmuir

35. Zoology Dept, UNH
Emphasis on ecological and physiological processes in aquatic animals and animal ecosystems.
Skip to Content Find it Fast This browser does not support Cascading Style Sheets. document.write(displayImage); document.write(displayText); "Brief Description" document.write("Learn more..."); Learn more... Undergraduates News Graduate Students News Faculty News ...
E-mail COLSA Web Support
Last updated 15 November 2007 UNH Search:
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36. Department Of Zoology
Research, seminars, undergraduate studies, library and contact information.
University of Oxford
Department of Zoology
The Tinbergen Building
South Parks Road
The Department
The Department of Zoology, within the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division at the University of Oxford, has a long-standing reputation for world class research and teaching. Research in the Department is organised into several research themes ; these span a broad spectrum of biology ranging from ecology and behaviour, through to molecular evolution, development and infectious disease biology. The John Krebs Field Station and Wytham Woods are used by several research groups, including the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology (founded 1936) and the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit ( WildCRU ). The WildCRU have recently established a Research Centre at Tubney House. Molecular and cellular research is supported by excellent laboratory facilities, while several members of the Department are housed in the recently built Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research The Department participates in teaching a B.A. degree in Biological Sciences

37. Department Of Biological Sciences
Its current configuration dates only to July 1, 2000 when the former Departments of Botany/Biology and zoology merged into the Department of Biological

Graduate Catalog

Graduate Handbook

Current Graduate Students

By Alphabet

Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences Brief History Degrees Currently, we offer undergraduate majors in Biological Sciences (including an option in environmental science), Biological Sciences Education Botany Comprehensive Science Education , and Zoology (including three options: (1) general zoology; (2) wildlife and fisheries biology, ecology, and behavior; and (3) pre-professional studies, cell biology, and physiology). Biology Botany , and Zoology , and Ph.D. programs are available in Botany and Zoology . The department also participates in several interdisciplinary graduate programs including Cellular and Molecular Biology (Ph.D.), Environmental and Conservation Sciences (M.S. and Ph.D.), Genomics (Ph.D.), and Natural Resources Management (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.). Students During the fall semester, 2003, we had approximately 500 undergraduate students and 45 graduate students in our department. Typically we graduate one-third of the students in the College of Science and Mathematics annually. Numerous courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels are offered. Faculty and Staff We have 20 faculty members in the department. Faculty interests and expertise are in both plants and animals, ranging from cellular and molecular biology to population biology, as well as science education.

38. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Zoology
Details of teaching, research, the museum, and the libraries.
University of Cambridge School of the Biological Sciences Information about: Useful links School of the Biological Sciences The Institute of Zoology Student Conference on Conservation Science Tropical Biology Association ... Email and telephone directory Departmental access only:
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ
Telephone: +44 1223 336600 Fax: +44 1223 336676
Information provided by

39. Home Page, Department Of Vertebrate Zoology, NMNH
Information on the research and programs being undertaken at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
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Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Carl Hansen
  • Home Divisions
    Department of Vertebrate Zoology
    Inverted radiograph of Lookdowns, Selene vomer
    Vertebrate Zoology is the study of animals with backbones. Research in the department covers fishes amphibians, reptiles birds , and mammals . The department holds the largest collection of vertebrate specimens in the world, including historically important collections from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Research in the department provides a solid foundation of understanding for government agencies, conservation organizations, and individuals involved in fish and wildlife management. Zoologists from two other federal agencies work so closely with colleagues and specimens at the Museum that they are permanently stationed in the building. Specialists from the National Marine Fisheries Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce focus primarily on commercially important fishes, while those from the Geological Survey of the U.S. Department of the Interior

40. Online Zoologists: Zoology Of Marine Mammals, Raptors, And Computational Biology
Links to resources concerning marine mammals, raptors, computational biology, and more.
Pages coordinated by Wesley R. Elsberry and Diane J. Blackwood Zoology is the unifying principle of our lives. Please take a look at some of the topics within this broad field that we have found especially interesting. Want to sponsor or contribute to this site? Click here for more information. Whenever you want to make a comment or suggest a link, use our convenient
feedback page
. Look at comments linked from our View Feedback page. See links suggested by other users . (Automatically updated here This is a
Zoology: The Biology of Animals

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