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61. Visual Anthroplogy Department of Social Anthropology Tripos Archaeology and Anthropology, Part II Paper S11 Anthropology, Communication and the Arts. visual anthropology http://www.socialanthropology.org/visual/ | |
62. Jobs, News And Views For All Of Higher Education 457 - Tenure 457 TenureTrack Assistant Professor Position in visual anthropology This hire will help solidify visual anthropology as an emphasis in departmental http://www.insidehighered.com/employment/dashboard/?event=ViewJobDetails&job_pos |
63. Visual Anthropology@Everything2.com As anthropology was modernizing it adopted this visual tool for use in ethnographic study, and so is marked the early beginnings of visual anthropology. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1189815 |
64. Social Anthropology At The University Of Manchester Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs, the International Centre for Contemporary Cultural Research and the Granada Centre for visual http://les.man.ac.uk/sa/ | |
65. Sv-visuelle - Visual Cultural Studies It emphasises film and other visual and auditive means as tools for successful communication between researchers and local/global communities/networks. http://uit.no/vcs/ | |
66. AnthroSource | Visual Anthropology Review - 22(2):80 - Citation Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.anthrosource.net/doi/abs/10.1525/var.2006.22.2.80 | |
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