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21. Kevin Kelly -- True Films Think of it as visual anthropology about a vodoolike spiritual practice which blossoms in Brazil and is now an indigenous religion. http://www.kk.org/truefilms/archives/visual_anthropology/ | |
22. Visual Anthropology Review MISSION STATEMENT As the journal of the Society for visual anthropology, visual anthropology Review promotes the discussion of visual studies, http://www.aaanet.org/pubs/svavar.htm | |
23. Pictorializing overview of methods in visual anthropology; development of visual ethnography Instead, an overview of the various methods in visual anthropology and a http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~elguindi/Pictorializing.htm | |
24. Karen Nakamura Academic Home Page 402 visual anthropology 4xx Contemporary Anthropological Theory 501 Field Methods and Research Design 508Queer Ethnographies 602 visual anthropology http://www.deaflibrary.org/nakamura/courses/ | |
25. I.U.A.E.S. - Visual Anthropology Commission on visual anthropology. Chairman. Dr. Rolf Husmann IWF Nonnenstieg 72 D37075 Goettingen GERMANY. Phone 49 551 5024164 Fax 49 551 7906546 http://www.leidenuniv.nl/fsw/iuaes/06-17visual.htm | |
26. BRIAN'S ANTHROPOLOGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS PAGE Our visual anthropology Course This is the 54.317 course taught by either Professor Bruce Cox Center for visual anthropology A good place to start off! http://www.carleton.ca/~bgiven/anthvis.htm | |
27. Visual Anthropology Review - Journal Information visual anthropology Review journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Blackwell Publishing website. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1035-7147 |
28. Yunnan Ethnic Group Visual Anthropology Images/photo Gallery Focs on ethnic groups in Yunnan of China. Provide traditional cultural images, local arts photos and rural landscape gallery. http://www.anthrop.net/ | |
29. Allan Home Page I have also given workshops on visual anthropology and human rights for CIESASChiapas, on visual anthropology for INAH-Mexico City, and for cultural http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/afburns/ | |
30. Flickr: Antropologia Visual / Visual Anthropology visual anthropology is a subfield of sociocultural anthropology that developed out of the theory and practice of ethnographic photography, film and since http://www.flickr.com/groups/60795838@N00/ | |
31. The Society For Visual Anthropology The Society of visual anthropology has its origins in PIEF (Program in Ethnographic Film), a group that primarily focused on the use and production of http://www.indiana.edu/~wanthro/saquick.htm | |
32. Visual Anthropology By Maximilian Forte Course website for visual anthropology at Concordia University. http://www.centrelink.org/ANTH398/index.htm | |
33. WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology: Specialized Fields: Visual Anthropology Section lists links to visual anthropology resources. http://vlib.anthrotech.com/Specialized_Fields/Visual_Anthropology/ | |
34. Visual Ethnography And Anthropology Links Margaret Mead and the Shift From visual anthropology to the Anthropology of Visual Communication http//www.temple.edu/anthro/worth/seight.html http://ether.asu.edu/peekaboo/VisualEthnography_links.html | |
35. Savage Minds: Notes And Queries In Anthropology â A Group Blog » Visual An Posted by Kerim under Film , visual anthropology No Comments. I just came back from the Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival in Taipei. http://savageminds.org/category/visual-anthropology/ | |
36. Photoethnography.com: Careers: Visual Anthropology As A Field Of Study? An undergraduate in Canada recently wrote me asking whether visual anthropology was a valid field of study for an M.A. or Ph.D. I won t post her original http://www.photoethnography.com/blog/archives/2006/05/careers_visual_1.html | |
37. VISANstudio Of Visual Anthropology, Tomsk Anthropology photos by Andrei Filtchenko in slideshow format. http://www.osi.hu/ipf/fellows/Filtchenko/visan/index.html | |
38. Visual Communication/Rhetorics: Communication Studies Resources: The University visual anthropology. In Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, David Levinson and Melvin Ember, editors. New York Henry Holt and Company, vol. 413451351. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/visual.html | |
39. Pearson - Visual Anthropology Browse our Anthropology Catalog. Anthropology visual anthropology Seeing Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Through Film (with Ethnographic Film http://vig.pearsonhighered.com/educator/academic/course/0,3119,696551,00.html | |
40. Dan's Visual Anthropology Dan s visual anthropology. Presents his photographs of life in Brazil. Has images, resume, and data and articles on Brazil and on his community projects http://members.tripod.com/danaamot/ | |
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