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1. Graduate School Programs In Urban And Regional Planning Urban, Regional, City Planning graduate and postgraduate school program directory, including contact information, program descriptions and links to leading http://www.gradschools.com/programs/urban_planning.html | |
2. Urban And Regional Planning Faculty profiles, academic program information, areas of research, outreach, and contact information. http://www.wisc.edu/urpl/ | |
3. FSU's Department Of Urban And Regional Planning Department of urban and regional planning offers masters and doctorate programs, and dual degrees with law and public administration. http://www.fsu.edu/~durp/ | |
4. University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign: Department Of Urban & Regional Plann The Department of urban and regional planning at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign offers accredited professional degrees in planning at the http://www.urban.uiuc.edu/ | |
5. The University Of Iowa Graduate Program In Urban And Regional Planning The University of Iowa offers a fully accredited Master s degree (either MA or MS) in Urban and Regional Planning. Areas of concentration include http://www.urban.uiowa.edu/ | |
6. Message From The Chair The University of Floridas Department of urban and regional planning is one of the nation s strongest graduate planning programs. http://www.dcp.ufl.edu/urp/ | |
7. GIS For Urban And Regional Planning - Main As a planner, you also study and keep track of multiple urban and regional indicators, forecast future community needs, and plan accordingly to guarantee http://www.esri.com/industries/planning/index.html | |
8. Planning, Policy & Design | School Of Social Ecology Our department offers a twoyear graduate program leading to a Master s of urban and regional planning (MURP) and a Ph.D. in planning, policy, and design. http://socialecology.uci.edu/ppd/ | |
9. UT Knoxville College Of Arts Sciences - Department Of The Master of Science in Planning (MSP) degree is the normal route for entry into professional positions in urban and regional planning and related fields. http://web.utk.edu/~planning/ | |
10. Portland State Nohad A. Toulan School Of Urban Studies & Planning | Letter From Our Masters in urban and regional planning program is fully accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board of the American Institute of Certified Planners http://www.pdx.edu/usp/ | |
11. School Of Urban And Regional Planning, Queen's University Offers a two year masters program. Projects and alumni. http://www.queensu.ca/surp/ | |
12. University Of Hawaii At Manoa, College Of Social Sciences At the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the Department of urban and regional planning is an academic discipline that fosters a multidisciplinary set of http://www.durp.hawaii.edu/ | |
13. University Of Hawaii At Manoa Catalog urban and regional planning (PLAN) is a dynamic field, that is still evolving. The Department of urban and regional planning takes a multidisciplinary http://www.catalog.hawaii.edu/schoolscolleges/arts-sciences/departments/urp.htm | |
14. Department Of Urban And Regional Planning - UB School Of Architecture And Planni Planning Department overview includes description of degree programs, courses, admissions, faculty, and resources. http://www.ap.buffalo.edu/planning/ | |
15. Dialogues In Urban And Regional Planning The objective is to select examples of the best urban and regional planning scholarship including work from each of the world s regions. http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/~bstiftel/GPEAN_IDURP.html | |
16. The Ryerson School Of Urban And Regional Planning Located in Toronto, Ontario, the School of urban and regional planning offers a four year Bachelor s degree program. http://www.ryerson.ca/surp/ |
17. Urban And Regional Planning | University Of Hawaii At Manoa Library The following is a selection of frequently used library resources for urban and regional planning research. If you need assistance with these resources, http://www.hawaii.edu/emailref/subject_guides/urp/ | |
18. Eastern Michigan University Planning Program The urban and regional planning Program offers bachelor s and master s degrees. Curriculum information, student and faculty links, program activities, http://www.emich.edu/public/geo/plng.frameset.html | |
19. Department Of Urban And Regional Planning At California State Polytechnic Univer Department of urban and regional planning offers bachelor and master degrees, plus a GIS minor. Features program descriptions, faculty profiles, forms, http://www.csupomona.edu/urp/ | |
20. Urban And Regional Planning Program At Michigan State University The urban and regional planning Program at Michigan State University. The MSU urban and regional planning Program is one of the oldest such programs in the http://www.spdc.msu.edu/urpp/ | |
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