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61. 'Mile-wide UFO' Spotted By British Airline Pilot| News | This Is London One of the largest ufos ever seen has been observed by the crew and passengers of an airliner over the Channel Islands. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23401615-details/'Mile-wide UFO' spot | |
62. UFO's In Earth's History - Crystalinks In France there was a coin minted in 1680 that shows a hovering disc shaped ufo with what appears to be port holes or lights around the outer rim. http://www.crystalinks.com/ufohistory.html | |
63. UFO Wisconsin: Your Source For Recent Wisconsin UFO Sightings, UFO Reports, And Links to aliens, ufos, ufo sites, ufo researchers, alien researchers, crop circles, and much more, from Wisconsin and around the globe. http://www.ufowisconsin.com/ | |
64. Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page : Ghosts, Hauntings, And Other Strange Phenome Ghosts, hauntings, paranormal links, the net s oldest Ghosts and Hauntings FAQ and True Ghost Story archives, and more. http://www.ghosts.org/ | |
65. UFO News And UFO Sighting Information From UFOs Today Information and links on ufo s and aliens, including resources on ESP, the paranormal, angels and demons. http://www.ufostoday.com/ | |
66. World Mysteries - UFO A ufo is an Unidentified Flying Object which has been identified as a possible or actual alien spacecraft. Such objects include meteors, http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_6.htm | |
67. UFO Skeptic An information site on the ufo phenomenon by and for professional scientists. http://www.ufoskeptic.org/ |
68. UFO:EXTRATERRESTRIALS - Tactical And RPG Ufo Styled Strategy Game www.ufoextraterrestrials.com/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages ufo Afterlight Official websiteMany skilled modders have worked hard over the last few months creating modifications for ufo Afterlight. Finally the winners of the modding contest were http://www.ufo-extraterrestrials.com/ |
69. UFO Attack At Billy Bear's Playground ufo ATTACK JavaApplet Browser Required to Play. Your Mission. They are invading They are jamming the missiles autoguidance system. http://www.billybear4kids.com/games/online/ufogame/index.html | |
70. International UFO Museum And Research Center Exhibits and programs about the crash and the phenomenon of ufo research in Roswell. http://www.roswellufomuseum.com/ | |
71. Protected Blog Login « WordPress.com ufobreakfast.wordpress.com/ I have been interested in ufos since I was a child in the 1960s. Reading the widely-published misinformation of authors such as Donald E. Keyhoe and Frank http://ufobreakfast.wordpress.com/ | |
72. HBCC UFO Research *Advertising with HBCC ufo Research includes front page banner, the products information included in the HBCC ufo Research Newsletter and also prompting the http://www.hbccufo.org/ | |
73. UFO And Michael Schenker A fan page with band news, tour dates, album information, photos, and interviews. http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/~masai/ufo/ | |
74. PresidentialUFO.com Presidents UFO And Picture History Site. Uncover the true history of the US President s ( from Truman to Bush) involvement with ufos and extraterrestrials in pictures and articles. http://www.presidentialufo.com/ | |
75. Skeptics Info Contains lots of ufo material and some newsletters. http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/8148/ | |
76. UFO: Alien Invasion The long wait is over we finally did it and released the next version of ufo Alien Invasion. There are a lot of new and stunning features included in http://ufoai.sourceforge.net/ | |
77. UFO NUT - Roswell Dig Information And Exciting UFO Research Material ufo Archeology, Latest Roswell Incident Information and old ufo pictures with related information. http://www.ufonut.com/ |
78. Alien Pictures, Ufo Pictures, Ufo Videos, Alien Sightings Alien Pictures, ufo pictures, and ufo sightings and alien sightings. http://www.alien-ufo-pictures.com/ | |
79. UFO Viewing Tips - Cosmic Log - Msnbc.com KXASTV CLICK FOR VIDEOKXAS-TV s Scott Gordon reports on the ufo frenzy in Stephenville, Texas. Ten days after the first sightings of lights in the sky over http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/01/18/589552.aspx | |
80. Roswell New Mexico - Uforoswell.com - Home Roswell, New Mexico! The site with the most comprehensive information about Roswell New Mexico. Where to stay, eat, work and play. http://www.uforoswell.com/ | |
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