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         Table Periodic:     more books (100)
  1. The Chemistry of Aqua Ions: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity: ATour Through the Periodic Table of the Elements by David T. Richens, 1997-03
  2. Radon (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table) by Janey Levy, 2009-01
  3. The Periodic Table (Essential Chemistry) by Becky Ham, 2008-02-28
  4. Periodic Table Poster (Science Series)
  5. Silicon (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table) by Michael A. Sommers, 2007-09-30
  6. Manganese (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table) by Heather Hasan, 2008-01-30
  7. The Periodic Table Of The Animals by Robert Panzer, 2003-09-30
  8. The periodic table;: Experiment & theory (Modern chemistry series) by J. S. F Pode, 1973
  9. Krypton (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table) by Janey Levy, 2008-09
  10. Arsenic (Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table) by Greg Roza, 2008-09
  11. The Elements: A Mini Guide to the Periodic Table (Minature Edition) by Albert Stwertka, 2007-03-13
  12. Structure Bonding and the Periodic Table (Nelson Advanced Modular Science: Chemistry) by Rod Beavon, 1997-03-01
  13. Mendeleyev and the Periodic Table by Katherine White, 2005-01-01
  14. The Periodic Table by Primo Levi, 1984

61. Dow/Popsci Periodic Table
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62. Genesis Education: Modeling The Periodic Table Interactive Simulation
Free software with standardsbased teaching materials that assist students in studying elements and creating their own model of the periodic table of
+ View the NASA Portal What if students could learn the periodic table with a fun, interactive simulation? On the Web, or downloaded to your computer, you can engage students in creating their own models of the periodic table. Check out this new approach to learning about elements and the periodic table. This interactive science activity focuses on the origin and evolution of the modern Periodic Table. If you are using Genesis science modules for the first time, read the User's Guide thoroughly before you begin. (View User's Guide as a PDF The Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to distribute fully formatted, print-quality documents electronically. The following information is available to view and print as a PDF file with Adobe's Acrobat reader. To install the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe Web site This interactive simulation requires that Macromedia Shockwave is installed in your Web browser. To get Shockwave, or for more information, visit the

63. CRC Periodic Table Online
Download periodic table as a PDF. Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium
Download periodic table as a PDF
Data Source: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics , 86th Edition,
CRCPress ChemNetBase CRCNetBase

64. Jalenack's AJAX Periodic Table Of The Elements
periodic table of the Elements. Toggle Details. 1 H Hydrogen 1.0079, 2 He Helium 4.00260. 3 Li Lithium 6.941, 4 Be Beryllium 9.0238, 5 B Boron 10.81
@import url(generic.css);
Periodic Table of the Elements
Toggle Details H Hydrogen He Helium Li Lithium Be Beryllium B Boron C Carbon N Nitrogen O Oxygen F Fluorine Ne Neon Na Sodium Mg Magnesium Al Aluminum Si Silicon P Phosphorus S Sulfur Cl Chlorine Ar Argon K Potassium Ca Calcium Sc Scandium Ti Titanium V Vanadium Cr Chromium Mn Manganese Fe Iron Co Cobalt Ni Nickel Cu Copper Zn Zinc Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic Se Selenium Br Bromine Kr Krypton Rb Rubidium Sr Strontium Y Yttrium Zr Zirconium Nb Niobium Mo Molybdenum Tc Technetium Ru Ruthenium Rh Rhodium Pd Palladium Ag Silver Cd Cadmium In Indium Sn Tin Sb Antimony Te Tellurium I Iodine Xe Xenon Cs Cesium Ba Barium Hf Hafnium Ta Tantalum W Tungsten Re Rhenium Os Osmium Ir Iridium Pt Platinum Au Gold Hg Mercury Tl Thalium Pb Lead Bi Bismuth Po Polonium At Astatine Rn Radon Fr Francium Ra Radium Rf Rutherfordium Db Dubnium Sg Seaborgium Bh Bohrium Hs Hassium Mt Meitnerium Ds Darmstadtium Rg Roentgenium Uub Ununbium Uut Ununtrium Uuq Ununquadium Uup Ununpentium Uuh Ununhexium Uus Ununseptium Uuo Ununoctium La Lanthanum Ce Cerium Pr Praseodymium Nd Neodymium Pm Promethium Sm Samarium Eu Europium Gd Gadolinium Tb Terbium Dy Dysprosium Ho Holmium Er Erbium Tm Thulium Yb Ytterbium Lu Lutetium Ac Actinium Th Thorium Pa Protactinium U Uranium Np Neptunium Pu Plutonium Am Americium Cm Curium Bk Berkelium Cf Californium Es Einsteinium Fm Fermium Md Mendelevium No Nobelium Lr Lawrencium Project by: Andrew Sutherland
This is an AJAX Demo, and is released under the

65. Chemistry
For a more complete depiction of elemental properties please see Start WebElements or Chemistry periodic table at Chemicool
[ Chemistry ] Crystallography jPOWD Mineral Structures jmol Mineral Structures X Ray Spacing ... Ordering Info
See Also:
Excalibur Minerals Mineral News Hudson Institute Minerals on CDROM
Special Collections of Rough Diamonds for Researchers and Collectors
Unparalled diversity of specimens from different locations
Minerals by Chemical Composition
To display the listing of minerals sorted by percent element select the desired element from the periodic chart. Minerals sorted by mineral name can be found linked to the element sort. Page sizes for the most common elements are as follows:
oxygen ( O , 1,130 kb), hydrogen ( H , 852 kb), silicon ( Si , 442 kb), calcium ( Ca , 422kb), iron ( Fe , 420 kb), aluminum ( Al , 350 kb), sulfur ( S , 305 kb), sodium ( Na , 304 kb), and magnesium ( Mg , 267 kb) . Group Period




Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds *Lanthanides La Ce Pr Nd ... Yb **Actinides Ac Th Pa U ... No Bold Chemical Symbol = Borax Bead Test Table Phosphate Bead Test Table For a more complete depiction of elemental properties please see: or

66. BBC - Look Around You - Periodic Table
The periodic table to accompany the BBC TWO spoof schools programme, Look Around You.
@import '/includes/tbenh.css';



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67. Analytical Chemistry Periodic Table
Online periodic table for analytical chemists. Elements include chemical compatibility, preferred lines, interferences, and other statistics.
Home Ordering Tech Center Quotations ... Search Periodic Table Expert Advice InfoShare Links Technical Support You are Here: Tech Center Analytical Periodic Table Click an element for details Tell-A-Friend x



Na Mg See key at left and notes below for help using this table Al Si P S i Cl x Ar K Ca Sc ... Se i Br x Kr Rb Sr Y ... Mo x Tc Ru Rh Pd ... Te i I x Xe Cs Ba La ... Bi x Po x At x Rn x Fr x Ra x Ac Ce Pr Nd x Pm Sm Eu Gd ... Th x Pa U x Np x Pu x Am x Cm x Bk x Cf x Es x Fm x Md x No x Lr Key Solid (g/cm Liquid Gas Artificially created Atomic Number Electron Configuration Density (see below) Valence Symbol Electronegativity Atomic Weight
Using this table...
I. When clicked, each elemental symbol will open an Elemental Profile in a separate window revealing additional details about the element. II. An element's name, atomic weight, and oxidation state(s) will appear in the Information Window when you scroll over an element's symbol (allow 1-2 seconds load time). A. Oxidation states in italics are those that are most common. B. Oxidation states in blue refer specifically to elements manufactured by Inorganic Ventures. III.

68. UT-Austin Department Of Chemistry/Biochemistry Interactive Periodic Table
Choose an element-, Actinium, Aluminum, Americium, Antimony, Argon, Arsenic, Astatine, Barium, Berkelium, Beryllium, Bhorium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine
-Choose an element- Actinium Aluminum Americium Antimony Argon Arsenic Astatine Barium Berkelium Beryllium Bhorium Bismuth Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Californium Carbon Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Curium Dubnium Dysprosium Einsteinium Erbium Europium Fermium Fluorine Francium Gadolinium Gallium Germanium Gold Hafnium Hassium Helium Holmium Hydrogen Indium Iodine Iridium Iron Krypton Lanthanum Lawrencium Lead Lithium Lutetium Magnesium Manganese Meitnerium Mendelevium Mercury Molybdenum Neodymium Neon Neptunium Niobium Nitrogen Nobelium Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Plutonium Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Promethium Protactinium Radium Radon Rhenium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Rutherfordium Samarium Scandium Seaborgium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Strontium Sulfur Tantalum Technetium Tellurium Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Xenon Ytterbium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium This Project Funded By The College of Natural Sciences ITAC Grant CH-99-01

69. Periodic Table
Interactive periodic table with hyperlinks to pages with material properties of each element.
Periodic Table
About Us
Directory Career News ... Materials Home Pure Elements Periodic Table Element List by Name by Symbol by Atomic Number ... by Atomic Weight Resources Bibliography Login
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Search All Materials Design Center Processes Units and Constants Formulas Mathematics for Home Membership Palm Store Forum ... Download a Palm version of eFunda's periodic table!
VI A VII A He Li Be B ... Mg III B IV B V B VI B VII B VIII I B II B Al Si P S ... Db Lanthanides La Ce Pr Nd ... Lu Actinides Ac Th Pa U ... Lr Note: X or Xx = Solid, X or Xx = Liquid , and X or Xx = Gas Membership About Us Privacy Contact ... Advertise

70. Periodic Table Web Quest
The periodic table is a helpful tool used by scientists and students to find the structured sequence which identifies an element.
Using the Periodic Table Created by: L. SWAIN URL: Area of Study
ELEMENT FROM THE PERIODIC TABLE. Investigating the Periodic Table
The periodic table is a helpful tool used by scientists and students to find the structured sequence which identifies an element. With practice you can determine information such as: number of protons, number of neutrons, number of electrons, valence electrons, the electron configuration, the number of shells, atomic number, mass number, atomic mass number, whether the element is a metal, non-metal, or metalloid, whether the element is a solid, liquid, or gas, how reactive the element is, the physical and chemical properties of the element, the chemical bonding possibilities of the element, and more . Your task:
A. Choose an element you want to research and follow

71. Inorganic Chemistry Resources
Three dimensional periodic table of radii and structure database.
Inorganic Chemistry Teaching Resources
3D Periodic Table of Radii Structure Database
Chime Radii Now Works with Internet Explorer 6
Periodic trends in the radii of elements and their ions are a common topic in general and more advanced inorganic chemistry courses. As an inorganic chemist I like to think of the periodic table as three dimensional, involving both elements and their oxidation states. Here is a depiction of radii of elements and their ions as a Chime www page. You must obtain Chime for your browser. Then view this page and try the various options in the right frame. Note that you can also manipulate the image by using your mouse in the left frame. As currently displayed, the radii are those collected in the periodic table database program "KC? Discoverer" for the Journal of Chemical Education: Software". This display was developed using RasMol and the model Chime pages of Eric Martz.
The color scheme obtained with the top "all radii" button is related to the charge on the atom and atoms with each charge type are presented as a plane and a color:
+3 ions are red and are the smallest for a particular element. They are furthest forward.

72. The ChemCollective: Periodic Table Applet
periodic table. (see description below the applet) What chemistry software package would be complete without a periodic table?
The ChemCollective Find Activities Applets List
Periodic Table
(see description below the applet
A reference and instruction for scientists of all levels. What chemistry software package would be complete without a periodic table? The actual use of this applet in the classroom is quite simple. Simply click on the desired element and data as well as a graphical plot of electron configurations will be displayed. This particular version shows the electronic configuration of the element in the panel on the right. Future versions of this applet will show relative atomic sizes, electronegativities and other periodic trends, as well as extensive atomic data. For your convenience, you can additionally [download] and run this applet offline as a standalone application.
Contact Us
Last Updated: Monday, September 24th, 2007 @ 02:02:17 pm

73. USGS -- Isotope Tracers -- Resources
An image map periodic table and short notes about many isotopes and their applications has been created to help illustrate the uses of assorted isotopes
Studies About us Resources
Resources on Isotopes
Periodic Table
An "image map" periodic table and short notes about many isotopes and their applications has been created to help illustrate the uses of assorted isotopes in hydrology, geology, and biology. More thorough contributions are very welcome. Operation: To obtain information about a specific element in the period table below, click on the "button" of that element. Only elements in yellow are currently enabled. NOTE: you must use a graphics-capable browser to view the image map; otherwise, you must use the alternative access page. To search for specific information using keywords, you may also use the local search engine About the Periodic Table
This table (with information about the applications of selected isotopes) was put together by Carol Kendall, Eric Caldwell, and Daniel Snyder (U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA). Corrections, suggestions for improvement, and additional text and references should be sent to

74. Synergy Creations - Periodic Table
Synergy Creations periodic table for Software for Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, and Windows XP.
products downloads purchase contact us Periodic Table for Mac OS X
Impress Your Chemistry Teacher! download version 4.0.8
for Mac OS X 10.3 or later
Also available for: Windows XP Mac OS 9 The periodic tablethe cornerstone of chemistryexpresses in a compact form the relationships between all the elements in the universe. Synergy Creations' Periodic Table 4 is the versatile chemistry reference tool for your Macintosh that takes the periodic table beyond the simple paper periodic table found in so many textbooks and classrooms. Packed with data and easy to use features, Periodic Table 4 is superb for chemists and chemistry students, as well as anyone who is fascinated with science or the world around them! It's not just for chemists! Periodic Table includes a variety of historical information on element discoveries, element name etymologies and more! Whether you're looking for aluminum or actinium (or aluminium), melting points or magnetic susceptiblities, or zinc or zirconium, Synergy Creations' Periodic Table has it. But the best thing to do is try it for yourself; it's a free download , and registering is only
Find what you want...

75. Periodic Table Of Mathematicians
Mathematical Horoscope My Math Genealogy Math Purity Test Math Humor Friedman Numbers periodic table of Mathematicians
Periodic Table of Mathematicians Home Math Magic Packing Center Puzzle Palace ... Friedman Numbers

76. Periodic Table Of The Elements
periodic table, table of the chemical elements arranged to illustrate patterns of recurring chemical and physical properties. Elements, such as oxygen,

77. The Periodic Table Of Rejected Elements - 99.08
periodic table humor. The Atlantic Monthly; August 1999; The periodic table of Rejected Elements 99.08; Volume 284, No. 2; page 43.
Return to this issue's Table of Contents. A U G U S T 1 9 9 9 by Michael Gerber and Jonathan Schwarz Michael Gerber and Jonathan Schwarz have written humor for many publications.
The Atlantic Monthly; August 1999; The Periodic Table of Rejected Elements - 99.08; Volume 284, No. 2; page 43.

78. Periodic Table: Atomic Properties Of The Elements
standard reference data information for neutral atoms (Z=1104), including name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, ground-state level, ground-state

Version History

R.A. Dragoset, A. Musgrove, C.W. Clark, and W.C. Martin
Physics Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Office of Electronic Commerce in Scientific and Engineering Data
Atomic Physics Division
Electron and Optical Physics Division Get the Adobe PDF Reader PDF File
292 kB vector image TIFF File
This database was funded [in part] by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) Program. NIST Standard Reference Database 145
Inquiries or comments: Feedback Online: April 1999 - Last update: November 2005

79. A Periodic Table Of The Elements From Mineral Information Institute
periodic table describes the uses, biological benefits, source, and other information for each element.
Periodic Table of the Elements
Click an element for more information about occurrence in minerals
The Role of Elements in Life Processes


* Lanthanide Series



~ Actinide
Th Pa U Np ... Lr 5 Different Teacher Helper Packets A Study of the Earth Everything We Have Comes from Natural Resources Everyday Uses of Minerals Creating A Universe ... Order Packets and Posters Mineral Information Institute 505 Violet Street Golden, CO 80401 USA Phone: 303/277-9190 Fax: 303/277-9198

80. Periodic Library
periodic Library is an interactive periodic table of the elements. But it is more than simply a computerized version of the standard periodic table.
Downloads Color Coder
Hotmail Popper

Periodic Library


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Periodic Library Periodic Library is an interactive periodic table of the elements. But it is more than simply a computerized version of the standard periodic table. It takes full advantage of your computer's capabilities to give you an in-depth look at the elements that make up our earth, the solar system, the galaxy... well, let's just say everything. How much does it cost? Periodic Library is 100% free , no strings attached! We ask that you bookmark our website

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