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41. WFMC.org Standards- WfMC Standards Framework With standards users can have confidence that essential criteria will be met, hence reducing the risk involved. This clearly becomes of paramount importance http://www.wfmc.org/standards/framework.htm | |
42. NCATE - Public - Standards Unit standards were ratified by the Executive Board on May 11, 2000 (also known as the NCATE 2000 standards). Professional standards for the Accreditation http://www.ncate.org/public/standards.asp?ch=4 |
43. USGS - National Geospatial Data Standards - Digital Line Graph Standards Download page for National Mapping Program Digital Line Graph standards. http://rockyweb.cr.usgs.gov/nmpstds/dlgstds.html | |
44. INCITS, InterNational Committee For Information TechnologyStandards INCITS The InterNational Committee for Information Technology standards - Where IT All Begins! http://www.incits.org/ | |
45. SAE Technical Standards Development Leading the industry in standards development and research SAE standards Forums Ground Vehicle Technical Committees Aerospace Technical Committees Public http://www.sae.org/standardsdev/ | |
46. Engineering Library: Research Help: Online Resources And Databases: Standards The Engineering Library licenses fulltext online standards from several organizations The Engineering Library owns standards in print (not online) from http://library.stanford.edu/depts/eng/research_help/online_resources/standards.h | |
47. CEA: Technology & Standards - Overview CEA makes an ongoing effort to grow the CE industry by developing essential industry standards to enable interoperability between new products hitting the http://www.ce.org/Standards/1401.asp | |
48. PDCA - The Voice Of The Professional Painting And Decorating Contractor The NEW PDCA standards Binder Subscription provides all of the current PDCA standards in printed form along with a CDRom that includes the standards and http://www.pdca.org/Standards.htm | |
49. National Science Education Standards - Contents The National Academy of Science provides information on standards and assessment for the professional development of teachers. http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/nses/ | |
50. Home Educational Use of standards If you are an educator who would like to use one or more standards in your classroom, please read our News release! http://www.acosoc.org/standards/ | |
51. Building A School Web Site - Open Standards What is a standard, what is an open standard, and why use open standards on the Internet. http://www.wigglebits.com/standards.html | |
52. Temperature Sensor Standards, Temperature Scales, ITS-90, Temperature, Clinical An information resource on temperature sensors and the standards that apply to them. http://www.temperatures.com/stds.html | |
53. Bob Sutor: Open Blog | Standards Category Archive Due to limitations in Microsofts implementation of the Open Document Format (ODF) international standard, users should in the short term continue to save http://www.sutor.com/newsite/blog-open/?cat=3 |
54. CTAP Online - Standards NETS*T Technology Foundation standards for All Teachers NETS*A Technology standards and Performance Indicators for School Administrators http://www.ctaponline.org/standards/ | |
55. Standards | Joint Commission The Joint Commission standards are not available on this website. The standards are published in accreditation manuals and can be purchased from Joint http://www.jointcommission.org/Standards/ | |
56. American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics - Standards The AIAA standards Program functions under the auspices of the AIAA standards Executive Council (SEC) on behalf of the AIAA Board of Directors to provide an http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=262 |
57. ARTSEDGE: Standards The standards outline what every K12 student should know and be able to do in the arts. The standards were developed by the Consortium of National Arts http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/teach/standards.cfm | |
58. Standards & Guidlines For User Interface Design, Human Factors, & Ergonomics. A Compilation of standards Guidelines for User Interface Design, Ergonomics, Human Factors, HumanComputer Interface, Usability Testing. http://www.usernomics.com/ergonomics-standards.html | |
59. Standards - The Institute Of Internal Auditors The International standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (standards) provide guidance for the conduct of internal auditing at both the http://www.theiia.org/guidance/standards-and-practices/professional-practices-fr | |
60. Nevada Department Of Education | Standards To access printable copies of the standards, click the content area you want (left column), then on the subheading (also left column). http://www.doe.nv.gov/standards.html | |
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