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1. Standardization - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia standards can also be formal test methods. Some standards are mandatory while . In ISO terminology, ISO standards are technical agreements which provide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standardization | |
2. Standards.gov - Standards standards.gov is maintained by the National Institute of standards and Technology (NIST). It fulfills the mandate of the NTTAA to coordinate Federal, http://standards.gov/standards_gov/standards.cfm | |
3. Standards NIST is a key technical contributor to the nation s standards infrastructure. Our laboratories have the job of developing ever more accurate ways to measure http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/standards.htm | |
4. World Wide Web Consortium W3C primarily pursues its mission through the creation of Web standards and guidelines designed to ensure longterm growth for the Web. http://www.w3.org/ | |
5. NISO Standards - National Information Standards Organization (NISO) NISO standards are available at no cost because of the organizations that support NISO as Voting Members or are members of NISO s Library standards Alliance http://www.niso.org/standards/index.html | |
6. About - The Web Standards Project The Web standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all. http://www.webstandards.org/about/ | |
7. Standards (The Library Of Congress) Several of the following are key standards used in the information community that are maintained by the Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/standards/ | |
8. Redirection Curricular standards Model standards. Curricular standards, Resources and Model standards. Top left design element, Spacer design element http://www.ksde.org/standards.htm | |
9. About Standards The iECM Committee is compiling a list of interoperability standards that may be considered as a part of the ECM interoperability framework used to enable http://www.aiim.org/standards.asp?ID=28639 |
10. Standards & Guidelines ASHRAE develops standards for both its members and others professionally concerned with refrigeration processes and the design and maintenance of indoor http://www.ashrae.org/technology/page/548 | |
11. ISA | Standards 18 December ISA standards and Practices Department Awards Presented to 13 Individuals ISA standards Library for Automation and Control, 2007 http://www.isa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Standards2 |
12. FDA > CDRH > Recognized Consensus Standards Type of Standard, (use Ctrl Button with Mouse Click to select up to 3 Types, e.g., Specification Standard includes design, materials, and test methods http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfStandards/search.cfm | |
13. Teaching To Academic Standards: Explanation Welcome to Teaching to Academic standards. Start here in the Explanation section, which is all about the CONCEPT. Then go on to Demonstration and the http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/standards/index.html | |
14. LITES - List Of Standards standards organized by content area including primary contact info, An online tool to plan and map instructional strategies based on NM standards. http://www.ped.state.nm.us/standards/index.html | |
15. ISO - International Organization For Standardization International standards Organization, responsible for the ISO 9000 and other international quality standards. http://www.iso.org/ | |
16. TheStandars.com Get the latest information, Schedule, order merchandise, and send email to The standards. Five brothers, winners of Destination Stardom and the Northwest http://www.thestandards.com/ |
17. Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) PART 1915 Occup. Safety and Health standards for Shipyard Employment PART 1924 Safety standards Applicable to Workshops and Rehab. Facilities http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owasrch.search_form?p_doc_type=STANDARDS&p_toc_l |
18. Internet Society (ISOC) - ISOC's Standards Activities The Internet is built on technical standards, which allow devices, services, and applications to be interoperable across a wide and dispersed network of http://www.isoc.org/standards/ | |
19. EPanorama standards play an important role in electrical and electronics engineering. Most engineers must adhere to standards while designing products and systems. http://www.epanorama.net/links/standards.html | |
20. Georgia Standards Department of Education s curriculum Web site. Provides lesson plans, Web resources, and assessments for Georgia teachers. http://www.georgiastandards.org/ | |
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