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1. Sonoluminescence - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Long exposure image of multibubble sonoluminescence created by a high intensity ultrasonic horn immersed in a beaker of liquid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonoluminescence | |
2. Sonoluminescence Homepage Maker of sonoluminescence kits. Provides instructions and suggested experiments. http://www.sonoluminescence.com/ | |
3. Sonoluminescence Experiment: Sound Into Light Detailed explanation of how I configured apparatus for the observation of sonoluminescence. http://www.techmind.org/sl/ | |
4. The Bubbles Produced By Ultrasound In Water (sonoluminescence Provides explanation of why it is unlikely that sonoluminescence produces the conditions necessary to initiate or facilitate nuclear fusion, as suggested in http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=000950E3-6815-1C71-9EB7809 |
5. Sonoluminescence One of the key unsolved problems of physics relates to the motion of continuous media and can be formulated as follows. Why is there a general tendency of http://www.physics.ucla.edu/Sonoluminescence/ | |
6. Single Bubble Sonoluminescence HOWTO There are many papers about the theory of Single Bubble sonoluminescence available, but exact descriptions how to produce it are rare. http://www.macgeisler.de/nld/sbsl-howto.html | |
7. Boosting Sonoluminescence Accepted for publication in 1996, this paper describes how a bimodal sound excitation can enhance light production. http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/~hofu/paper/boosting/main.html | |
8. Sonoluminescence - Creation Of Light From Sound Single Bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) is the emission of flashes of light by imploding air bubbles in liquid. It was first observed as random flashes of http://www.chemsoc.org/ExemplarChem/entries/2004/bristol_eaimkhong/sonoluminesce | |
9. Tiny Bubbles Get Hotter Than The Sun - LiveScience - MSNBC.com This illustration shows sonoluminescence at work, moving from upper right to The new experiments are a milestone in singlebubble sonoluminescence, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7082639/ | |
10. Sonoluminescence sonoluminescence is the initiation of bright flashes of light caused by imposing a loud, high frequency sound on a gas bubble contained within a liquid. http://www.halexandria.org/dward166.htm | |
11. Physics News Graphics: Sonoluminescence And Medical Ultrasound Provides diagrams of what sonoluminescence may look like close up. http://www.aip.org/png/html/sonomed.htm | |
12. What Is Sonoluminescence? Brief and Straightforward Guide What is sonoluminescence? http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-sonoluminescence.htm | |
13. Hot Sounds: Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence Can Melt Steel - Popular Mechanics sonoluminescence, or light from sound, was first observed in 1934 by German scientists who put an ultrasound generator in a tank of photographic developer. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/1281666.html | |
14. Bubbles Feel The Heat - Physicsworld.com Physicists have seen a region of plasma in a singlebubble sonoluminescence experiment for the first time. They have also found that the temperature inside http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/21654 | |
15. SONOLUMINESCENCE | Home Sound, light, dance improvisation by Todd Barton, Terry Longshore, Michael Maag, Suzee Grilley and Bruce Bayard. http://www.sonoluminescence.us/ | |
16. Summary Of Sonochemistry And Sonoluminescence, Suslick Research Group Chemistry Provides background on how sonoluminescence can be used in chemistry. http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/suslick/execsummsono.html | |
17. Sonoluminescence (physics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia This effect, called sonoluminescence, is believed to create instantaneous temperatures hotter than the surface of the Sun. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-554552/sonoluminescence | |
18. Sonoluminescence In Space At Boston University Proposes to study sonoluminescence in space and in microgravity. http://www.bu.edu/paclab/sono/sono.html | |
19. Sonoluminescence - Wikipédia Translate this page La sonoluminescence est le phénomène par lequel des photons sont émis par des bulles de gaz dont on fait varier le diamètre grâce à des ultrasons. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonoluminescence | |
20. Access : : Nature Singlebubble sonoluminescence is the remarkable phenomenon that describes Figure 1 Glowing bubbles a sound wave in liquid causes sonoluminescence. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v418/n6896/full/418381b.html | |
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