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1. Social Sciences - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The social sciences are a group of academic disciplines that study human aspects of the world. They differ from the arts and humanities in that the social http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_sciences | |
2. Social Sciences WWW Virtual Library social sciences Electronic Journals for information about periodicals online social sciences Scholarly Societies for professional associations http://www.dialogical.net/socialsciences/ | |
3. Internet Public Library: Social Sciences The news and journalism link has an extensive collection of sites, and the reference resources collection contain a variety of general social sciences http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc00.00.00/ | |
4. Education World® : Social Sciences Center Education World provides practical resources for history and social science educators. Click the links below to find lesson plans and articles about what http://www.educationworld.com/soc_sci/ | |
5. Social Sciences Gateway - Academic Info This social science dictionary has 1000 entries covering the disciplines of sociology, criminology, political science and women s study with a commitment http://www.academicinfo.net/subsoc.html | |
6. Intute: Social Sciences Guide to resources in hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism, compiled by a team based at the University of Birmingham. http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/ | |
7. Oxford Journals | Subject Areas social sciences. African Affairs The British Journal of Criminology The British Journal of Social Work CESifo Economic Studies http://www.oxfordjournals.org/subject/social_sciences/ | |
8. Oxford Journals | Social Sciences | Social Science Japan Journal Comparative perspective and international issues that affect Japan. Oxford University Press. Abstracts online from 1998, full text to subscribers. http://ssjj.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
9. Division Of Social Sciences, UCSD New Chief Academic Officer Paul Drake, dean of the Division of social sciences for the past 12 years and a member of the UC San Diego faculty since 1984, http://weber.ucsd.edu/ | |
10. Social Sciences: European Science Foundation The social sciences are key to the understanding of many of Europes societal issues such as the balance between economic growth and impact on the http://www.esf.org/research-areas/social-sciences.html | |
11. UC Davis News & Information :: Home Current News social sciences/Arts/Humanities. RSS What is RSS? To subscribe to this page s RSS feed, copy the feed URL below and paste it into your reader. http://www.news.ucdavis.edu/default.lasso?-Token.category=Social |
12. Craig McKie Research Resources for the social sciences. Text Only Contact the Author Order the Book Visit McGrawHill Ryerson http://www.socsciresearch.com/ | |
13. School Of Social Sciences - UCI Undergraduate and graduate education and research in the School of social sciences at UCI represents a commitment to modern social science. http://www.socsci.uci.edu/ | |
14. The Scout Report For Social Sciences -- Previous Issues Forget your password? Create a Log In. Previous Issues. Internet Scout Project . 2001 Issues of the Scout Report for social sciences Humanities http://scout.wisc.edu/Reports/SocSci/archive/ | |
15. Social Sciences Data Collection, University Of California San Diego InterUniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) social sciences Humanities Library, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, http://ssdc.ucsd.edu/ | |
16. Division Of The Social Sciences | University Of Chicago Anthropology, economics, political science, education, history, sociology, psychology and other human sciences. http://social-sciences.uchicago.edu/ | |
17. Research And Documentation Online Though original data gathering and analysis are central to social sciences research, researchers also use library and Internet resources to http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/social.html | |
18. Digital Librarian: Social Sciences British Academy National academy for the humanities and the social sciences. It is an independent, self-governing fellowship of c 750 scholars, http://www.digital-librarian.com/socialsciences.html | |
19. Loading... The College of social sciences has chosen Susanne B. Wilson as Outstanding Alumnus of the College of social sciences for 2007. http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/SocialSciences/ |
20. Fellowships Although most programs target the social sciences, many are also open to applicants from the humanities, the natural sciences, and relevant professional and http://fellowships.ssrc.org/ | |
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