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61. Anthropology: Cultural And Social Anthropology Books in Anthropology Cultural and social anthropology. from the University of Chicago Press. Aafke, E. Komter The Gift Abdalla, Aly GraecoRoman http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Complete/Subjects/2_1.html | |
62. Mass Media, Alternative Communication And Social Anthropology; Working Together Mass media, alternative communication and social anthropology; working together to mobilize public opinion to fight AIDS. Rodriguez L, Ortega G. http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/MeetingAbstracts/102202784.html | |
63. The Social Anthropology Of The Tourist Experience. Exploring The "Middle Role" - The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of approaches to tourist experiences in social anthropology. In anthropology the focus tends to be on http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a777077806~db=all~jumptype=rss | |
64. Cultural Anthropology: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Linguistic anthropology explores language in its social and cultural context. Called social anthropology in Britain, its field of research was until the http://www.answers.com/topic/cultural-anthropology | |
65. Social Anthropology « Flux 64 An exploration of the development and structure of hierarchy and empire through political anthropology, economic theory, evolutionary ontogeny and http://flux64.wordpress.com/category/social-anthropology/ | |
66. ANTHROPOLOGY- SOCIAL social anthropology and Sociology BSc. at Brunel University differs from social anthropology courses at other universities because of the broad social http://sociologyindex.com/social_anthropology.htm | |
67. Tenure Track/Assistant Professor - Physical Or Social Anthropology - California The Social Sciences Department is currently in the process of developing a new degree in AnthropologyGeography that will emphasize scientific and applied http://www.medanth.org/careers/calpoly.htm | |
68. Social Anthropology - UM Department Of Sociology social anthropology is an interdisciplinary program involving joint participation of the anthropology and sociology departments. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/soc/undergraduate/anthropology.asp | |
69. Department Of Anthropology The Stanford Department of anthropology is distinguished by its A number of Stanford faculty are engaged in the study of the social, cultural, http://anthropology.stanford.edu/ |
70. Internet Resources For Social And Cultural Anthropology A annotated guide to Internet resources from the University of Delaware. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/anth/soccult/internet.htm | |
71. Welcome To EASA: The European Association Of Social Anthropologists The Association seeks to advance anthropology in Europe by organizing biennial conferences and by editing its academic journal, social http://www.easaonline.org/ | |
72. Anthropology : University Of Sussex Welcome to anthropology at the University of Sussex anthropology is a dynamic The anthropology Department is in the School of social Sciences and http://www.sussex.ac.uk/anthropology/ | |
73. Social & Cultural Anthropology Program Describes curriculum and program, gives profiles of faculty, and provides information on applying to the program. http://www.ciis.edu/academics/sca.html | |
74. Social And Cultural Anthropology At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base social and Cultural anthropology at Erratic Impact s Philosophy Research Base. Resources include annotated links, book reviews, new and used books on social http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/social_anthropology.htm | |
75. School Of Human Evolution And Social Change / 2007-2008 General Catalog All students interested in the anthropology minor are encouraged to discuss the options available with a School of Human Evolution and social Change http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/general/t-clas-humevo.html | |
76. Bates College | Anthropology anthropology is a comprehensive discipline that offers students a broad, comparative, and essentially interdisciplinary approach to the study of human life http://www.bates.edu/ANTH.xml | |
77. Site.title Faculty of social Sciences. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY. This site was supported by. Donelai io 52311, 44244, Kaunas. The European Commission Representation http://www.vdu.lt/sociologija/main.php/id/1/lang/2 | |
78. Index Of /dept/cultsoc-anthro DIR, Parent Directory, . DIR, Docs/, 24-Apr-2001 1310, -. DIR, GIFs/, 03-May-2001 1348, -. DIR, JPEGs/, 14-May-2001 1709, - http://www.stanford.edu/dept/cultsoc-anthro/ | |
79. Socialantropologiska Institutionen Information om utbildningar, scheman och forskningsprojekt. http://www.socant.su.se/ | |
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