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21. SkyandTelescope.com - SETI: Searching For Life seti researchers have long had to beg time on instruments built for conventional radio astronomy. Now they re building one of their own. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/resources/seti | |
22. BOINC: Compute For Science BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects like seti@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home, World Community http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php | |
23. Howstuffworks "How SETI Works" The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) is conducted by dedicated scientists everyday. In the movie Contact, Jodie Foster s character, http://www.howstuffworks.com/seti.htm | |
24. SETI@home ( Astroseti ) : Búsqueda De Inteligencia Extraterrestre Translate this page Astroseti colabora con el Instituto seti, entidad asociada a la NASA, realizando las traducciones de sus artículos cientificos al español. http://seti.astroseti.org/setiathome/ | |
25. SETI LEAGUE UK Home Page Using sensitive radio receiving equipment to Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Resources, links and contact details. http://www.jsquared.co.uk/seti-uk/ | |
26. CNS: SETI At Home Problems SSL is where the seti@Home project is located, so the millions of participants helping to analyze data were unable to contact the seti@Home servers. http://www.net.berkeley.edu/setiathome/ | |
27. Legendary Times - Come Search With Us AAS RA, Archaeology, Astronautics seti Research Association, determined to prove in a scientific way, but in layman¹s terms, as to whether or not http://www.legendarytimes.com/ | |
28. SETI Science And Skepticism Are We Alone? Guests Peter Jenniskens Astronomer at the seti Institute Mark Showalter - Astronomer at the seti Institute Nick Bostrom - Philosopher at Oxford http://podcast.seti.org/ | |
29. Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Explore The Cosmos | The Planetary So When NASA s seti project was finally cancelled in 1992, The Planetary Society 02 Sep 04 seti@home Leaders Deny Reports of Likely Extraterrestrial Signal http://www.planetary.org/explore/topics/seti/ | |
30. SETI@home Information In Japanese Translate this page seti seti@home FAQ (seti@home http://www.planetary.or.jp/setiathome/ | |
31. The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory (COSETI Observatory) - The Optical Search The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) in the Optical Spectrum looking for monochromatic and pulsed laser beacon signals. http://www.coseti.org/ | |
32. Slashdot | News Of SETI Signal Just Bad Reporting News Of seti Signal Just Bad Reporting article related to SciFi and Science. http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/218379172/article.pl | |
33. Are We Alone - SETI Institute Science Radio Seth, I know how important this topic is to you, the seti staff, the scientific community, the news media, and the people in Hollywood. http://radio.seti.org/ | |
34. Optical SETI At Berkeley Two optical seti programs at UC Berkeley are described one for continual signals and one for pulsed signals. http://seti.ssl.berkeley.edu/opticalseti/ | |
35. BOINC.SK - Vetko O BOINC A Projektoch SETI@home, LHC@home, Climateprediction.n BOINC.SK Vsetko o BOINC a projektoch seti@home, LHC@home, climateprediction.net, Einstein@Home, ProteinPredictor@Home, BOINC@SIMAP a dalsich. http://www.boinc.sk/ | |
36. EETimes.com - Don't Alienate Yourself: SETI@home Needs You! The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti) needs youyour computer, that is. seti is drowning in radio signals from other worlds, thanks to the http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=205207815 |
37. SETI.Austria: Suche Nach Ausserirdischer Intelligenz - Seti Austria Team - SETI www.setiaustria.at/ 2k - Cached - Similar pages Lick Oseti HomeThese pages describe the optical seti (Search for Extraterrestial The optical seti detector is a triple photometer located at the Cassegrain focus of http://www.setiaustria.at/ | |
38. EME, SETI, Radio Astronomy And DSP For Radio Amateurs (W6/PA0ZN) Dedicated to building bridges between amateur groups and the promotion and preservation of weaksignal communication. http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/ |
39. Seti 1 seti set out to restore this, and increased the territory into Palestine and Syria, and protected the border against the Libyans. He also fought against the http://lexicorient.com/e.o/seti_1.htm | |
40. Amateur SETI: Project BAMBI Design, construction, and initial observational results of a 4GHz amateur radio telescope with circuit board layouts, software, and schematics. http://www.bambi.net/ | |
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