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         Seti:     more books (102)
  1. SETI Scientist (Weird Careers in Science) by Mary Firestone, 2005-11-30
  2. Beyond Contact: A Guide to SETI and Communicating with Alien Civilizations by Brian S. McConnell, 2001-03-15
  3. Tomb of Pharoah Seti I by Eric Hornung, 1997-06-01
  4. The Monuments of Seti I: Epigraphic, Historical and Art Historical Analysis (Probleme Der Agyptologie, 16. Bd) by Peter James Brand, 2000-09-01
  5. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) in the Optical Spectrum III (Proceedings of Spie)
  6. Reencarnacion de Omm Seti (Spanish Edition) by Jonathan Cott, 1992-07
  7. Seti by Fred Fichman, 1990-11-06
  8. Seti: Webster's Timeline History, 1769 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-24
  9. Black Futurists in the Information Age: Vision of a 21st Century Technological Renaissance by Timothy L. Jenkins, Khafra K Om-Ra-Seti, 1997-07-09
  10. 1190s Bc Deaths: 1190 Bc Deaths, 1191 Bc Deaths, 1192 Bc Deaths, 1197 Bc Deaths, 1199 Bc Deaths, Amenmesse, Seti Ii, Chancellor Bay, Siptah
  11. Tolkovyi anglo-russkii slovar sokrashchenii po informatike i programmirovaniiu: Programmnye produkty, telekommunikatsii, kompiutery, seti : 1750 sokrashchenii by S. S Dobrinov, 1994
  12. Razvitie transportno-dorozhnoi seti SSSR v 1941-1945 gg (Russian Edition) by IU. L Diakov, 1997
  13. Seti Pioneers: Scientists Talk About Their Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by David W. Swift, 1990-04
  14. The Seti Factor: How the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Is Changing Our View of the Universe and Ourselves by Frank White, 1990-07

1. SETI Institute
Conducts scientific research on life in the universe.

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Contribute directly to the greatest search in history. When you JOIN TeamSETI, you get a free subsciption to Explorer, the science magazine of the SETI Institute. Join Renew Donate The Mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe.
We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history - to know our beginnings and our place among the stars. SETI Institute - 515 N. Whisman Road - Mountain View, CA 94043 - Phone 650.961.6633 - Fax 650-961-7099
Please send us your questions and comments

2. SETI@home
Currently the largest distributed computing effort with over 3 million users. Participate by running a program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope
What is SETI@home?
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
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Read our rules and policies Download install and run the BOINC software used by SETI@home. When prompted, enter the URL: Have questions or need help? Talk to a live volunteer over Skype using BOINC online help Special instructions: Keep your computer busy when SETI@home has no work - participate in other BOINC-based projects
User of the day
Delong Greetings to the people of planet Earth and of course to any of our Alien visitors that happen to be reading this ;) I live in that most peaceful of...
January 18, 2008

3. SETI - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
seti (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) is the name for a number of organized efforts to detect intelligent extraterrestrial life.
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This article is about the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. On other uses, see Seti
SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence ) is the name for a number of organized efforts to detect intelligent extraterrestrial life . A number of efforts with "SETI" have been organized, including projects funded by the United States Government . The general approach of SETI projects is to survey the sky to detect the existence of transmissions from a civilization on a distant planet, an approach widely endorsed by the scientific community as hard science (see, e.g. , claims in Skeptical Inquirer There are great challenges in searching across the sky for a first transmission that could be characterized as intelligent, since its direction, spectrum and method of communication are all unknown beforehand. SETI projects necessarily make assumptions to narrow the search, and thus no exhaustive search has so far been conducted.

4. SETI@home
seti@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internetconnected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (seti).
What is SETI@home?
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
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Read our rules and policies Download install and run the BOINC software used by SETI@home. When prompted, enter the URL: Have questions or need help? Talk to a live volunteer over Skype using BOINC online help Special instructions: Keep your computer busy when SETI@home has no work - participate in other BOINC-based projects
User of the day
Delong Greetings to the people of planet Earth and of course to any of our Alien visitors that happen to be reading this ;) I live in that most peaceful of...
January 18, 2008

5. The SETI League: Searching For Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
The seti League, Inc. is a membershipsupported, nonprofit {501(c)(3)} educational and scientific organization, devoted to privatizing the electromagnetic
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Are We Alone?
It's a fundamental question, which has haunted humankind since first we realized that the points of light in the night sky are other suns. Today we have the technology to seek a definitive answer! The SETI League, Inc. is participatory science. Founded in 1994, we are the international grass-roots organization dedicated to privatizing the electromagnetic Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Together, fifteen hundred members in five dozen countries on all seven continents are keeping alive the quest for our cosmic companions. Join Us! SETI is a science , not simply a screensaver The SETI League: since 1994 the leading membership-supported, , educational and scientific organization Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Home to Project Argus , the ambitious global Microwave SETI project So What's New? In Memoriam

6. The Planetary Society
We must raise $123000 to keep our seti telescopes and programs operating and upgraded. Your gift today will. • Help keep the Oseti and META II programs

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The Planetary Society is committed to finding that signal. But we need your help. Click here to help us keep the search going. We must raise $123,000 to keep our SETI telescopes and programs operating and upgraded. Your gift today will:
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7. SETI At The University Of California
seti@Home Why let your home computer waste millions of CPU cycles running a screen saver when it could be analyzing seti data? Computer users from around
SETI@Home : Why let your home computer waste millions of CPU cycles running a screen saver when it could be analyzing SETI data? Computer users from around the world are able to participate in this major scientific experiment. SERENDIP : The SERENDIP SETI program is a search for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations; it is currently conducting a sky survey at the world's largest radio telescope. Optical SETI : Instead of listening for radio signals, this new project searches for pulses of light from thousands of nearby stars. CASPER : Center for Signal Processing and Electronics Research

A brief overview of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and Frank Drake in particular. Definitions of the Drake Equation s components and a Drake




The Bookcase

SETI Introduction Contents Timeline

Are we alone?
Is anyone talking?
Is anyone listening?
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is a quest to answer one of life's most intriguing questions: Are we alone in the universe? Yes or no, either answer will have tremendous implications for mankind. Should the answer turn out to be YES, we are alone, then our race would be placed in a position of being the only creatures in existence capable of exploring such questions. We would be the supreme and only intelligence in the cosmos. A staggering thought. If the answer turns out to be NO, we are not alone, then who else is out there? What are they like? What knowledge do they have? How do they act towards other races? What are their philosophies, sciences, and arts? The questions are endless, as are the possibilities. We have the technology to communicate over vast distances - millions of lights years. We are capable of sending and receiving radio signals across the vast expanses of space. Actually we have been sending them for over half a century. All radio, television, and radar signals from Earth leak out into space and spread across the galaxy. Perhaps some other advanced civilization has detected our signals and is now sending their own in an attempt at communication. The only way we'll know is to look and to listen.

9. SETI: Search For Extraterrestrial Life
Dr. Jill Tarter of seti discusses Fermi s Paradox. Scenes from seti@Arecibo Images from seti and beyond our solar system! The Future of Space Exploration

10. JBO - SETI Index
These pages will give you information about the history of seti and the observations being carried out at present. The seti questions page gives answers
SETI Research
These pages will give you information about the history of SETI and the observations being carried out at present. The "SETI questions" page gives answers to some of the questions most commonly asked of SETI scientists. These pages have been awarded the SuperStar website award by the SETI League. Their site can be reached by clicking on the graphic below. SETI at Jodrell SETI observations using the Lovell 76m Radio Telescope. The History of SETI A brief history of SETI from its origins in 1959 to the present day. Project Phoenix A description of Project Phoenix which is now in progress at the radio telescopes at Arecibo and Jodrell Bank. SETI questions Commonly asked questions answered by Jill Tarter, Director of the SETI Institute, and Ian Morison, co-ordinator of the Jodrell Bank SETI observations. The Drake Equation Frank Drake produced an equation containing a number of factors to enable the probability of contacting another civiliation to be estimated. Learn more about SETI Life in the Universe is a part-time distance learning course offered by Jodrell Bank Observatory in which you can learn more about our cosmic origins and the search for extraterrestrial life. The SETI Institute A link to the comprehensive web site of the SETI Institute to learn more about SETI and find links to other SETI web sites.

11. SETI@home: Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence At Home
seti@home is a scientific experiment that will harness the power of hundreds of thousands of Internetconnected computers in the Search for
SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
On December 15, 2005, after 6 years of operation, Classic SETI@home sent out its last workunit. On December 22, we stopped receiving results. The current SETI@home project is up and running. Please join us! The new software uses the BOINC distributed computing platform, which enables your computer to work on other scientific endeavors like SETI@home if you wish. We could all use your CPU cycles! It's easy to switch over - just follow the instructions on the new SETI@home web site . We hope to see everyone there! After the last result is received, the stats for this project will be frozen but will continue to be available on the web. It may take several weeks to clean everything up and syncronize the classic stats with the current SETI@home project. Thanks to all original SETI@home participants for their tremendous dedication to the project. You made SETI@home into something of lasting significance. User of the Day News
June 21, 2005

12. SETI Net
seti Net is not a UFO page but a serious attempt to build the machinery, electronics, and logic to detect a signal.
This is This page refreshes every 10 seconds. Antenna (click to enter SETI Net) Click for the Sky Map A low light level view of the antenna. The camera is looking east. The blue band is the milky way. The horseshoe shape is the available search area limited by antenna movement. T he '+' is the star location being searched. The 'O' is the antenna position. The size of the circle is the beam width. When the '+' and 'O' overlap the antenna is locked and tracking Operating Status (click to enter SETI Net) Click for the Spectrum Analyzer The vertical scale is amplitude in mVolts audio. The horizontal scale is frequency. The 'hump' shape is due to the non-linearity of the DRM audio system used. A peak 20% higher than its 10 neighbors will trigger the alarm and start recording.

13. Harvard SETI Home Page
The Planetary Society; The Bosack/Kruger Charitable Foundation; The seti Institute; The Schulsky Foundation; NASA (until congress cut funding in 1993)
Welcome to the Harvard SETI Home Page
Our research
Our researchers
Our sponsors
  • The Planetary Society
  • The Bosack/Kruger Charitable Foundation
  • The SETI Institute
  • The Schulsky Foundation
  • NASA (until congress cut funding in 1993)
  • Companies that have been nice to us
Other SETI projects and resources

Visit the Horowitz Group Home Page!

14. Egypt: Seti (Sethos) I
seti I was the father of perhaps Egypt s greatest rulers, Ramesses II, and was in his own right also a great leader. His birth name is seti Meryen-ptah,

Seti I
by Jimmy Dunn
Seti I was the father of perhaps Egypt's greatest rulers, Ramesses II , and was in his own right also a great leader. His birth name is Seti Mery-en-ptah, meaning "He of the god Seth, beloved of Ptah. To the Greeks, he was Sethos I, and his throne name was Men-maat-re, meaning "Eternal is the Justice of Re". He ruled Egypt for 13 years (though some Egyptologists differ on this matter, giving him a reign of between 15 and 20 years) from 1291 through 1278 BC. In order to rectify the instability under the Amarna kings, he early on set a policy of major building at home and a committed foreign policy. Seti was the son of Ramesses I and his queen, Sitre. He probably ruled as co-regent, evidenced by an inscription on a statue from Medamud. Seti married into his own military caste. His first wife was Tuya, who was the daughter of a lieutenant of charioteers. His first son died young, but his second son was Ramesses II. There was also a daughter, Tia, and a second daughter named Henutmire, who would become a minor queen of Ramesses II. This was truly a great period in Egypt, and perhaps the greatest in regards to art and culture. In the building projects that Seti I undertook, the quality of the reliefs and other designs were probably never surpassed by later rulers. He is responsible for beginning the great Hypostyle Hall in the

15. SETI@Netherlands --- Do You Think Space Is Empty ---
Translate this page De website van de seti@Netherlands gebruikersgroep. Dit is momenteel de grootste Nederlandse gebruikersgroep van het seti@Home project.

Gebruikers actief : 12

Welkom op de SETI@Netherlands homepage!
SETI@Netherlands, opgericht in september 1999 is de grootste en gezelligste SETI@home club van Nederland. SETI@Netherlands probeert er voor te zorgen zijn leden van het laatste nieuws betreffende SETI@home te voorzien en downloads, links, uitgebreide statistieken etc. aan te bieden voor onze 'crunchers'.
Ben je nog geen lid van SETI@Netherlands, maar wil je dat wel worden ?
Ga dan naar deze pagina waar precies staat hoe je lid kunt worden van ons team.

Als je wel al lid bent van ons team en je hebt al een account aangemaakt op onze site, kun je hier inloggen: Naam: Wachtwoord:
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De SETI@Netherlands agenda
Wat gebeurt er komende maand? 30 januari 2008
Close encounter tussen Mars en asteroide 2007 WD5 30 januari 2008 Lancering THEOS (Thailand Earth Observing System) (GISTDA) 1 februari 2008 Lancering ESA's Planck en Herschel ruimtetelescopen per Ariane 5 raket 7 februari 2008 7 februari 2008 Lancering Space Shuttle Atlantis met ESA mudule Columbus naar het International Space Station 14 februari 2008 Lancering Space Shuttle Endeavour naar het International Space Station 21 februari 2008 Totale maansverduistering zichtbaar in Nederland 22 februari 2008 Flyby van Cassini langs Saturnusmaan Titan 24 februari 2008 Saturnus in Oppositie Wat gebeurde er ook op 25 januari?

16. Seti Home
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17. SETI Australia Centre
Educational science articles from the sky survey conducted at the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
About SETI Australia About SETI SETI Australia Science Contact us SETI Australia is a centre within the
College of Science, Technology and Environment
at the
University of Western Sydney
© SETI Australia Centre 2003 Phone:
overseas + 61 2 4620 3374
overseas +61 2 4620 3075
Mail address:
SETI Australia Centre
University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown Campus,
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia

18. SETI Reseach & Community Development Institute
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Located in Brisbane, Australia.

Who Are We? What are we Looking for? How we do it? ... Another look at "WOW" *New** We have recently recorded several files from our new 5 metre radio telescope that came into service during the month of October 2003. The first is an updated observation at 1420mhz, the second is the SUN at 1420mhz and the 3rd is a signal received at 1296mhz. The last one is interesting if you want to do a DSP on it as it has some interesting characteristics. You can even analyze them if you want. The files are here 1420.wav Sun1420.wav and 1296.wav . During the recent E.M.E. amateur radio contest on the 15th ~ 16th November 03 we were able to record some signals whilst pointing our dish at the moon. This is the file we recorded cq1296.wav and a spectrogram of the event is here. Some of these files are large at 3mb others at 1.4mb. Also, download Your Own Audio Analysis Program here. **NEW** We now have a theme song for you to play. Hope you like it. If you do then sign our guest book and tell us. It can be downloaded in MP3 format here . Called "We Are"

19. Seti Leipzig - Seti @ Home
Translate this page seti Leipzig Boinc Team, Boinc, Boinc, Boinc, Boinc, Boinc.
Seti @ Home Hauptmenü Seti @ Home Boinc-Projekte Boinc-Statistiken Boinc Hardware ... Gästebuch Top5 Artikel ALife@Home Seti Boinc Seti classic Einstein@Home ... Simap Archive Oktober, 2007 September, 2007 August, 2007 Juli, 2007 ... Januar, 2007 Suchen Statistik Mitglieder:
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Boinc Project News October 22, 2007
Montag, 22. Oktober 2007 The BOINC-based BBC Climate Change Experiment has won the prestigious Prix Europa award in the Internet category. Geschrieben von U.C. Berkeley Boinc Project News October 21, 2007 Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007 Conmunix has released version 3.0 beta of Boinc LCS (Live Client State), a PHP script that allows you to monitor the current state and other information from each of your BOINC clients. Geschrieben von U.C. Berkeley

20. SETI: The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
In late 1959 and early 1960, the modern seti era began when Frank Drake conducted the first such seti search at approximately the same time that Giuseppe
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA History Office SETI: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
Since the beginning of civilization, people have wondered if we are alone in the universe or whether there is intelligent life somewhere else. In the late twentieth century, scientists converged upon the basic idea of scanning the sky and "listening" for non-random patterns of electromagnetic emissions such as radio or television waves in order to detect another possible civilization somewhere else in the universe. In late 1959 and early 1960, the modern SETI era began when Frank Drake conducted the first such SETI search at approximately the same time that Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison published a key journal article suggesting this approach. NASA joined in SETI efforts at a low-level in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these SETI-related efforts included Project Orion, the Microwave Observing Project, the High Resolution Microwave Survey, and Toward Other Planetary Systems. On Columbus Day in 1992, NASA initiated a formal, more intensive, SETI program. Less than a year later, however, Congress canceled the program. For more background on SETI history and the cancellation of NASA's SETI program,

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