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1. Satellite, Satellites, Satellite System At SPACE.com Space.com explains satellite phenomena, satellites, satellite systems, satellite images and satellite dishes. http://www.space.com/satellite/ | |
2. Howstuffworks "How Satellites Work" Not so long ago, satellites were exotic, topsecret devices. They were used primarily in a military capacity, for activities such as navigation and http://science.howstuffworks.com/satellite.htm | |
3. LIVE REAL TIME SATELLITE AND SPACE SHUTTLE TRACKING Real time satellite tracking web application. Over 8000 satellites real time tracked. Other thousands of objects in our database. http://www.n2yo.com/ | |
4. How Satellites Work: Teacher Resource In little more than a generation, the launching of a satellite has gone from stopping the nation s business to guaranteeing that it runs like clockwork. http://www.gma.org/surfing/sats.html | |
5. Visual Satellite Observer S Home Page Visual Satellite Observer s Home Page provides information for observing earth satellites. http://www.satobs.org/ |
6. Satellites And Satellite Trackers By understanding the basic physical laws of the universe, we can design satellite orbits to serve many special purposes. Learn about the Orbital Mechanics http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/rocket_sci/satellites/ | |
7. NOAA - National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration - Satellites Provides extensive resources on weather, oceanography and related satellite services by the government in USA. http://www.noaa.gov/satellites.html | |
8. NASA - Science@NASA J-Track 3D Be sure to try the Satellite pulldown menu to choose which satellite you If you don t have Java, here are some of the most popular satellites for http://science.nasa.gov/Realtime/jtrack/3d/JTrack3D.html | |
9. Amateur Satellites : Operating Modes: Satellites Amateur Satellite FAQ Beginner guide to amateur satellite, with tech info about accessories, antennas, and frequencies. http://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Operating_Modes/Satellites/ | |
10. Satellites: Surfing The Net With Kids The best satellite sites on the Web for families (from the United Feature Syndicate) rated and reviewed. http://www.surfnetkids.com/satellite.htm | |
11. Satellites The system comprises several satellites that provide worldwide, secure, twoway X-band communications and continental United States Air Force Strategic http://www.aero.org/programs/satellites.html | |
12. Universe Today » Satellites On Saturday night, the largest US rocket blasted off, carrying a 2.3 tonne Defense Support Program satellite into orbit. This was the second time a Delta http://www.universetoday.com/category/satellites/ | |
13. Department Of Commerce Home Page - Satellites As an integral part of worldwide search and rescue, NOAA operates the Search Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (SARSAT) System to locate those in distress http://www.commerce.gov/satellites.html | |
14. Satellites satellites are subviral agents composed of nucleic acid molecules that depend for their productive multiplication on co-infection of a host cell with a http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/Ictv/fs_satel.htm | |
15. MySpace.com - Satellites - Mallorca, Mediterranean Sea And London, UK - Experime MySpace music profile for satellites with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more. http://www.myspace.com/satelliteslondon | |
16. Space Today Online - Space Satellites NASA artist conception of Terra satellite in orbit above Earth Terra satellite observing Earth Read About Unusual and Interesting Space satellites http://www.spacetoday.org/Satellites.html | |
17. Surveillance By Satellite In the USA, the only entities that are allowed to own and operate satellites even if they are used to do scientific research, or to provide commercial http://www.notbored.org/satellites.html | |
18. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Satellites On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I, the world s first artificial satellite. About the size of a basketball, and weighing http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/technology/tools/satellites/satellites.html | |
19. Cosmos4Kids.com: Exploration: Satellites Let s start by saying that there are satellites that orbit the Earth. They are unmanned and do not leave the orbit of the Earth. http://www.cosmos4kids.com/files/explore_satellite.html | |
20. Celestial Mechanics - SATELLITES A predominant section of Celestial Mechanics is the satellite visualization sections. The image below was generated from the orbits of Low Orbiting http://www.cmlab.com/sats.php | |
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