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61. Reptile Reproduction Some reptiles lay eggs and others deliver live young. http://www.exoticpetvet.net/reptile/rerepro.html | |
62. Reptiles At The Alaska Zoo Information on the reptiles housed at the Alaska Zoo. http://www.alaskazoo.org/reptilehome.htm | |
63. Snake For Live Reptiles - Welcome To The Reptile Center We boast probably the largest selection of boids in the country as well as a full inventory of pythons, king and milk snakes, corns, Asian rat snakes, http://www.thereptilecenter.com/Live-Reptiles_Snake | |
64. EXOTIC ENCOUNTER REPTILES Our goal is to provide only the best captive bred reptiles available anywhere through selectively breeding from strong healthy animals. http://www.eereptiles.com/ | |
65. Pet Reptiles Information - Petreptiles.com Information on keeping reptiles as pets. We discuss various types of reptile, and their suitability as a pet. http://www.petreptiles.com/ | |
66. Reptile Frames Family Tree of Idaho reptiles A diagram (cladogram) of the evolutionary history of the Idaho reptile families. Identification Pages These pages are http://imnh.isu.edu/digitalatlas/bio/reptile/main/repfram.htm | |
67. REPTILES - An Illustrated Guide To Reptiles In Britain All reptiles are coldblooded creatures and in winter they hibernate under logs or discarded building material or in burrows in soft earth, where they can http://www.first-nature.com/reptiles/ | |
68. Reptiles For Sale - Oodle.com Browse hundreds of reptiles For Sale in with photos from private sellers, breeders of reptiles, adoption groups, and reptiles classifieds. http://www.oodle.com/sale/pet/reptile/ | |
69. Crystal Palace Reptiles Supplier of snakes, lizards, tarantulas, frogs and insects. http://www.crystalpalacereptiles.com/ | |
70. Lesson Exchange: Amphibians And Reptiles (Elementary, Science) Summary Through various Internet sites, books, activities, and videos, students will be able to classify animals as either reptiles or amphibians. http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/424.html | |
71. Reptile Skulls The Reptilian skull ranges from the reduced, loosely joined, or kinetic skull of snakes to the large, solid skull of the crocodiles. http://www.skullsunlimited.com/reptiles.htm | |
72. BUBL LINK: Reptiles Information is divided into categories headed big game, marine mammals, small game, birds, furbearers, fish, shellfish, and amphibians and reptiles. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/r/reptiles.htm | |
73. Upscale Reptiles - Promoters Of Northern California's Premiere Reptile Expos! Upscale reptiles Promoters of Northern California s premiere reptile expos. http://www.upscalereptiles.com/htm/vendors_sanjose.html | |
74. Buy Reptiles.com - Reptiles Snakes, Etc. reptiles, snakes, and lizards. Sources for reptiles, snakes, and lizards. Learn about snakes, lizards, and reptiles of all sorts. http://www.buyreptiles.com/ | |
75. Reptiles: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati Videos about reptiles. Reptile Tour 1; reptiles Komodo Dragons; San Diego Posts tagged reptiles per day for the past 30 days. http://technorati.com/tag/reptiles | |
76. USGS Biological Resources Status And Trends - Our Science - Reptiles USGS Status and Trends of Biological Resources Program, Our Science, reptiles. http://biology.usgs.gov/status_trends/reptiles.html | |
77. Restoring, Managing Habitat For Reptiles, Amphibians | Iowa NRCS Iowa houses a diverse assembly of reptiles and amphibians, collectively called herpetofauna. Iowa is inhabited by 22 species of amphibians and 46 species of http://www.ia.nrcs.usda.gov/News/brochures/ReptilesAmphibians.html | |
78. Reptiles Most reptiles live about 15 years (except turtles/tortoises that live to be many decades or centuries). Some captivebred reptiles, like bearded dragons, http://www.gotpetsonline.com/pictures/gallery/reptiles/all-by-photo/ | |
79. Reptile: Definition And Much More From Answers.com reptile n. Any of various coldblooded, usually egg-laying vertebrates of the class Reptilia, such as a snake, lizard, crocodile, turtle, or. http://www.answers.com/topic/reptile | |
80. Kingsnake.com - The Information Portal For Reptile And Amphibian Hobbyists. Information on reptile and amphibian related husbandry and reproduction. http://www.kingsnake.com/ | |
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