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21. Radon The potential hazard of radiation exposures to radon gas and its daughter products from natural background has been highlighted in the press and has become http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/radon.htm | |
22. Bureau Of Radiation Protection--Radon Division DEP Finds Elevated radon Levels in Radiumcontaminated Lock Haven Building; Will Advise Business Owner, Tenants of Remediation Options (January 7, 2008) http://www.dep.state.pa.us/brp/Radon_Division/Radon_Homepage.htm | |
23. WHO | Radon Exposure to radon in the home and workplace is one of the main risks of ionizing radiation causing tens of thousands of deaths from lung cancer each year http://www.who.int/ionizing_radiation/env/radon/en/ | |
24. Radon Boats -- Quality Sportfishing And Diving Boats For over 30 years, radon has been the benchmark by which all commercial diving, fishing and hard core sport boats are measured. http://www.radonboats.com/ | |
25. What Is Radon? radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is formed as natural deposits of uranium throughout the earths crust decay. http://www.state.sd.us/DENR/DES/AirQuality/radon1.htm | |
26. Radon It is essentially inert and occupies the last place in the zero group of gases in the Periodic Table. Since 1923, it has been called radon. http://periodic.lanl.gov/elements/86.html | |
27. DEQ Radon Redirect Department of Environmental Quality The Michigan Indoor radon Program is a non-regulatory program. It s purpose is to increase awareness of the health http://www.michigan.gov/deqradon |
28. OSH Answers: Radon In Buildings What is radon? What are the health effects of radon? What do uranium and radon have in common? http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/phys_agents/radon.html | |
29. IEMA Division Of Nuclear Safety The Illinois Emergency Management Agency radon program staff informs Illinois citizens about the risks associated with radon and how to reduce radon levels http://www.state.il.us/iema/radon/radon.htm | |
30. Radon Infomation on radon general properties, states, energies, appearance and characteristics. http://www.chemicool.com/elements/radon.html | |
31. Radon Project Of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory And Uses information about location of home, and house construction, to suggest whether or not to test for radon. http://www.stat.columbia.edu/radon/ |
32. Wyoming Department Of Health General Info on radon Project. Approximately onethird of all homes in Wyoming have radon levels above EPAs action level of 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per http://wdh.state.wy.us/radon/index.asp | |
33. Wisconsin Radon Program radon is a naturally occurring, odorless radioactive gas that causes lung cancer. Between five and ten percent of the homes in Wisconsin have radon levels http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/dph_beh/radonprot/ | |
34. National Radon Safety Board Providing independent certification, approval and accreditation for radon testers, mitigators, measurement devices, calibration chambers and radon http://www.nrsb.org/ | |
35. Ohio Radon Information Systems Web Site Ohio radon Information Systems Web Site is one of the most exhaustive web sites on radon. It has information on various radonrelated topics such as health http://radon.utoledo.edu/ | |
36. It's Elemental - The Element Radon The Element radon Basic Physical and Historical Information. http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/ele086.html | |
37. Radiological Health / Radon radon is a gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. It occurs naturally in the earth, but can become a problem when it builds http://www.health.state.ny.us/environmental/radiological/radon/ | |
38. National Radon Proficiency Program radon, gas, radon gas, radon mitigation, radon measurement, radon laboratories, NEHA, NRPP, radon proficiency, radioactivity, radiation, indoor air quality, http://www.neha-nrpp.org/ | |
39. High-radon Web Page radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the radioactive decay of radium. Breathing high concentrations of radon can cause lung http://eetd.lbl.gov/IEP/high-radon/hr.html | |
40. Radon Control Program The RI radon Control Program is located in the Department of Health s Office of Occupational Health, Indoor Air Quality Program. http://www.health.ri.gov/environment/occupational/radon/index.php | |
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