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41. Evolution Happens Radiometric Dating Page APPENDIX Common Misconceptions Regarding radiometric dating Methods From radiometric dating A Christian Perspective, 2nd Edition, by Dr. Roger C. Wiens. http://www.evolutionhappens.net/radiometric.htm | |
42. Radiometric Dating, Or Isotopic Dating, Or Radioactive Dating (chronology) -- B Cenozoic Era, geological time scale, hydrology, mass spectrometry, plate tectonics, research, tektites, lunar rocks, meteorites, origin of chemical elements http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-489205/radiometric-dating | |
43. NCSE Resource radiometric dating of rocks and minerals using naturally occurring, longlived radioactive isotopes is troublesome for young-earth creationists because the http://www.ncseweb.org/resources/rncse_content/vol20/4180_radiometeric_dating_do | |
by G. Brent Dalrymple Originally published in RNCSE 20 (3): 14-19. The version on the web might differ slightly from the print publication. The creationist approach of focusing on examples where radiometric dating yields incorrect results is a curious one for two reasons. First, it provides no evidence whatsoever to support their claim that the earth is very young. If the earth were only 600010 000 years old, then surely there should be some scientific evidence to confirm that hypothesis; yet the creationists have produced not a shred of it so far. Where are the data and age calculations that result in a consistent set of ages for all rocks on earth, as well as those from the moon and the meteorites, no greater than 10 000 years? Glaringly absent, it seems. Second, it is an approach doomed to failure at the outset. Creationists seem to think that a few examples of incorrect radiometric ages invalidate all of the results of radiometric dating, but such a conclusion is illogical. Even things that work well do not work well all of the time and under all circumstances. Try, for example, wearing a watch that is not waterproof while swimming. It will probably fail, but what would a reasonable person conclude from that? That watches do not work? Hardly. A few verified examples of incorrect radiometric ages are simply insufficient to prove that radiometric dating is invalid. All they indicate is that the methods are not infallible. Those of us who have developed and used dating techniques to solve scientific problems are well aware that the systems are not perfect; we ourselves have provided numerous examples of instances in which the techniques fail. We often test them under controlled conditions to learn when and why they fail so we will not use them incorrectly. We have even discredited entire techniques. For example, after extensive testing over many years, it was concluded that uranium-helium dating is highly unreliable because the small helium atom diffuses easily out of minerals over geologic time. As a result, this method is not used except in rare and highly specialized applications. Other dating techniques, like K-Ar (potassium-argon and its more recent variant | |
44. Radiometric Dating One of the tools at the disposal of researchers is the radiometric dating technique. There are many such techniques, but each relies on the principle http://anthropology.si.edu/humanorigins/whatshot/1998/radio.html | |
45. Radiometric Dating Radiometric measurements of time discusses how geological time can be measured accurately by looking at the decay rate of radioactive components. http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/evolution/RadiometricDating.shtml | |
46. Radiometeric Dating Links radiometric dating uses the known decay rates of radioactive elements to The following links provide extensive evidence that radiometric dating methods http://paleo.cc/ce/dating.htm | |
47. Mick's Blog » Radiometric Dating:A Christian Perspective radiometric datingthe process of determining the age of rocks from the decay of their radioactive elementshas been in widespread use for over half a http://blog.planetpreterist.com/index.php?itemid=461 |
48. HDER Chapter 12 Answer The radiometric dating methods rely upon radioactive elements contained in Do the radiometric dating methods possess the three qualifications to http://www.parentcompany.com/handy_dandy/hder12.htm | |
49. Radiometric Dating@Everything2.com The principles explained above are central to the various specific practices of radiometric dating. Below are four basic types of this technique. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1214594 |
50. Geology: Radiometric Dating Kimberly, radiometric dating is just one line of evidence of the great age of Earth and the Universe. You correctly see that the crux of this method relies http://en.allexperts.com/q/Geology-1359/radiometric-dating-1.htm | |
51. Radiometric Dating Flaws The validity of radiometric dating depends upon the three listed assumptions being correct. The decay rate being a constant is probably true but the other http://emporium.turnpike.net/C/cs/basics/sld024.htm | |
52. Radiometric Dating Definition of radiometric dating. See a map of radiometric dating in the Visual Thesaurus Cite Print Email; Bookmark http://www.infoplease.com/ipd/A0614793.html | |
53. Radiometric Dating - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Radiometric Dating Hutchinson encyclopedia article about radiometric dating. radiometric dating. Information about radiometric dating in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Radiometric dating | |
54. Siberian Traps - Radiometric Dating Published radiometric ages, coded according to technique and sample type, for the Siberian Traps and contiguous regions. Modified after Figure 2 in Reichow http://www.le.ac.uk/gl/ads/SiberianTraps/Dating.html | |
55. Geologic Radiometric It was not until radiometric dating that paleontologist and geologist could put radiometric dating is based upon a simple chemical property of isotopes. http://www.starsandseas.com/SAS Evolution/SAS geoltime/geotime_radiometric.htm | |
56. Carbon Dating: Why You Cant Trust It Or Other Radiometric Dating Methods. Creati reasons why you cant trust carbon dating creationist creationism evolution dinosaurs. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/dinosaurs/carbondating.html | |
57. Radiometric Dating Is the Earth really billions of years old? radiometric dating does not prove an Old Earth any more than recorded history proves a young one. http://www.earthage.org/EarthOldorYoung/Radiometric Dating, and The Age of the E | |
58. A Radiometric Dating Resource List The real heart of the ageof-the-earth debate (if debate is the right word) is always radiometric dating. There are lots of ways to guesstimate ages, http://www.evcforum.net/RefLib/RadiometricDatingEvo.html | |
59. Dating Fossils II: Radiometric Dating radiometric dating is a more precise type of dating used on fossils. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/4003/38275 | |
60. How Does Radiometric Dating Fit With The View Of A Young Earth? How does radiometric dating fit with the view of a young earth? Is the earth billions of years old, or thousands of years old? http://www.gotquestions.org/radiometric-dating.html | |
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