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21. Daily Herald | Countries Store Radioactive Waste Differently daily herald is suburban chicago s largest daily newspaper. the daily herald provides a local perspective with local content such as the northwest suburbs http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=116490 |
22. Physics Today News Picks: Can Pac-Man Save Us From Radioactive Waste? Can PacMan Save Us From radioactive waste? ScienceNow If chemicals were people, uranium dioxide would be the guy standing alone with his drink at a party. http://blogs.physicstoday.org/newspicks/2008/01/can_pacman_save_us_from_radioa.h | |
23. U.S. Department Of Energy - Central Internet Database Data and reports from the US Department of Energy (DOE) on spent fuel and radioactive waste inventories, waste management and sites cleanup. http://cid.em.doe.gov/ |
24. IEER On-Line Classroom: Classifications Of Nuclear Waste For more information on radioactive waste, a critique of current policies, radioactive waste In general, radioactive waste classes are based on the http://www.ieer.org/clssroom/r-waste.html | |
25. NJ LLRW Disposal Facility Siting Board For information on lowlevel radioactive waste http//www.nj.gov/dep/rpp/llrw; For information on science teacher workshops http://www.state.nj.us/llrwsb/ | |
26. Welcome To CoRWM The Committee on radioactive waste Management (CoRWM) was set up in 2003 to provide independent advice to Government on the longterm management of the UK s http://www.corwm.org.uk/ | |
27. UIUC Radioactive Waste Management Solid radioactive waste can be broken down into two categories waste that contains radioisotopes with halflives of greater than 90 days, and waste that http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/rss/factsheets/waste.aspx | |
28. S.C. Energy Office Information about the Stateowned low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Barnwell County. Provides customer access information. http://www.energy.sc.gov/index.aspx?m=8 |
29. DEQ - Low Level Radioactive Waste Department of Environmental Quality DEQ Waste Low Level radioactive waste. http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3312_24659---,00.html | |
30. Uranium And Radioactive Waste Division Uranium and radioactive waste DivisionThe Energy Sector of Natural Resources Canada is responsible for developing Canadian policy on all energy sources. http://www2.nrcan.gc.ca/es/erb/erb/english/view.asp?x=17 |
31. Radioactive Waste :: United Nations System-Wide EARTHWATCH The Long Term Storage of radioactive waste Safety and Sustainability IAEA, 2003. radioactive waste Management Turning Options into Solutions http://earthwatch.unep.net/radioactivewaste/index.php | |
32. Radioactive Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy ORDER Washington, D.C. DOE O 435.1 Approved 79-99 Review 7-9-01 Change 1 8-28-01 Certified 1-9-07 SUBJECT radioactive waste http://www.directives.doe.gov/pdfs/doe/doetext/neword/435/o4351c1.html | |
33. SCADPlus: Management Of Spent Nuclear Fuel And Radioactive Waste The Commission is proposing to help establish a high level of nuclear safety in the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in the Member http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l27048.htm | |
34. Radioactive Nimby: No One Wants Nuclear Waste - New York Times More than a half century after the opening of the first commercial reactor, there is still no permanent disposal site for highly radioactive waste. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/07/business/businessspecial3/07nuke.html | |
35. Welcome To LLRWMO - Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office The LLRWMO (Low Level radioactive waste Management Office) addresses public information needs related to specific historic waste projects and to lowlevel http://www.llrwmo.org/ | |
36. Radioactive Waste - The Issue Since 1954, the United States has been generating electricity from nuclear power and storing the subsequent waste. Once a highly publicized concern, http://theissue.com/weht/6500.html | |
37. Waste: Radioactive Wastes radioactive waste has four main categories lowlevel radioactive waste, high-level radioactive waste, naturally occurring radioactive material, http://www.texasep.org/html/wst/wst_6ird.html | |
38. Southwestern Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission The Southwestern LowLevel radioactive waste Commission, established under Public Law 100-712, is the governing body for the Southwestern Low-Level http://www.swllrwcc.org/ | |
39. The Impact Of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Policy On Biomedical Resear Committee on the Impact of LowLevel radioactive waste Management Policy on Biomedical Research in the United States, Board on Radiation Effects Research, http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10064.html | |
40. Arms Control Association: Arms Control Today: Faux Renaissance: Global Warming, Faux Renaissance Global Warming, radioactive waste Disposal, and the Nuclear Future. Harold A. Feiveson. Over the past 20 years, there has been little or http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2007_05/feiveson.asp | |
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