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1. Quantum Mechanics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In physics, quantum mechanics is the study of the relationship between energy quanta (radiation) and matter, in particular that between valence shell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics | |
2. Quantum Mechanics Article which teaches the basics of quantum mechanics with help of digital videos showing the time evolution of wave packets in various potentials, http://msc.phys.rug.nl/quantummechanics/ | |
3. Quantum Mechanics (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) quantum mechanics is, at least at first glance and at least in part, a mathematical machine for predicting the behaviors of microscopic particles or, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qm/ | |
4. Visual Quantum Mechanics Instructional units that introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math http://phys.educ.ksu.edu/ | |
5. Todd's Quantum Intro A brief overview of quantum mechanics. http://www.hi.is/~hj/QuantumMechanics/quantum.html | |
6. Measurement In Quantum Mechanics FAQ Lucid description of exisitng Interpretations and their problems, acessible to general public. http://www.mtnmath.com/faq/meas-qm.html | |
7. 2. Some Basic Ideas About Quantum Mechanics Modern physics is dominated by the concepts of quantum mechanics. This page aims to give a brief introduction to some of these ideas. http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/qsystems/people/jenkins/mbody/mbody2.html | |
8. Quantum Mechanics History An overview of the development of quantum mechanics. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/The_Quantum_age_begins.ht | |
9. Quantum Mechanics This is the first part of a quantum mechanics class for graduate students. All instructional materials for this class will be distributed electronically http://electron6.phys.utk.edu/QM1/ | |
10. Physics Virtual Bookshelf: Quantum Mechanics A collection of articles explaining basic concepts in quantum mechanics. http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/QM.html | |
11. An Introduction To Quantum Mechanics Answers the questions, 1. What is a Wave Function? and 2. What is an Orbital? http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/betha/qm/ | |
12. Homepage Of Visual Quantum Mechanics Contains a collection of QuickTime movies showing solutions of the Schrödinger and Dirac equation and the homepage of the book Visual quantum mechanics by http://www.uni-graz.at/imawww/vqm/ |
13. Quantum Mechanics I walet.phy.umist.ac.uk/QM/LectureNotes/ 3k - Cached - Similar pages quantum mechanicsA complete set of lecture notes for a graduate quantum mechanics course. Topics covered include fundamentals of quantum mechanics, angular momentum, http://walet.phy.umist.ac.uk/QM/LectureNotes/ | |
14. Quantum Mechanics -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Physics quantum mechanics is the description of motion and interaction of particles at the small scales where the discrete nature of the physical world becomes http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/QuantumMechanics.html | |
15. Visual Quantum Mechanics A complete course on Lasers and their applications (text, drawings, and Java applets). Explains basic physical principles, with numerical examples, http://web.phys.ksu.edu/vqm/ | |
16. UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video And Podcasts: Physics 137A Physics 137A Fall 2007 - Introduction to the methods of quantum mechanics with applications to atomic, molecular, solid state, nuclear and elementary http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=1906978479 |
17. Time Development Of Quantum Mechanical Systems Welcome to the world of quantum mechanics! Change to Hungarian language. This document presents the results of the solution of the time dependent http://www.phy.bme.hu/education/schrd/index.html | |
18. Quantum Mechanics -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on quantum mechanics science dealing with the behaviour of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9110312/quantum-mechanics | |
19. Quantum Mechanics quantum mechanics, the branch of mathematical physics that deals with atomic and subatomic systems and their interaction with radiation in terms of http://www.mtmi.vu.lt/pfk/funkc_dariniai/quant_mech/index.html | |
20. The Transactional Interpretation Of Quantum Mechanics A comprehensive review of the historical interpretations of quantum mechanics, as well as a new proposal. http://www.npl.washington.edu/npl/int_rep/tiqm/TI_toc.html | |
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