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21. Audio Metallurgy High End Audio Cables Interconnects Makes and sells a line of high end audio cables including speaker cables and interconnects. http://www.audiometallurgy.com/ | |
22. Materials Engineering Jobs, Materials Jobs, Metallurgy Jobs, Polymer Jobs, Ceram Materials jobs, metallurgical jobs, polymer jobs, ceramic jobs, chemistry jobs, metallurgist, materials engineer, metallurgical engineer,polymer, polymers, http://www.materialsjobs.com/ | |
23. SCI-BYTES: Metallurgy: High-Impact U.S. Universities, 2002-06 metallurgy HighImpact U.S. Universities, 2002-06. Ranked by average citations per paper, among the top 100 federally funded U.S. universities that http://www.in-cites.com/research/2007/may_14_2007-1.html | |
24. The AusIMM Represents the interests of professionals associated in all facets of the mining, exploration and minerals processing industries. Includes education, events http://www.ausimm.com.au/ | |
25. IngentaConnect Publication: Powder Metallurgy Powder metallurgy. ISSN 00325899, Online ISSN 1743-2901 visit publication homepage Powder metallurgy logo Maney Publishing logo Institute of http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/pm | |
26. Ancient Metallurgy Research Group: University Of Bradford Department of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bradford, UK. http://www.bradford.ac.uk/archsci/depart/resgrp/amrg/amrginfo.htm | |
27. The Historical Metallurgy Society Forum for exchange of information and research in the subject. Annual conference. Publishes annual journal Historical metallurgy (contents list of all http://www.hist-met.org/ | |
28. Minnesota Metallurgy --- A Mining Co. Continue. http://www.minnesotametallurgy.com/ | |
29. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Materials Science And Metallurgy Department of Materials Science and metallurgy. http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/ | |
30. CMBE Department Website Graduate and undergraduate education and research in materials science and engineering with an emphasis on metals, alloys, ceramics and composites. http://www.engr.uconn.edu/cmbe/ |
31. Welding & Metallurgy Food Science. Materials Engineering. Textile Technology. Welding and metallurgy Sections for Welding metallurgy. Dictionaries and standards http://www.woodheadpublishing.com/en/menuList.aspx?name=Welding |
32. Metallurgy metallurgy is a domain of materials science and of materials engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements and their http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/m/metallurgy.htm | |
33. Canadian Institute Of Mining, Metallurgy And Petroleum Technical society of professionals in the minerals, metals, materials and energy industries. Organization information, upcoming events, information about http://www.cim.org/ | |
34. Welcome To The EPMA Welcome to the European Powder metallurgy Association. In this website you will find information on all areas of Powder metallurgy and obtain details of the http://www.epma.com/ | |
35. Maney Publishing - Search Our Catalogue Powder metallurgy is an international journal publishing peer reviewed original research on the science and practice of powder metallurgy and particulate http://www.maney.co.uk/journals/powder |
36. ZINC METALLURGY - Introduction Information on Zinc metallurgy. http://prchandna.tripod.com/zinc.htm | |
37. The Historical Metallurgy Society Sorry! We have moved. Please update your bookmark to. histmet.org. We have told lots of search engines . Click here to be magically transported there! http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PeteHutch/start.htm |
38. Metallurgy Tech Cell On Thefabricator.com A comprehensive collection of metallurgy suppliers and applications information for the metalworking and manufacturing industries, including Technical http://www.thefabricator.com/Metallurgy/Metallurgy_TechCell.cfm | |
39. Hoeganaes Corporation: Prealloyed Iron Powder Metallurgy, Atomized Iron And Stee World s largest producer of ferrous metal powders used extensively in the powder metallurgy (P/M) process for fabricating a wide range of parts for http://www.hoeganaes.com/ | |
40. SAIMM Support the needs for technological and scientific knowledge of the minerals and metals sectors in South Africa. Includes membership, publications, events, http://www.saimm.co.za/ | |
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