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21. "Information Resources On Marine Mammals" Thus, all marine mammals used for public exhibition or research are regulated under the AWA. This includes cetaceans (i.e. whales, dolphins) and pinnipeds http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/MarineMammals/MarineMammals.htm | |
22. Marine Mammals Management . Photo of walrus family. USFWS/Joel GarlichMiller Walrus Family. Last Reviewed April 2007......Marine Mammal s title bar. marine mammals http://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/mmm/index.htm | |
23. MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT: Summary From Federal Wildlife Laws Handbook The Act establishes a federal responsibility to conserve marine mammals, with management vested in the Department of Commerce for cetaceans and pinnipeds http://ipl.unm.edu/cwl/fedbook/mmpa.html | |
24. Marine Mammal Care Center, San Pedro CA The Center also features exhibits and educational information on marine mammals. They are open 365 days a year, from 8 AM to 4 PM. Admission free. http://www.sanpedrochamber.com/champint/mamalctr.htm | |
25. Marine Mammals On The Web Information and links about marine mammals from a former dolphin and sea lion trainer. http://mmotw.paraphysics.com/ | |
26. AOOS - Kids Can you name five different marine mammals? Unlike fish, which usually lay Polar bears are considered marine mammals because they spend their time on http://ak.aoos.org/op/eo/index.php?act=animals |
27. COSMOS At The University Of California Santa Cruz Yet living in the ocean creates a paradox marine mammals must hold their breath to forage Over evolutionary time, marine mammals have acquired amazing http://epc.ucsc.edu/cosmos/cluster8.shtml | |
28. CCEHBR: Marine Mammals The LMR team consists of two programs, the Environmental Genetics Program (EGP) and the Marine Mammal and Protected Resources Program (MMPR). http://www.chbr.noaa.gov/default.aspx?category=mm&pageName=mammals |
29. Marine Mammal Management Marine Mammal Management is an interdisciplinary course, open to everyone who has an interest in the marine mammals and their Management. http://www.nova.edu/ocean/marmam/marmam.html | |
30. SIMoN -- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Photos and brief descriptions about local marine mammals and other marine Research project that studies marine mammals, with sea lions and people http://www.mbnms-simon.org/sections/marineMammals/education.php?sec=mm |
31. Marine Mammals marine mammals are thought to evolve from terrestrial ancestors that adapted to aquatic life over time and have adaptations to live in their aquatic http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/Marine-Mammals/ | |
32. Scientific American: Brain Proteins Seal Marine Mammal Feats Specific proteins found in the brains of marine mammals may be behind their ability to stay underwater for long periods without suffering oxygen deprivation http://www.sciam.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=1E60C294-0F99-741D-94E1007E3B6A5AE9 |
33. Why Diving Marine Mammals Resist Brain Damage From Low Oxygen No human can survive longer than a few minutes underwater, and even a welltrained Olympic swimmer needs frequent gulps of air. Our brains need a constant http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071218192033.htm | |
34. Ocean Noise And Marine Mammals OCEAN NOISE AND marine mammals Committee on Potential Impacts of Ambient Noise in the Ocean on marine mammals Ocean Studies Board Division on Earth and Life http://www.nap.edu/books/0309085365/html/ | |
35. Marine Mammals- Bridge Gulf of Maine Aquarium marine mammals Find information on cetacean behavior, communication, social structure, adaptations, interactions with humans, http://www.vims.edu/bridge/mammal.html | |
36. Steller Sea Lions: Marine Mammal Research Consortium The North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Research Consortium is conducting a longterm research program on marine mammals and their interactions with http://www.marinemammal.org/ | |
37. PETA Media Center > Factsheets > Marine Mammal Parks: Chlorinated Prisons However, while captive marine mammals are not subject to predators or ocean pollution, their captivity is nevertheless a death sentence. http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=63 |
38. Marine Mammals And Sea Turtles Stranding Progam marine mammals (whales, dolphins and seals) and marine turtles are protected species under the jurisdiction of two U.S. government agencies, the National http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/oxford/research/fwh/strandingprogram.html | |
39. Ocean Life: Mammals -Characteristics marine mammals have adapted to life in the ocean. More than 100 mammals depend on the ocean for most or all of their life needs. marine mammals have all the http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/life/mammals1.htm | |
40. Marine Mammals Of The World This is a worldwide guide for the identification of marine mammals and those cetaceans, seals, and sirenians also found in freshwater. http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/t0725e/t0725e00.htm | |
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